News on the topic: criminal prosecution

27.01.2011 Journalist Vaskovich’s term of detention prolonged for two months

Babruisk journalist of the “Babruisk Courier” newspaper Yauhen Vaskovich’s term of detention has been prolonged for two months. He was detained in Mahileu on January 17. His mother was informed that he had been arrested for 10 days for an act of hooliganism he was said to have committed on January 16. It became known that a criminal case was started against him later, reports Radio Liberty.

Uladzimer Kobets released from KGB prison

27.01.2011 Uladzimer Kobets released from KGB prison

On 26 January, Uladzimer Kobets, former campaign chief of Andrei Sannikau, was released from the KGB prison on recognizance not to leave.

26.01.2011 First cases on "mass disturbances" to be transferred to court in beginning of February

The first cases of participants of the December 19 action in Minsk will be transferred to the court in the beginning of February. The Minister of Internal Affairs Anatol Kuliashou has informed this at the press-conference in Minsk.

Three more accused in mass riot case

26.01.2011 Three more accused in mass riot case

Three more persons, Dzmitry Bulanau, Aliaksnadr Kviavtkevich and Vasil Parfiankou have been officially charged with participation in the 19 December mass riot. In total, there are 36 persons accused in the criminal case.

Russian national may be deprived of Belarusian residence permit for participation in mass riots

26.01.2011 Russian national may be deprived of Belarusian residence permit for participation in mass riots

On 24 January, the mother of Ivan Gaponov, who is facing criminal charges for participation in the 19 mass riots, was told her son might be deprived of Belarusian residence permit.

Detention of activist Dziadok extended till 6 March

26.01.2011 Detention of activist Dziadok extended till 6 March

The detention of Mikalai Dziadok, accused in the anarchists’ case, has been extended till 6 March.

Activist Mirzayanau is another suspect in mass riot case

26.01.2011 Activist Mirzayanau is another suspect in mass riot case

Fiodar Mirzayanau, detained on 25 January by the KGB, has been declared another suspect in the mass riot criminal case.

General Prosecutor’s Office misinforms Belarusian citizens and international community

25.01.2011 General Prosecutor’s Office misinforms Belarusian citizens and international community

The persons in custody at the KGB pre-trial prison are provided with access to legal protection and visits by their relatives, says Belarusian General Prosecutor’s Office spokesman in an interview with the BelaPAN news agency. However, according to information of the Human Rights center “Viasna”, the statement of the prosecuting authorities is not true.

24.01.2011 Four anarchists to stay in jail until spring

The term of detention of the four social activists arrested in autumn has been prolonged. Mikalai Dzyadok will stay in jail until March 6 and the term of the investigation of his case has been prolonged until April 9. Ihar Alinevich, Maxim Vetkin and Alyaksandr Frantskevich will stay behind bars until April.

Illya Vasilevich faces criminal charges

20.01.2011 Illya Vasilevich faces criminal charges

One of the former suspects in the 19 December mass riots criminal case Illya Vasilevich has been officially charged under Article 293 of the Criminal Code.

UCP activist Sachyuka charged with perjury

19.01.2011 UCP activist Sachyuka charged with perjury

On 19 January, Minsk police detained United Civil Party member Siarhei Sachyuka. The activist was reportedly charged with providing false testimony to the KGB investigators, as he was serving his 10-day sentence for participating in the 19 December post-election protest rally.

15.01.2011 Head of BPF Youth Vitsebsk branch detained by unidentified people

Aliaksandr Kuzniatsou, the Chairperson of the Vitsebsk branch of the BPF Youth and an electioneering agent of the presidential candidate Ryhor Kastusiou was forcedly pulled into a car without number plates in presence of a friend of his.

Aliaksandr Vasileuski – another suspect in ‘mass riot’ case

14.01.2011 Aliaksandr Vasileuski – another suspect in ‘mass riot’ case

Aliaksandr Vasileuski had served a 15-day arrest for participation in the protest action of 19 December. Investigators of the Tsentralny District Police Department of Minsk came to his apartment late in the evening and presented a warrant for his detention as a suspect in the criminal case upon Article 293, instigated concerning the events of 19 December. The warrant was signed by an investigator of the Tsentralny District Police Department of Minsk Yu. Baraznouski, on agreement of an investigator of the preliminary investigation board, lieutenant colonel H.Kazakevich.

12.01.2011 Dzmitry Bulanau detained for 3 days as suspect in ‘mass riot’ case

Dzmitry Bulanau, a participant of the protest rally of 19 December, served 10-day arrest, during which he was repeatedly interrogated concerning the events that had taken place during the action.

Pavel Vinahradau given charges on ‘mass riot’ case

12.01.2011 Pavel Vinahradau given charges on ‘mass riot’ case

On 11 January an activist of the Speak Truth civil campaign Pavel Vinahradau was given charges under Article 293, part 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code – organization of and participation in mass riot. Mr. Vinahradau is kept in custody.

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