News on the topic: criminal prosecution

12.01.2011 Minsk City Court refused to change restraint to presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliayeu

The Minsk City Court turned down the cassation appeal by Uladzimir Bukshtynau, the lawyer of the presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliayeu, against a ruling of the Tsentralny District Court of Minsk to further keep Mr. Niakliayeu in custody.

12.01.2011 Natallia Kaliada and Mikalai Khalezin are suspects in ‘mass riot’ case

The apartments belonging to the parents of Mikalai Khalezin and Natallia Kaliada, who are correspondingly the art-director and the director of the Free Theatre, were searched on 11 January, informs BelaPAN.

Two more accused in ‘mass riot’ case

11.01.2011 Two more accused in ‘mass riot’ case

Dzmitry Miadzvedz participated in the protest rally on 19 December in Minsk together with his son, Leanid. At first they weren’t in the center of events, but when the clearing of the square by the special task forces started, the crowd threw them on the police baffles, as a result of which they got in the sight of the police and the cameramen of security services.

Suspect in 'mass riot' case Vasil Parfiankou is kept in pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street

11.01.2011 Suspect in 'mass riot' case Vasil Parfiankou is kept in pre-trial prison in Valadarski Street

Vasil Parfiankou is another suspect in the criminal case concerning the 'mass riot' on 19 December 2010 in Minsk.

Brest: Ihar Sliadzeuski’s apartment was searched and he was guarded to KGB from work

10.01.2011 Brest: Ihar Sliadzeuski’s apartment was searched and he was guarded to KGB from work

Ihar Sliadzeuski is the father of Katsiaryna Sliadzeuskaya, a civil activist who was sentenced to 10 days of arrest for participation in the protest rally in Minsk on 19 December. He is also the owner of the apartment that is rented by a civil activist Yury Bakur that was searched in connection with the criminal case upon Article 293 ‘mass riot’.

New suspects in mass riot case

10.01.2011 New suspects in mass riot case

19-year-old student of Minsk Polytechnic College Illia Vasilevich served 10-day arrest for participation in the protest action of 19 December. He was informed that the college administration decided to expel him. On 5 January he was invited for a talk with the administration. However, there he was detained by KGB officers who told that he was a suspect in the criminal case. At first the guy was taken to the pre-trial prison in Akrestsin Street and then – to another one, in Valadarski Street, where he is kept at the moment.

Three more suspects in 'mass riot' case

08.01.2011 Three more suspects in 'mass riot' case

The Human Rights Center Viasna learned about three new suspects in the mass riot case concerning the events of 19 December.

Ninth suspect in 'mass riot' case

06.01.2011 Ninth suspect in 'mass riot' case

Dzimitry Apishau served 11-day arrest in the delinquents' isolation center in Akrestsin Street for participation in the 19 December protest rally. During the arrest he was taken to a building in Niamiha Street for interrogation. On 31 December Dzmitry Apishau was presented a ruling according to which he was declared a suspect in the criminal case instigated upon Article 293, part 2 of the Criminal Code (mass riot).

Charges presented to Dzmitry Dashkevich and Eduard Lobau

06.01.2011 Charges presented to Dzmitry Dashkevich and Eduard Lobau

On 6 January the official charges upon Article 339, part 3 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism) were presented to the Chairperson of the Young Front Dzmitry Dashkevich and the head of the Minsk branch of the organization Eduard Lobau.

06.01.2011 Appeal of the civil initiative Vyzvalenne (Release) to the governments of the EU, USA and the Russian Federation and the global community

Hundreds of Belarusian citizens were detained following the recent presidential election and the ensuing peaceful protests.

06.01.2011 Justice Ministry brings Andrei Sannikau's lawyer to administrative responsibility

The Justice Ministry has brought to disciplinary responsibility the lawyer who defends the arrested presidential candidate Andrei Sannikau.

Activist of <em>Speak Truth</em> hasn't returned from interrogation

05.01.2011 Activist of Speak Truth hasn't returned from interrogation

At night KGB officers searched the apartment that was renteded by an activist of the Speak Truth civil campaign Pavel Vinahradau and his girlfriend. The search was held by an investigator of the Pershamaiski District Police Department of Minsk Aliaksandr Fitser.

05.01.2011 Siarhei Kliuyeu – one more suspect in ‘mass riot’ case

Siarhei Kliuyeu was informed that he was a suspect in the criminal case started in connection with the mass disorders on his release from the delinquents’ isolation center in Akrestsin Street on 3 January. He had to spend 15 days there.

05.01.2011 Two Russian citizens were given official charges in connection with ‘mass riot’

A representative of the information and public relations department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus Viktar Novikau has informed RIA Novosti about it.

04.01.2011 Mikalai Statkevich has been on hunger-strike for half a month already

The politician didn’t make any demands, because the sense of his hunger-strike is clear. He wants the election results to be cancelled due to mass falsifications. Mikalai Statkevich is not going to stop his hunger strike, associates of the political prisoner told .

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