News on the topic: criminal prosecution

New charges in anarchists’ case

16.02.2011 New charges in anarchists’ case

Three detainees in so called “anarchists’ case” have been officially charged over the past week.

16.02.2011 Aliaksandr Arastovich released on recognizance

One of the 42 people accused in the criminal case of mass riots in Minsk, 58-year-old Aliaksandr Arastovich, has been released from the KGB detention centre on recognizance.

08.02.2011 Anarchists face up to 12 years in jail for arsons

The anarchists who are kept in custody on charges in an attack on the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Minsk have received charges on four more arsons.

07.02.2011 Criminal case of two Russian citizens passed to court

Investigators completed pre-trial investigation in the criminal case against Russian citizens Artem Breus and Ivan Gaponov.

Criminal case on mass riot: 42 accused and 12 suspects (updated on 4 February)

04.02.2011 Criminal case on mass riot: 42 accused and 12 suspects (updated on 4 February)

Human rights defenders monitor the criminal cases that were instigated in connection with the action of protest connected with the presidential election. As of 4 February, the Human Rights Center Viasna knows the surnames of 42 accused in the criminal case on mass riot (33 of them are kept in custody, 2 persons are under house arrest and 7 more have been released on recognizance not to leave. 12 more are suspects in the case – 1 of them is in custody, 9 have undertaken not to leave the country and 2 are abroad.

Four more accused in mass riot case

04.02.2011 Four more accused in mass riot case

Four more participants of the 19 December protest rally – Ales Kirkevich, Zmitser Drozd, Siarhei Kazakou and Uladzimir Yaromenak – have been officially charged under Par 1. and Par. 2 Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (“participation in mass riots”).

04.02.2011 Accusation of Russians detained in Minsk on December 19 is changed

The accusation of the two Russians detained in Minsk on December 19 has been changed. They are accused of participation in the mass disorders instead of their organization now. Vadim Gusev, the counsellor of the Russian Embassy to Belarus, has informed BelaPAN about it.

Dzmitry Drozd becomes a suspect in 'mass riot' case

02.02.2011 Dzmitry Drozd becomes a suspect in 'mass riot' case

At about 7 a.m. on 1 February law-enforcement officers entered the apartment of Dzmitry Drozd, a member of the electoral team of Andrei Sannikau, and took him for an interrogation at the Tsentralny District Police Department of Minsk.

31.01.2011 Lawyer: Nyaklyayeu had four hypertension strokes in KGB prison

The lawyer of a former presidential candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyayeu met his client on the evening of January 30. Tamara Sidarenka has informed “Solidarity” that she read the order to change his measure of restraint and discussed some issues connected with his defense.

31.01.2011 Vaznyak describes conditions in KGB jail as 'very harsh'

Siarhei Vaznyak, editor-in-chief of Tavarysh (Comrad) newspaper and a member of Central Committee of Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World", has described as 'very harsh' the conditions in the KGB pre-trial detention center. Vaznyak was a campaign worker for candidate Uladzimir Nyaklyaeu during the 2010 presidential campaign.

31.01.2011 Charter'97 editor Natalia Radzina in exile in Kobryn editor Natalia Radzina, released from KGB detention center, on January 30 in the evening arrived in Kobryn where she will stay udner the written undertaking not to leave the country.

UCP activist Korban detained again

31.01.2011 UCP activist Korban detained again

Today, Minsk KGB detained and interrogated Aleh Korban, leader of the United Civil Party’s youth wing.

28.01.2011 Journalist Vaskovich suspected in attack on KGB building in Babruisk

A correspondent of the newspaper "Babruisk Courier" Jauhen Vaskovich is suspected in the attack on the building of the local KGB department in Babruisk.

Another suspect in mass riot case

28.01.2011 Another suspect in mass riot case

Uladzimir Yaromenak, activist of the Young Front opposition movement, has been declared another suspect in the 19 december mass riot criminal case. The activist is currently in custody at the KGB pre-trial prison.

Artsiom Hrybko – 37th accused in mass riot criminal case

28.01.2011 Artsiom Hrybko – 37th accused in mass riot criminal case

Artsiom Hrybko has been officially charged for participation in the 19 December protest rally. Thus the total number of accused in the mass riot criminal case has reached 37 persons.

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