News on the topic: criminal prosecution

Maskouski District Court: Breus and Gaponov

01.03.2011 Maskouski District Court: Breus and Gaponov

10.10 a.m. – the trial over the Russian citizens Artyom Breus and Ivan Gaponov starts. The prosecutor reads the list of victims, about 15 persons. According to the prosecutor, Brest and Gaponov allegedly kicked the policemen.

Maskouski District Court of Minsk: Dzmitry Miadzvedz

01.03.2011 Maskouski District Court of Minsk: Dzmitry Miadzvedz

The judge announced a break in the trial till 10 March so that the accused and his defense could familiarize with the new charges, in which more than 10 policemen injured during the protest action are mentioned. It is also alleged that other participants of the demonstration were armed with metallic bars and bottles. Human rights defenders believe that, seeing the case falling apart during the previous trials, the procuracy is trying to strengthen its positions with ‘armed resistance’ and ‘police victims’.

28.02.2011 Pavel Seviarynets' case to be transferred to court soon

The materials of the criminal case against the co-founder of the BCD party Pavel Sieviarynets are being prepared for transferring to court.

25.02.2011 First “Dec.19” sentence is appealed

Ihar Papkouski, Vasil Parfyankous’ lawyer has appealed his client’s sentence pronounced on February 17.

Activist involved in anarchists’ case faces charges for hacker attacks

25.02.2011 Activist involved in anarchists’ case faces charges for hacker attacks

Aliaksandr Frantskevich, one of the accused in so-called “anarchists” case currently in custody in Minsk pre-trial prison #1 in Valadarski Street, is now facing additional charges for hacker attacks on the official web-site of Navapolatsk town executive committee.

Russian Solidarnost demands to release Gaponov and Breus

24.02.2011 Russian Solidarnost demands to release Gaponov and Breus

The Solidarnost Russian liberal democratic political movement has released a petition demanding release of Ivan Gaponov and Artyom Breus, together with all the detainees in the 19 December criminal case.

Detainee’s mother appeals detention conditions of her son

23.02.2011 Detainee’s mother appeals detention conditions of her son

Mrs. Klaudziya Bulanava, mother of Dzmitry Bulanau, accused of participation in the 19 December mass riots, has lodged another appeal to the General Prosecutor’s Office, complaining about inhuman detention conditions at Minsk pre-trial prison #1 in Valadarski Street.

Trial of Artyom Breus and Ivan Gaponov. Day 1. Analysis

23.02.2011 Trial of Artyom Breus and Ivan Gaponov. Day 1. Analysis

On 22 February 2011 Minsk Maskouski Court began the consideration of the criminal case under Par. 2 Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of Belarus (“mass riot”) against two Russian nationals Ivan Gaponov and Artyom Breus. The court session was chaired by Judge Mrs. Liubou Siamakhina with the participation of state attorney, deputy chair of Minsk Maskouski Prosecutor’s Office Siarhei Kunas.

22.02.2011 UN human rights chief concerned over first sentence in riot case

Navi Pillay, UN high commissioner for human rights, on Monday expressed deep concern at what she described as a harsh sentence handed down to Belarusian opposition activist Vasil Parfiankou, BelaPAN said.

21.02.2011 Ales Mikhalevich released on recognizance

According to Ales, he was released under the condition that he should give no comments. He didn't answer the question on the circumstances of his release.

International Observation Mission calls for open trials

21.02.2011 International Observation Mission calls for open trials

On 21 February the International Observation Mission released a statement, urging the Belarusian authorities, in particular the Supreme Court, together with separate courts, to secure free access of the Mission’s observers to courtrooms during the trials of the detainees in the 19 December mass riot criminal case.

18.02.2011 Russians’ trial for Square to be open

"Representatives of the Embassy will be present at the hearing without fail”, - said Vadim Gusev, counselor of the Russian Embassy to Belarus.

Nasta Palazhanka released on recognizance

18.02.2011 Nasta Palazhanka released on recognizance

Last evening, Young Front deputy chair 20-year-old Ms. Nasta Palazhanka was released from the KGB pre-trial prison.

Trial of Vasil Parfiankou: Analysis

18.02.2011 Trial of Vasil Parfiankou: Analysis

On 17 February 2011, Minsk Frunzenski Court chaired by Judge Ms. Volha Komar with participation of prosecuting official Anton Zaharouski considered the case of Vasil Pafiankou, accused of committing a crime under Par. 2 Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus – “mass riot”. It was a first trial of the participants of the 19 December peaceful post-election protest rally.

First trial in mass riot case: Parfiankou sentenced to 4 years of maximum security

17.02.2011 First trial in mass riot case: Parfiankou sentenced to 4 years of maximum security

Today Minsk Frunzenski Court sentenced Vasil Parfiankou to FOUR years of imprisonment in a high-security prison for alleged participation in the 19 December mass riot in MInsk.

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