News on the topic: freedom of association

27.09.2007 Justice Department Concludes Amicable Agreement with Supolnasc

Today the justice department of Minsk city executive committee agreed with the proposed conditions of amicable agreement with Civic Society Center Supolnasc NGO

20.09.2007 Supreme Court Upholds Registration Denial to Movement for Freedom

On September 20th, judge of the Supreme Court rejected an appeal against the justice ministry’s refusal to register the Movement for Freedom led by former presidential candidate Alexander Milinkevich.

20.09.2007 Criminal Charges against Young Front Members in Zhlobin and Svetlahorsk

Another criminal case against activists of the unregistered organization Young Front was instigated in Homel region.

18.09.2007 Police and KGB Search Apartment of Young Front Member

Police and KGB officers are holding a search in the apartment of Kiryl Atamanchyk

17.09.2007 Detentions in Salihorsk on Solidarity Day

Five teenagers were detained down town Salihorsk on September 16.

17.09.2007 BAJ Member Sues Homelskaya Prauda Newspaper

Legal consultant of Homel city BAJ organization Leanid Sudalenka applied to Chyhunachny court of Homel with a suit against Homelskaya Prauda newspaper

13.09.2007 For Freedom! Movement Tries to Obtain State Registration again

On 12 September Aliaksandr Milinkevich and his allies passed to the Ministry of Justice a packet of documents for registration of the human rights and educational public association For Freedom! Movement. It is already the second attempt to get the NGO registered.

11.09.2007 Yaraslau Hryshchenia Fined about 432 US Dollars

On 11 September in Baranavichy the verdict to the activist of the Young Front Yaraslau Hryshchenia was read. The activist was charged under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code (activities on behalf of unregistered organization). The prosecutor asked to punish Yaraslau with 1 year of conditional imprisonment. However, the judge Vasil Petrykau ruled to fine the activist 930 000 Belarusian rubles (about 432 US dollars) and return to him the confiscated computer.

10.09.2007 Action of Support to Youth Activists of Belarus Held at the UN Entrance

On 8 September the Belarusian Youth Movement of America held an action of support to the activists of an unregistered youth organization Young Front Nasta Azarka, Yaraslau Hryshchenia and Ivan Shyla.

06.09.2007 Minsk: Unidentified Person Detained Near BPF Office

Several hours ago an unidentified old man was detained by the police near the Minsk office of the Belarusian People’s Front Party in Masherau Avenue, 8. The policemen detained him and lead to the Academy of the Internal Affairs that is situated near the BPF office. HRC Viasna learned that before the detention the man visited the BPF office and left it with a copy of Right to Freedom bulletin.

06.09.2007 Youth Activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia’s Father Threatened with Firing

Human Rights Center Viasna learned that Yaraslau Hryshchenia’s father Siarhei Hryshchenia had been summonsed to the ideology department of Baranavichy plant of constructions and construction details at which he headed a working brigade. The authorities proposed to him to quit the job, because he was a member of an independent trade union and it was incompatible with his position at the plant. Hryshchenia is not a member of any trade union and has a working contract till 2009, but in the case he refuses to leave the job on his own will, the administration threatens to fire him. It is an evident case of pressurization of a person, whose son actively struggles for democratic transformations in Belarus.

Niasvizh: Criminal Trial against Nasta Azarka Ends with Fine. Detentions outside Court

06.09.2007 Niasvizh: Criminal Trial against Nasta Azarka Ends with Fine. Detentions outside Court

On 4 September in Niasvizh a Young Front activist Anastasia Azarka was fined 1 240 000 Belarusian rubles (about 600 US dollars). The verdict was issued by judge Maryia Dunayeva. The youth activist was charged with activities on behalf of an unregistered organisation (article 193.1 of the Criminal Code). The prosecutor demanded to fine her 500 15 500 000 Belarusian rubles (about 7 200 US dollars).

Salihorsk: Criminal Trial over Ivan Shyla Is Accompanied with Detentions and Imprisonments

06.09.2007 Salihorsk: Criminal Trial over Ivan Shyla Is Accompanied with Detentions and Imprisonments

On 4 September trials over the Young Front activists Ivan Shyla and Nasta Azarka took place in Salihorsk and Niasvizh. The activists were charged under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code (activities on behalf of unregistered organization). Dozens of people gathered near the courts to support the youth activists.

03.09.2007 Opposition Activists Establish Belarusian Christian Democracy

On 1 September a group of opposition activists held a founding conference for an association named Belarusian Christian Democracy (BCD) in Minsk on Saturday, BelaPAN reported.

03.09.2007 Observatory for Protection of Human Rights Defenders Condemns Non-registration of ‘Viasna’

Paris-Geneva, August 31, 2007. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), expresses its deepest concern regarding the refusal of the Belarusian authorities to re-register the Human Rights Centre “Viasna”, on August 28, 2007, in violation of a communication of the United Nations Human Rights Committee issued at the end of July 2007.

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