News on the topic: labor rights

International trade union leaders call to end persecution of Fiadynich and Komlik

09.08.2017 International trade union leaders call to end persecution of Fiadynich and Komlik

Valter Sanches, General Secretary of the IndustriALL Global Union, and Sharan Burrow, General Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), have expressed deep concern and outrage at the recent searches in the offices of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union (BNP) and the Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry (REP) in a letter to President Lukashenka, Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Prosecutor General of Belarus.

The Many Faces Of Forced Labour In Belarus

24.07.2017 The Many Faces Of Forced Labour In Belarus

According to the International Labour Organisation, violations of workers' rights in Belarus go beyond unpaid youth labour. The most notorious examples include forced labour of prisoners, soldiers, and inmates at labour therapy facilities, as well as occasional unpaid work on Saturdays and mandatory job placements for university graduates.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: “Forced labor in Belarus is systemic and systematic”

23.12.2016 Valiantsin Stefanovich: “Forced labor in Belarus is systemic and systematic”

Human rights activist Valiantsin Stefanovich has once again written to the Prosecutor's Office of Minsk region to complain about new instances of forced, when employees of several local government-owned enterprises were sent to clean the forest in Lahojsk district.

Courts afraid to deal with discrimination cases

16.11.2015 Courts afraid to deal with discrimination cases

The Viciebsk Regional Court heard today a lawsuit dealing with employment discrimination. Earlier, the Court of Polack refused to recognize a fact of discrimination against a former employee of the Polack-Šklovalakno enterprise, Viktar Stukau, over his membership in an independent trade union.

Brest: UCP activist to be dismissed from work after participation in electoral campaign

07.10.2015 Brest: UCP activist to be dismissed from work after participation in electoral campaign

A member of the United Civil Party who had actively collected signatures for the nomination of the UCP Chairman Anatol Liabedzka as a candidate for presidency, has received a notice from the Brest Electromechanical Plant that her labor contract would not be extended.

Baranavičy: Opposition activist fired over wearing prison uniform at work

27.09.2015 Baranavičy: Opposition activist fired over wearing prison uniform at work

On September 24, an activist from Baranavičy, Ryhor Hryk, was once again fired from his job, this time as a loader in one of the city’s private shops, after he came to work wearing striped prison clothes. The shop was closed for two hours, and the police were called. As a result, the activist was dismissed for alleged absence from work on Saturday, September 19, when Ryhor Hryk was on vacation.

Another trade union activist loses job in Babrujsk

16.09.2015 Another trade union activist loses job in Babrujsk

The top managers of a Babrujsk-based Plant of Tractor Parts and Units (TDiA) continue dismissing activists of the Free Trade Union of Belarus.

More trade union activists fired in Babrujsk

30.07.2015 More trade union activists fired in Babrujsk

The management of the Babrujsk-based plant of tractor parts and units continues harassing members of the Free Trade Union of Belarus. Over the past two years, the employer has got rid of several trade union activists by refusing to extend their labor contracts. But the last two cases were “the height of cynicism and humiliation of all norms of human morality," say local members of the FTU.

Protest of Chinese workers in Belarus: hundreds of workers come from Dobruš to Homieĺ

04.07.2015 Protest of Chinese workers in Belarus: hundreds of workers come from Dobruš to Homieĺ

July 2 about 200-300 Chinese workers, who are building a paper factory in Dobruš, stopped working. They lined up in columns and headed for Homieĺ, protesting against wage arrears and the fines, imposed by the administration for failing to meet the schedule of the construction works.

Babrujsk: another member of independent trade union dismissed from TD&A plant

04.07.2015 Babrujsk: another member of independent trade union dismissed from TD&A plant

The member of the Free Trade Union of Belarus learned that the plant of Tractor Details and Appliances hadn't renewed the labor contract with him the day before the expiry of the contract, whereas according to the collective agreement the administration was to have warned him a month before it.

Political activist twice denied employment

10.06.2015 Political activist twice denied employment

After an attempt to find a job through the employment center in Mikaševičy Vital Kalinouski, a member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) is convinced that the authorities will label political and civic activists as “social parasites”.

Strike at plant in Maladzechna

10.06.2015 Strike at plant in Maladzechna

Workers refused to work at the metalwork plant in Maladzechna.

Brest activists of United Civil Party intend to hold pickets against "decree on parasites"

08.05.2015 Brest activists of United Civil Party intend to hold pickets against "decree on parasites"

Local activists of the United Civil Party have appealed to the Brest City Executive Committee with the request to authorize ten pickets. They intend to conduct the events in various suburbs of Brest in order to express their conviction about the inadmissibility of the introduction of forced labor in Belarus, provided by Decree No. 3 for April 2, 2015.

Viciebsk Regional Court dismisses appeal of unemployed oppositionist

07.05.2015 Viciebsk Regional Court dismisses appeal of unemployed oppositionist

Head of the regional branch of the Belarusian Popular Front party Leanid Autukhou wanted to achieve the lifting of the verdict of the Haradok District Court, according to which he was fined 5.4 million rubles. "I wish I was sentenced to arrest," says the unemployed activist.

Trade union activist appeals ban on May Day picket in Baranavičy

27.04.2015 Trade union activist appeals ban on May Day picket in Baranavičy

Ryhor Hryk, leader of the Baranavičy office of the independent trade union of radio electronic industry, filed today a complaint in the Baranavičy District and City Court to challenge a ban imposed by the city executive committee on a picket scheduled for May 1.

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