News on the topic: labor rights

03.08.2009 New instruction of Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus restricts rights of independent trade unions

The presidium of the Council of Trade Union Federation of Belarus adopted an Instruction on order of development, adopting and signing the collective contract.

Kobryn: dismissal from job for refusal to enter pro-governmental organization

07.07.2009 Kobryn: dismissal from job for refusal to enter pro-governmental organization

Correspondence student Ales Strachuk has been fired from a Kobryn enterprise for refusal to join the pro-governmental organization Belaya Rus.

Haradok region: unemployed activists declare hunger-strike of protest

01.07.2009 Haradok region: unemployed activists declare hunger-strike of protest

Leanid Autukhou and Alexander Zhytkevich went on a hunger-strike of protest when they lost any hope to get employed with the assistance of the local job center.

Human rights defender Raman Yurhel lost his job

30.06.2009 Human rights defender Raman Yurhel lost his job

On 23 June Raman Yurhel, representative of the republican human rights NGOs Belarusian Helsinki Committee in Hrodna oblast, was dismissed from the position of watchman at Hrodnaselbudprayekt on grounds of redundancy. The administration of the enterprise warned him about it a month before it.

Letters from activity therapy centers: how alcoholism is ‘cured’ in Belarus

02.06.2009 Letters from activity therapy centers: how alcoholism is ‘cured’ in Belarus

In May 2009 the Belarusian government was charged to make proposals on extension of the net of activity therapy centers in Belarus, though five such centers already exist and in 2008 the number of the people who were kept there was about 4 000. But what really happens in these institutions? You can find it from the letters of those who ‘receive treatment’ there.

Andrei Mikalayeu is pressurized at work

02.06.2009 Andrei Mikalayeu is pressurized at work

The representative of Navapolatsk club of historical reconstruction Iron Wolf Andrei Mikalayeu has been summoned to the local education department. The authorities demanded that he immediately vacated the premises at the local center of extracurricular education where he worked with problem teenagers. The authorities also stated that his labor contract would hardly be prolonged, but did not explain the reasons.

Mahiliou: court turns down striker’s complaint

12.05.2009 Mahiliou: court turns down striker’s complaint

On 12 May Kastrychnitski district court of Mahiliou turned down the complaint of the activist of the Free Trade Union Belarus (FTUB), employee of Lausanbud enterprise Mikalai Rasiuk.

Masty: workers sue against the enterprise

06.05.2009 Masty: workers sue against the enterprise

Two workers of Mastoudreu have filed a suit to Masty district court against the unlawful dismissal from the enterprise.

14.04.2009 Oppositionist Leanid Autukhou is not employed because of his political views

The head of a district organization of the BPF Party Leanid Autukhou has already spent more than a year trying to get employed with the aid of the social employment center in Haradok.

Political activist Aliaksei Aleksandrovich can’t find a job

09.04.2009 Political activist Aliaksei Aleksandrovich can’t find a job

The activist of the For Freedom movement and the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Aliaksei Aleksandrovich can’t find a job in the town of Chashniki, where he lives.

Workers of ‘Mastoudreu’ plant are threatened with dismissal for meetings with oppositionist

01.04.2009 Workers of ‘Mastoudreu’ plant are threatened with dismissal for meetings with oppositionist

The headmaster of the largest enterprise of Masty district ‘Mastoudreu’ Siarhei Asosau threatened the workers that he would dismiss the department where if he saw there the activist of For Freedom movement, deputy of Masty district soviet of deputies Dzmitry Kukhlei there.

05.03.2009 Government legalizes mass dismissals of workers

The ministry of labor and social welfare is authorized to set criterions of mass release of workers.

11.02.2009 Activist of ‘For Freedom’ movement is threatened with being directed to work in radioactively polluted region

Aleh Pronski, graduate of Hrodna Agricultural University, is threatened with forced reassignment to Homel oblast. According to the activist, it is the revenge of the authorities for his activism and being a member of For Freedom movement.

10.02.2009 Hantsavichy: Ales Zanko has been released from jail

While being examined by a medical commission concerning his fitness for work, Ales Zanko had to apply for help to the oblast department of health care. The vice-headmaster of Hantsavichy district hospital Yauhen Nestsiarchuk took revenge on Zanko for it. He applied to the police with the statement that Mr. Zanko insulted him with foul language. In addition, he got the head of Hantsavichy house economy refuse to employ Ales Zanko. As a result, instead of getting a job Ales was imprisoned for 10 days. When Radio Racyja asked judge Uladzimir Kosmach why the punishment was so severe, the latter refused from commenting on it and said only that he issued the verdict with the account of the delinquent’s personality. Bear in mind that Ales Zanko is the son of a well-known opposition activist Mikalai Zanko.

03.02.2009 Hunger-strike in Hantsavichy

A resident of Hantsavichy Alexander Zanka has been sentenced to ten days of arrest for having allegedly insulted the headmaster of the local polyclinics Vasil Nestsiarovich and has gone on a hunger-strike under arrest.

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