News on the topic: labor rights

03.02.2009 Homel: police detain participants of action against political dismissals

On 3 February in Homel the police detained three activists of Young Front and of the organizing committee the Belarusian Christian Democracy party.

02.02.2009 Minsk: authorities increase rent for entrepreneurs of “Manetka” shopping center

The administration of Minsk shopping center refused to prolong the rent agreement with an entrepreneur Halina Babitskaya. Babitskaya associates it with a recent article by Komsomolskaya Pravda v Belorussii.

13.01.2009 Fired ex-candidate to parliament can’t get his workbook

Ex-candidate to the Chamber of Representatives, locksmith Ryhor Hryk has been fired from Baranavichy cotton alliance. He is admitted neither to the workshop where he used to work, nor to the administration offices.

12.01.2009 'Naftan': Belarusian authorities continue violating rights of independent trade unions

After Polimir Company joined Naftan oil refinery, the Independent Trade Union applied for re-registration.

08.12.2008 State saves money at the expense of medics’ wages

Medical professionals of one of the out-patient hospitals in Kobryn left working places protesting against cancelled advance of salary.

04.12.2008 Financial crisis touches personnel of ‘Atlant’ refrigerator plant

The workers of Atlant have to have unpaid vacations for three weeks. According to the workers, the administration explains it with the financial crisis.

11.11.2008 Siarhei Skrabets is denied employment at Minsk Automobile Plant for political reasons

The former member of the house of representatives and opposition politician Siarhei Skrabets can’t find a job. Another attempt to apply for a job of a foreman in a foundry shop of the Minsk Automobile Plant (MAZ) was unsuccessful. Though there is a vacancy here, Skrabets was denied the job.

04.11.2008 Mass dactiloscopy in Masty

All workers of state enterprises in Masty have to give their finger- and palm prints. Police officers refer to an order of the head of the police department to take fingerprints from all males aged 30-55.

14.10.2008 No registration for independent trade union

On 13 October Rechytsa district court rejected the suit of the independent Belarusian trade union of radio-electronic industry (BTUREI) against the refusal of Rechytsa district executive committee to give state registration to a district primary unit of the trade union.

01.10.2008 Withdrawal from official trade union at ‘BelWest’ shoes factory

The reason for the mass withdrawal of the factory workers from the official trade union is that the factory administration is trying to compensate a loss (which was registered as a result of August revision) at the expense of their wages. The revision found that 180 pairs of shoes were missing. The administration decided to exact money from the workers’ wages in order to cover the loss.

15.08.2008 Homel: procuracy upholds dismissal from work for oppositional pretender for candidate

One of the tendencies of electoral campaign’2008 is that potential candidates that are not nominated by the regime are threatened with dismissal from work or even dismissed. The law enforcing agencies usually close their eyes to such actions. One of the latest exampled is the reaction of the procuracy to the dismissal threats received by a pretender for candidate at Buda-Kashaliova constituency Kanstantsin Zhukouski.

08.08.2008 Dismissed for distribution of ‘Tovarishch’ newspaper?

An activist of the Party of Communists Belarusian Vasil Mamkin has been fired from the open stock company Elektraaparatura where worked for more than 25 years. He has sued to Chyhunachny district court of Homel for rehabilitation at work. He also demands from the defendant 10 million rubles in moral damages.

13.06.2008 New cases of labor discrimination

Leanid Autukukhou, opposition activist from the town of Haradok, was not rehabilitated at job by court. He sued against his dismissal because of the expiry of the working contract, but he was not supported by the judge, the prosecutor or the official trade union.

06.06.2008 Court fines teacher for protesting against construction of chemical plant

5 June Pukhavichy district court tried the administrative cases against the Tatsiana Dylkova and Nasta Papova, former teachers from the settlement of Druzhny who had taken part in the unauthorized meeting of the local citizens in protest against the construction of a chemical plant in the location by the Russian company Avgust-Bel.

13.02.2008 Tatsiana Sadouskaya Rehabilitated at Work

Chashniki district court rehabilitated at work an activist of the For Freedom movement Tatsiana Sadouskaya. She educated the population in the field of housing economy at the seminars of For Freedom movement, which could irritate her boss.

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