News on the topic: labor rights

Mahiliou builders forced to take part in subbotnik

14.04.2011 Mahiliou builders forced to take part in subbotnik

Subbotniks are a well-known Soviet tradition which is being revived by the Belarusian authorities. Usually they are held on Saturdays and the people who take part in them (usually on “voluntary” basis aren’t paid any money for their work).

Homel: participant of Uladzimir Niakliayeu’s electoral team has to resign

13.04.2011 Homel: participant of Uladzimir Niakliayeu’s electoral team has to resign

A Homel resident Volha Liamtsava took an active part in the electoral team of the presidential candidate Uladzimir Niakliayeu during the recent presidential election. He distributed informational leaflets, took part in electoral pickets and observed the election.

15.09.2010 Democratic trade unions not invited to elaboration of general agreement with government

The Congress of the democratic trade unions hasn’t been informed so far about the work on the General Agreement between the government, employer associations and trade unions.

Ministry of Justice afraid of solidarity fund

02.09.2010 Ministry of Justice afraid of solidarity fund

The trade union was warned that it can face troubles because of the establishment of the fund of solidarity. The decision about the establishment of the fund for giving financial support to participants of strikes was taken by the Council of the Trade Union on the initiative of the trade union organization of the Lios factory situated in the town of Baran (the Vitsebsk region).

European Union considers Autukhovich’s case as politically motivated

11.05.2010 European Union considers Autukhovich’s case as politically motivated

On 10 May, the UK Embassy, representing the country holding EU presidency, issued a statement concerning the legal proceedings in the case of Mikalai Autukhovich, Uladzimir Asipenka, and Mikhail Kazlou.

BCD member Viktar Spruzh is not employed for political reasons

06.04.2010 BCD member Viktar Spruzh is not employed for political reasons

The administration of the paper mill Chyrvonaya Zorka refused to employ Viktar Spruzh, a member of the Belarusian Christian Democracy from Chashniki, because of his friendship with independent candidates and journalists.

Mahiliou: pretender to candidate Mikalai Rasiuk dismissed from work

09.03.2010 Mahiliou: pretender to candidate Mikalai Rasiuk dismissed from work

On 6 March in Mahiliou, pretender to candidate Mikalai Rasiuk was dismissed from work due to the expiry of the labor contract. During the last seven years he worked as an electrician at the open stock company Lausanbud, at construction administration #129. He was informed about the dismissal in a months' advance. Bear in mind that Mikalai Rasiuk had run for the local Soviets of Deputies in 2007. According to the official information, he won about 20% of votes, which was one of the highest official results among the oppositional candidates in Belarus.

05.03.2010 Workers of Belarusian Metallurgic Plant refuse to work

A conflict blazed up at Belarusian metallurgic plant (BMZ) because workers were deprived of bonuses.

05.03.2010 Dismissals at glass works ‘Nioman’

At the glass works Nioman in Biarozauka (Lida district) more than 30 workers have received notices that employment contracts with them won’t be extended in a months.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Ministry of Education should adequately react to its official’s actions’

19.01.2010 Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Ministry of Education should adequately react to its official’s actions’

On 15 January Mrs. Taisa Danilevich, head of the Education Department of Minsk Regional Executive Committee, urged 6 teachers – Natallia Ilyinich (Talka, BPF), Mikola Liashchun (Lahoisk, BPF), Ales Yazvinski (Niasvizh, CCP-BPF), Uladzimir Pareika (Niasvizh district, BSDP), Siarhei Klimionak (Vileika, UCPB) and Nadzeya Ahafonava (Liuban, UCPB) – to stop their membership in various political parties of Belarus. The official thinks the teachers cannot work at schools.

Minsk: trade union picket in Banhalor square banned

07.12.2009 Minsk: trade union picket in Banhalor square banned

Minsk city executive committee turned down the application of the trade union of radio electronic industry (REI) for authorizing a picket in Banhalor Square on 10 December, said the REI activist Mikalai Herasimenka.

Independent trade unions go to the law

05.11.2009 Independent trade unions go to the law

The Belarusian Congress of Democratic Trade Unions filed an unprecedented lawsuit on the elimination of adverse discrimination of members of independent trade unions in the sphere of labor relations.

Rally of trade union activists in Minsk

08.10.2009 Rally of trade union activists in Minsk

Activists of the Democratic Trade Unions Congress held a rally dedicated to the World Day of Struggle for Decent Labor in the 50-hoddzia Kastrychika Park.

Karnei Piatrovich vs. Baranavichy State University

11.09.2009 Karnei Piatrovich vs. Baranavichy State University

On 11 September the preliminary court sitting on the lawsuit of the lawyer Karnei Piatrovich against Baranavichy State University took place.

Address of human rights defenders about language discrimination in the army forwarded again

14.08.2009 Address of human rights defenders about language discrimination in the army forwarded again

The address of representatives of Human Rights Center Viasna with the demand to stop the unlawful persecution of the Belarusian-speaking soldiers including F.Viachorka has been forwarded again – this time to Homel inter-garrison military procuracy. The human rights defenders were officially informed about it by lieutenant-colonel A.Kot, first deputy military prosecutor of Belarus.

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