News on the topic: political parties & movements

Supreme Court didn’t grant claim of Belarusian Christian Democracy

18.02.2010 Supreme Court didn’t grant claim of Belarusian Christian Democracy

On 18 February, Vital Rymasheuski and Pavel Seviarynets, co-Chairpersons of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, and Dzianis Sadouski, BCD Senior Secretary, weren’t admitted to the sitting of the Supreme Court at which the verdict on the case BCD v. Justice Ministry was announced.

18.02.2010 Pressurization of opposition activists detained on 14 February

The Young Front activists who have taken part in an action on Freedom square on St. Valentine’s Day on 14 February are pressurized at and in education establishments.

17.02.2010 Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections: first stage of the formation of territorial and district election commissions. Report

According to article 34 of The Electoral Code of the Republic of Belarus, territorial election commissions on the election of deputies of local Soviets are formed by the presidiums of oblast, Minsk city Soviet of deputies and oblast, Minsk city executive committees, composed of 9-13 commission-members. The mentioned commissions are formed no later than 85 days before the elections.

Minsk: St. Valentine Day action dispersed by riot police. Tatsiana Shaputska has cranial trauma

15.02.2010 Minsk: St. Valentine Day action dispersed by riot police. Tatsiana Shaputska has cranial trauma

About 30 young democratic activists were detained by police as a result of the violent dispersal of the St. Valentine Day action in the center of Minsk. Riot policemen grabbed them by hands and feet and threw into paddy wagons. Two hours after the detention the police released the detainees without giving any charges.

Brest: ’Young Front’ activist complains against conditions in a temporary detention facility

12.02.2010 Brest: ’Young Front’ activist complains against conditions in a temporary detention facility

Ivan Stasiuk, activist of the Young Front, lodged with Prosecutor General Ryhor Vasilevich a complaint concerning the conditions in the temporary detention facility of Brest. A copy of the complaint was submitted to the Leninski district procuracy in Brest.

11.02.2010 Hrodna: parties appeal against non-inclusion of their representatives in constituency election commissions

The Hrodna oblast organization of the United Civil Party appeals at the Hrodna oblast court against the violation of its right to be represented at constituency commissions. The party members require a review of the decision on forming the constituency commissions on elections to the Hrodna oblast Soviet of Deputies.

11.02.2010 Baranavichy: legal existence of Belarusian Language Society is under threat

On 10 February, the Baranavichy Council of the Belarusian Language Society filed with Viktar Dzichkouski, Chairman of the Baranavichy city executive committee, a repeated letter informing that all documents necessary for changing the legal address of the local BLS organization had been presented to the CEC more than a month ago, but no answer was received in the legal terms.

Brest: Ivan Stasiuk is issued a warning for activity on behalf of unregistered organization

11.02.2010 Brest: Ivan Stasiuk is issued a warning for activity on behalf of unregistered organization

Ivan Stasiuk, a member of the international youth organization Young Front registered in Czech, was issued an official warning for activities on behalf of unregistered organization. The activist was summoned to the Brest oblast procuracy for 9 a.m. on 11 February, and was required to give explanations.

Zmitser Dashkevich and Aliaksei Shein detained on the border

11.02.2010 Zmitser Dashkevich and Aliaksei Shein detained on the border

On 11 February in the morning, Zmitser Dashkevich, leader of the Young Front, Aliaksei Shein, co-Chairman of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, were detained on the Belarusian-Latvian border for five hours.

09.02.2010 Constitutional Court reluctant to consider revocation of Article 193-1

In December 2009 Kiryl Atamanchyk, activist of the Young Front youth movement, lodged an address with the Constitutional Court, urging the officials to provide legal assessment of the compliance of Article 193-1 of the Criminal Code with Article 36 of the Belarusian Constitution and Article 22 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

08.02.2010 Brest Young Front activist charged with hooliganism

Brest Young Front member Ivan Stasiuk is faces prosecution under Article 339.1 (hooliganism) of the Belarusian Criminal Code. The activist had been initially summoned by the police to testify in a criminal case over a street fight in downtown Brest on 23 January. However, he was later officially declared suspect in the case and imprisoned.

Young Front activist in prison

05.02.2010 Young Front activist in prison

On 30 January, a Young Front member Ivan Stasiuk was detained while interrogated as a witness in a criminal case, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports, quoting the Young Front press-secretary Tatsiana Shaputska.

Criminal case of Yury Kazak to be considered by court of appeal

03.02.2010 Criminal case of Yury Kazak to be considered by court of appeal

The criminal case of the Belarusian Christian Democracy’s Navahradak activist Yury Kazak will be considered under appellate proceedings by Hrodna Regional Court on 18 February, says Mr. Kazak’s legal counsel Pavel Sapelka.

Elections 2010 – still following the old scenario

02.02.2010 Elections 2010 – still following the old scenario

The atmosphere of fear and disappointed hopes on democratic effect of the amendment of the electoral legislation – this is the evaluation given by human rights defenders to the beginning of the campaign on elections to the local Soviets of 26th Convocation.

01.02.2010 Tiral of entrepreneur Andrei Bandarenka to continue on 3 February

On1 February the Pershamaiski District Court in Minsk started the retrial of the criminal case over entrepreneur Andrei Bandarenka.

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