News on the topic: political parties & movements

Ministry of Education refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at Belarusian State University

01.02.2010 Ministry of Education refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at Belarusian State University

The first deputy minister of education at last replied to Tatsiana Shaputska, spokesperson for the Young Front, expelled from the Law Faculty of Belarusian State University in connected with her participation in the Eastern Partnership civil forum.

Political soldier Zmitser Khvedaruk threatened by penal battalion

27.01.2010 Political soldier Zmitser Khvedaruk threatened by penal battalion

After the commanding officers of the military unit were changed, unprecedented pressure on the young atavist is exerted.

Zmitser Khvedaruk, a Young Front activist forcibly drafted to the army, is threatened physical reprisal or sending him to a disciplinary battalion, Radio Racyja informs.

Court evades consideration of Yauhen Skrabets’s complaint

26.01.2010 Court evades consideration of Yauhen Skrabets’s complaint

Brest Leninski Court turned down the complaint lodged by Young Front member Yauhen Skrabets due to the absence of certain documents. The activist claims his conscription into the army was illegal.

Teacher quits opposition party due to pressure by authorities

22.01.2010 Teacher quits opposition party due to pressure by authorities

Syarhei Klimyanok, a teacher from Vileika, took a decision to withdraw from the United Civil Party.

As the website reminds, Taisia Danilevich, the head of the Education Department of the Minsk region executive committee, demanded the teacher to leave the party. In case UCP member Syarhei Klimyanok refuses to obey, the school staff will face problems. As a result, the oppositionist had to quit the party.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Ministry of Education should adequately react to its official’s actions’

19.01.2010 Valiantsin Stefanovich: ‘Ministry of Education should adequately react to its official’s actions’

On 15 January Mrs. Taisa Danilevich, head of the Education Department of Minsk Regional Executive Committee, urged 6 teachers – Natallia Ilyinich (Talka, BPF), Mikola Liashchun (Lahoisk, BPF), Ales Yazvinski (Niasvizh, CCP-BPF), Uladzimir Pareika (Niasvizh district, BSDP), Siarhei Klimionak (Vileika, UCPB) and Nadzeya Ahafonava (Liuban, UCPB) – to stop their membership in various political parties of Belarus. The official thinks the teachers cannot work at schools.

Authorities disrupt round table on unlawful Internet restrictions

12.01.2010 Authorities disrupt round table on unlawful Internet restrictions

The Belarusian Language Society (BLS) named after Francysk Skaryna received a warning of the Ministry of Justice saying that discussion of draft decrees of Lukashenka contradicts to the organization’s charter.

11.01.2010 Navahradak: Yury Kazak fined 8,7 million rubles

On 11 January Valer Tsynkevich, judge of Navahradak district court, issued a verdict to the activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party Yury Kazak. The activist was fined 8,750 000 rubles (an equivalent of $3,089) for spilling green paint on the local monument to Lenin.

Police deny abduction of Zmitser Dashkevich

11.01.2010 Police deny abduction of Zmitser Dashkevich

Police and prosecutor’s office paid no reaction to the complaint of the Young Front chairman Zmitser Dashkevich about his abduction and taking out to a forest on 4 December.

Vitsebsk: activist of ‘Young Belarus’ Taras Surhan detained

11.01.2010 Vitsebsk: activist of ‘Young Belarus’ Taras Surhan detained

Taras Surhan was detained on 9 January when he left his apartment with his future wife to take out the trash. ‘As I threw the rubbish into the waste bin, the unknown in mufti ran from behind, forced me into the car and took me away. Then I was placed in another car, with policemen, and taken to the police department of Chyhunachny district of Vitsebsk,’ Surhan said.

BSU rector refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at university

11.01.2010 BSU rector refuses to reinstate Tatsiana Shaputska at university

The official ignored appeals of the EU and signatures of students in support of the of the Young Front spokesperson.

BCD leaders sue Belarusian State TV and Radio Company

06.01.2010 BCD leaders sue Belarusian State TV and Radio Company

On 6 January the preliminary sitting on the lawsuit of the co-chairmen of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Vital Rymasheuski and Pavel Seviarynets against the Belarusian TV and Radio Company took place at the Pershamaiski district court of Minsk. The lawsuit is considered by Judge Volha Baham’ia.

Vitsebsk: trial for memorial crosses

05.01.2010 Vitsebsk: trial for memorial crosses

Today Vitsebsk district court started trying the case that was brought by Vitsebsk district prosecutor’s office against the head of Vitsebsk oblast branch of Belarusian Popular Front Party Kastus Smolikau.

’Young Front’ is denied in renting premises for constituent assembly

05.01.2010 ’Young Front’ is denied in renting premises for constituent assembly

The Belarusian youth organization Young Front that is registered in Czech intends to hold another constituent assembly at the end of January and again apply to the Ministry of Justice of Belarus for registration. Bear in mind that since 2000 the ministry five times refused to register the organization.

MIA justifies arbitrary arrests of oppositionists

05.01.2010 MIA justifies arbitrary arrests of oppositionists

A leader of Young Front Anastasia Palazhanka and its activist Andrei Liaukovich received answers to their complaints to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Expelled student appeals decision

28.12.2009 Expelled student appeals decision

The Young Front’s press-secretary Tatsiana Shaputska, expelled from Belarusian State University, following her participation in the Eastern Partnership’s Civil Society Forum, lodged a complaint with the Minister of Information.

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