News on the topic: political parties & movements

09.03.2010 Activist of Belarusian Christian Democracy went on hunger-strike

Andrei Kasheuski, activist of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party (BCD) went on hunger-strike to protest against his arrest. The activist was detained on 3 March in the evening in Minsk metro and was taken to the Leninski district court in Minsk where he was sentenced to 15 days of administrative arrest for alleged disorderly conduct, BelaPAN informs. At the moment the activist is kept in the prison in Akrestsin Street.

Vitsebsk: BCD members face obstacles while collecting signatures

04.03.2010 Vitsebsk: BCD members face obstacles while collecting signatures

Uladzimir Ramanovich, who runs to the Vitsebsk city Soviet of Deputies and collects signatures on his own, was not let in dormitory #3 of Vitsebsk Technological University. The dormitory supervisor didn’t manage to explain Mr. Ramanovich what legal grounds she had for banning him from entering the dormitory. Following this incident, Uladzimir Ramanovich lodged a complaint with the Central Election Commission.

04.03.2010 KGB interrogated ‘Young Front’ activist Kasia Dalidovich

An activist of the Young Front Kasia Dalidovich was interrogated by a KGB officer in the dean’s office of the informational and documentary communications department of the University of Culture.

03.03.2010 Hrodna: independent observer harassed at work

Independent observer Sviatlana Rudkouskaya was nominated to the Praletarskaya constituency election commission #17 on elections to the Hrodna oblast Soviets of Deputies as an observer from the Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

Babruisk KGB instigated criminal case against BCD activist

03.03.2010 Babruisk KGB instigated criminal case against BCD activist

KGB officers fulfilled their threat to instigate a criminal case against Volha Siiyanava, a Babruisk activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy. Volha Siiyanava is also a member of the initiative group of her mother who is running for the local Soviet of Deputies as a BCD member.

Activists of ‘Young Belarus’ summoned for interrogation

03.03.2010 Activists of ‘Young Belarus’ summoned for interrogation

Artur Finkevich, the leader of the underground youth organization Young Belarus, was summoned by an investigator of the police department of the Minsk city executive committee for giving explanations on 3 March. The reason for the summons is the application of Illia Shcharbitski’s mother, who states that members of Young Belarus try to involve her son in unlawful destructive activities that can violate the public order.

Mahiliou: member of BSDP ‘Hramada’ banned from collecting signatures in student dormitory

03.03.2010 Mahiliou: member of BSDP ‘Hramada’ banned from collecting signatures in student dormitory

Pretender to candidate Leanid Padbiaretski, member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party Hramada wasn’t let in dormitory #1 of Mahiliou State Universty named after A.Kuliashou where he intended to collect signatures in his support.

02.03.2010 Tatsiana Shaputska lodged claim against Belarusian State University

The Young Front activist appeals against her unlawful expulsion from the university. According to the information given by Tatsiana in an interview to the ERB, she lodged the claim on 28 February with the Maskouski district court in Minsk.

At night Franak Vyachorka taken to Military hospital

26.02.2010 At night Franak Vyachorka taken to Military hospital

Today night Franak Vyachorka has been taken from military base to the Republican Military Hospital in Minsk. has been told about that by the father of the political soldier Vintsuk Vyachorka.

Minsk student fined for supporting Union of Poles

25.02.2010 Minsk student fined for supporting Union of Poles

Iryna Hubskaya, activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy creation committee, was fined BYR 175,000 by Minsk Frunzenski administrative commission for posting stickers in Polish ‘Wolna Bialorus’ (‘Free Belarus’) in downtown Minsk on 15-16 February in support of the unrecognized Union of Poles in Belarus, including the buildings of the Belarusian State University and the city executive committee, the BelaPAN news agency reports.

BCD member forced to quit election campaign

23.02.2010 BCD member forced to quit election campaign

Aliaksandr Ankuda, member of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Vileika office, was forced to withdraw his application for registration of an initiative group in the forthcoming local council elections, after he was threatened with dismissal by his employer at Vileika district hospital, the BCD press-service reports.

23.02.2010 Parties and religious organisations to be banned in Belarusian universities

Belarusian “parliamentarians” are drafting a new project of the Education Code.

The chairman of the Education, culture and scientific and technical progress of the lower chamber of the “parliament” Uladzimir Zdanovich addressing the extended session of the Commission stated that the draft Education Code includes a ban on activities of political parties and religious organisations in universities, BelaPAN informs.

Main ideologist of Hrodna gave order to arrest oppositionists

23.02.2010 Main ideologist of Hrodna gave order to arrest oppositionists

Young Front deputy head Ales Kirkevich and activist Veranika Velihor were detained in Hrodna on Monday morning.

The oppositionists were detained for handing round the local newspaper “Christian Defense”.

Alternative civilian service: criminal persecution instead of law

19.02.2010 Alternative civilian service: criminal persecution instead of law

Despite the fact that drafting of the law on alternative service has been initiated by President Lukashenka, officers of military enlistment offices continue the drafting of the people whom they consider as evading from military service.

’Young Front’ activist is threatened with criminal case for evasion from military service

19.02.2010 ’Young Front’ activist is threatened with criminal case for evasion from military service

Piatro Ruzau, activist of the Baranavichy branch of the Young Front who studies on Kastus Kalinouski educational program in Poland, is threatened with instigation of a criminal case for evasion from military service.

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