News on the topic: political parties & movements

Yauhen Vaskovich to spend 30 days in penal cell

15.11.2011 Yauhen Vaskovich to spend 30 days in penal cell

Yauhen Vaskovich, a member of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, was sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment for an attempt to set afire the Babruisk KGB office. Since 19 October he has been kept in the penal cell of prison #4 in Mahiliou.

Maksim Hubarevich was confronted to a witness on “hooliganism case”

14.11.2011 Maksim Hubarevich was confronted to a witness on “hooliganism case”

The confrontation of Maksim Hubarevich, one of the suspects in the criminal case concerning the alleged beating of a guard by three members of the Belarusian People’s Front, with a witness was conducted on 14 November in Minsk.

Hrodna: search at Maksim Hubarevich'a apartment

11.11.2011 Hrodna: search at Maksim Hubarevich'a apartment

In the evening of 10 November a search was conducted at the residential address of a member of the BPF Council, Maksim Hubarevich. The search was conducted in his absence and came to an end before his arrival. Nothing was taken away as a result.

11.11.2011 Homel: Vasil Paliakou goes on hunger-strike

Vasil Paliakou, the head of the organizing committee of People’s Assembly in Homel, has gone on hunger strike in a temporary detention facility in Homel. BelaPAN news agency learnt this from human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka.

09.11.2011 Vitsebsk: armed assault on Taras Surhan

On 4 November the head of the Vitebsk branch of "Young Belarus" Taras Surhan was beaten and slashed with a knife. The incident took place as Taras returned home from work. The unidentified young men suddenly approached Taras, asked him for a cigarette and began to beat him. They also slashed him with a knife and then ran away.

08.11.2011 Criminal case against three BPF members reopened

The criminal case against three members of the Belarusian Popular Front, Maksim Hubarevich, Ales Kalita and Siarhei Semianiuk, suspected in hooliganism (Article 339 of the Criminal Code) has been reopened. It was stated by Siarhei Semianiuk to BelaPAN.

Participants of 7 November anti-Communist action near Lenin monument sentenced to arrest

08.11.2011 Participants of 7 November anti-Communist action near Lenin monument sentenced to arrest

On 8 November the Maskouski District Court of Minsk tried the activists of the “Young Front” Mikhail Muski, Siarhei Paval and Raman Vasiliieu who had thrown eggs at the monument to Lenin on Nezalezhnasts Square in Minsk during the 7 November action which was held by communists to honor an anniversary of the October revolution.

07.11.2011 Minsk: detentions after “Dziady” rally in Loshytsa suburb

On 6 November a memorial march dedicated to Dzyady (Remembrance of Ancestors Day) was held in Minsk.

07.11.2011 “Young Front” activists detained for attack on Communist rally

A group of young people threw eggs at the monument to Lenin and participants of the rally held by the official Belarusian Communist Party on Nezalezhnasts Square in Minsk. Activists were chanting “Stop Communism” and “Tribunal for Communism”, Nasha Niva newspaper informs. After a small clash with demonstrators, the guys were detained by plainclothes policemen.

04.11.2011 Homel: another rally banned

Members of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World” intend to hold a rally on 20 November in order to discuss the socio-economic situation in Homel and the country as a whole. The head of the regional structure of the party Uladzimir Siakerka filed an appropriate application with the Homel City Executive Committee and also decided to conclude service agreements with the police, ambulance and public utilities.

Brest: court sides with police boss

04.11.2011 Brest: court sides with police boss

Zmitser Shurkhai, a coordinator of the organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, was detained on 28 June 2011, on the eve of a silent protest action, and charged with using obscene language in public.

03.11.2011 Homel: Uladzimir Katsora gets warned

On 2 November Uladzimir Katsora, an organizer of the People’s Assembly in Homel has been served a warning by the Savetski District Procuracy of Homel.

03.11.2011 Babruisk: Viktar Buzinayeu arrested for ten days

The Babruisk City Court sentenced Viktar Buzinayeu, the head of the local office of the United Civil Party, to ten days of jail.

02.11.2011 Nasta Palazhanka is banned to go abroad

On 2 November Nasta Palazhanka, Deputy Chairwoman of the “Young Front”, was summonsed to the police without explanation of the reasons.

01.11.2011 Zhlobin: Valery Rybchanka sentenced to 14 days of arrest

Valery Rybchanka, chairman of the Zhlobin branch of the Belarusian Leftist Party “Fair World”, coordinator of the organizing committee of the People's Assembly in Zhobin, was sentenced to 14 days of arrest on 31 October by Mikalai Bakunou, Judge of the Zhlobin District Court.

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