News on the topic: political parties & movements

14.01.2008 Salihorsk District Court Abolishes Huge Fines to Youth Activists

On 11 January the judge Lapina ruled to abolish all four rulings of the administrative commissions according to which the youth activist Khrystsina Samoilava was to have paid 2 480 000 rubles fine (about 1 154 USD). The rulings were found unlawful. The administrative case will consider the same materials against the Young Front activist Samoilava again. In her complaints and speech Khrystsina pointed at gross law violations during her detention, drawing of the police reports and consideration of her case by the administrative commission of Salihorsk town executive committee.

14.01.2008 Authorities Demand Explanations from Political Parties

The Justice Ministry of Belarus has demanded explanations from the United Civil Party, the Party of Communists Belarusian and Belarusian People’s Front concerning the participation of their leaders in the unsanctioned protest rally of small businessman on 10 January. Such explanations must be given to the ministry by 14 January.

14.01.2008 Political Prisoner Finkevich Put to Ward with Convicts

Friends of Artur Finkevich have learnt from his letters that the political prisoner has been transferred to another ward, a ward for convicts. The young activist, who has served a term of corrective labor, was sentenced again to 1,5 years of imprisonment in December.

09.01.2008 Ministry of Justice Insists on Liquidation of Oppositional Communist Party

The Ministry of Justice of Belarus had sued to the Supreme Court for liquidation of the Party of Communists Belarusian. There the ministry states that the party continued violating laws even after written warnings.

09.01.2008 Policemen Who Beat up Khedaruk Are Still Unpunished

Zmitser Fedaruk, a Young Front activist, who had been cruelly beaten up by riot policemen during the protest rally ‘For independent Belarus!’ held during Putin’s visit, has received an answer to the complaint to the prosecutor’s office.

09.01.2008 ‘Young Front’ Makes Graffiti in Support of Artur Finkevich

Graffiti ‘Freedom for Finkevich!’ and slogans ‘Finkevich should be released! Kuzkou – to prison!’

08.01.2008 KGB Watches Foreign Trips of Belarusian Students

Agents of the KGB are interested in foreign trips of Belarusian students. They phone activists of youth democratic movement and offer them to meet in their offices or in the street.

08.01.2008 New Action in Support of Artur Finkevich

On 7 January a banner with a slogan 'Freedom to Finkevich!' was placed by Young Front activists in the center of Minsk at maxim Bahdanovich and Vera Kharuzhaya streets crossing.

08.01.2008 Criminal Case against Youth Activist Katsiaryna Salauiova

On 28 a criminal case under article 193.1 of the Criminal Code was brought against the youth activist Katsiaryna Salauiova. She is suspected of activities on behalf of an unregistered youth organization Young Front.

20.12.2007 Harsh sentence to Artur Finkevich. 1.5 years of jail

Young Front activist Artur Finkevich is sentenced to 1.5 years in a penal colony.

19.12.2007 Artur Finkevich to Be Tried on December 20

The trial will start at 10.30 a.m., on December 20th, 2007 at Kastrychnitski court of Mahiliou.

19.12.2007 Criminal Cases against Three Activists Renewed

Cases against Homel regional activists began the second dozen of criminal cases against Young Front members.  

14.12.2007 Zmitser Khvedaruk: ‘They Hit Me in the Head with Knuckledusters’

Zmitser Khvedaruk feels a little better: he has a clear sight and speaks, can move his arms and legs, but still cannot stand and walk. ‘Today I was taken for an X-ray on a wheelchair’, said Zmitser, ‘I cannot even stand up because of acute headaches’.

14.12.2007 Prosecutor’s Office Abstains from Bringing New Criminal Case against Ivan Shyla

Recently the father of the youth activist Ivan Shyla has paid a visit to the prosecutor’s office of Salihorsk. As a result of a check-up it was decided not to bring a criminal case against Ivan. Still, the police can appeal against this decision of the prosecutor’s office.

14.12.2007 Norwegian PEN-center and IPA: Freedom of Expression Is Violated in Belarus

During the last two years the government of Belarus did not improve the situation of the freedom of expression and continued pressurizing journalists and writers. This is the opinion presented in the report of representatives of the Norwegian PEN-center and the International Publishers’ Association on the results of their visits to Belarus in November 2007.

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