News on the topic: political parties & movements

29.01.2008 Less registered political parties and regional branches

The Ministry of Justice published a report about registered parties, trade unions, non-governmental organizations, and foundations in Belarus.

28.01.2008 Officers speak Belarusian with Zmitser Zhaleznichenka

Deputy Head of BPF Party Aliaksei Yanukevich and executive secretary of BPF Uladzimir Labkovich visited the military unit in Zhlobin, where Zmitser Zhaliznichenka was sent for service. Zmitser Zhaleznichenka is a member of BPF, a straight-A student, who had just been expelled from Homel State University for his political activity.

Representatives of the party leadership passed the words of support to Zmitser and learned first-hand details about the shameful detention of Zmitser on January 24th, just before he was sent to the army.

26.01.2008 Uladzimir Lyryn detain in Hrodna, UCP office searched

On Saturday afternoon police detained Uladzimir Laryn, one of the local leaders of UCP. Laryn was detained on one of the Hrodna markets. Soon he was taken to Leninski district police department of Hrodna.

24.01.2008 Zmiter Dashkevich: I’ll work actively from today

A former political prisoner tells in the interview to Euroradio about what helped him in prison, about the details of his release and his plans.

23.01.2008 Katsiaryna Salauyeva expelled from university again

Young people are deprived of the right to education. Polatsak Young Front member Katsiaryna Salauyova has been expelled from university again.

19.01.2008 UCP activists detained near Akrestsina jail

One hour ago UCP activists Aksana Kryshchanovich, Hanna Yahorava and Yauhen Babkovich were detained near Akrestsina jail.

19.01.2008 Youth activists followed even in shopping centers

Yesterday, on January 18th, at 10 p.m. chairman of the BPF Youth Ales Kalita and member of the council Nasta Aleksandrovich managed to avoid preventive detention and an obvious arrest. The police followed the activists from the moment they left the apartment. Ales Kalita noticed a “tail” in Belarusachka store, located in Sukharava district.

18.01.2008 Zmitser Fedaruk arrested for 15 days

Zmitser Fedaruk, activist of the Young Front, was sentenced by Centralny district court of Minsk to 15 days of arrest. Yesterday he was detained in the court where he had come to support the activists detained on 16 January, the Solidarity Day.

17.01.2008 Kuryanovich gets 20 days of jail; police attempts to detain lawyer Alexander Haliyeu

The last sentence today was the most severe – Paval Kuryanovich, member of the “Jeans for freedom” campaign, was found guilty of violation of two articles – 17.1 and 23.34 of the Administrative Code. On the will of judge Tatsiana Pauliuchuk he will spend 20 days at Akrestsina jail in Minsk.

17.01.2008 Anton Kalinouski gets 10 days of arrest, Kasia Halitskaya – 15 days

The trial over member of BPF Party Anton Kalinouski is over. The hearing was to be postponed until later because the witnesses were absent. However, the judge decided not to suspend the shameful conveyor and sentenced Kalinouski to 10 days of arrest.

17.01.2008 Franak Viachorka sentenced to 15 days of jail

Infamous judge of Centralny court of Minsk Tatsiana Pauliuchuk sentenced Franak Viachorka to 15 days of jail. The BPF Youth activist was detained on January 16th and charged with usage of foul language during detention (article 17.1 of the Administrative Code).

16.01.2008 Viacorka: Authorities prepare legal basis for liquidation of political parties

“We are well-aware of the fact that the authorities are preparing legal basis for liquidation of our parties. We will react as a united force, in the most resolute way. We will prepare new actions”, -- Vincuk Viacorka states.

16.01.2008 Police arrests youth activist Yulia Siutsova

BPF youth activist arrested on a street

15.01.2008 Polatsk: Court Fines Katsiaryna Salauyova

The Young Front activist from Polatsk Katsiaryna Salauyova was fined 1 050 000 rubles (about 488 US dollars) for having made political graffiti on the walls of Polatsk city executive committee two months ago. The trial was led by the judge Abramava, Salauyova was defended by the lawyer Aliaksandr Haliyeu.

15.01.2008 Oppositional Parties Answer to Justice Ministry

In the press-release of the Ministry of Justice of 12 January 2008 it was stated that during the unauthorized meeting of entrepreneurs the Belarusian legislation on mass actions was grossly violated. The participation of the leaders of the United Civil Party, the BPF Party and the Party of Communists Belarusian was mentioned as well. The Ministry demanded from the parties to answer whether they empowered their leaders to take part in the action and express their public position concerning this in the case they did not.

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