News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

November opens with a new trial in Zhodzina

02.11.2013 November opens with a new trial in Zhodzina

From 10 to 12.40 a.m. on November 1 the first hearing concerning the prohibition of a picket in support of Ales Bialiatski and other political prisoners took place at the Zhodzina City Court.

Mahiliou human rights defenders continue appealing against the prohibition of the picket in support of Ales Bialiatski

01.11.2013 Mahiliou human rights defenders continue appealing against the prohibition of the picket in support of Ales Bialiatski

The appropriate appeal against the verdict of the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou, the ruling of the Mahiliou Regional Executive Committee "On Mass Events in Mahiliou" and the letter of the main bureau on the ideology, culture and youth affairs of the Mahiliou Regional Executive Committee, which rejected the appeal against the picket ban, was filed to the judicial board on civil cases of the Mahiliou Regional Court.

Court regards “standing along the sidewalk facing the street with red flowers in hands..." as picket

30.10.2013 Court regards “standing along the sidewalk facing the street with red flowers in hands..." as picket

Judge Kamisarau of Minsk City Court dismissed a complaint filed by Siarhei Yaumenau against the decision in an administrative case which has already entered into force.

50 pickets banned in Vitsebsk since 2011

28.10.2013 50 pickets banned in Vitsebsk since 2011

Aliaksei Haurutsikau and Khrystafor Zhaliapau received another ban on a picket from Vitsebsk’s Pershamaiski district administration. The picket of solidarity with political prisoners was scheduled for October 29.

Mahiliou court supports street events restrictions

23.10.2013 Mahiliou court supports street events restrictions

On October 22, the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou chaired by Judge Valiantsina Lapatsina considered a complaint filed by local human rights defenders Barys Bukhel and Aliaksei Kolchyn to challenge a decision of the city executive committee "On Mass Events in the city of Mahiliou".

Two more pickets banned in Vitsebsk

16.10.2013 Two more pickets banned in Vitsebsk

Both bans are signed by the same person, deputy chair of Chyhunachny district administration Natallia Liapioshkina.

14.10.2013 Opposition activists in Vitsyebsk seek permission for demonstration in solidarity with political prisoners

Opposition activists in Vitsyebsk have applied to the city government for permission to stage a demonstration in support of political prisoners on October 29.

Biaroza: Ideology officials involved in bans on public events

14.10.2013 Biaroza: Ideology officials involved in bans on public events

Such a conclusion can be drawn from a letter received by the applicants of a picket scheduled for October 10 that was expected to mark the World Day Against the Death Penalty.

Baranavichy entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus continues serving chary dinners

13.10.2013 Baranavichy entrepreneur Mikalai Charnavus continues serving chary dinners

On 11 October Baranavichy entrepreneur and social activist Mikalai Charnavus held a charity dinner at the local co-op market in Chernyshevsky Street, 11. Passers-by and entrepreneurs were treated pleased to treat themselves to hot barley with meat and mushrooms.

Vitsebsk oppositionists file another picket application

13.10.2013 Vitsebsk oppositionists file another picket application

The coordinator of the Movement "For Freedom" in the Vitsebsk region, Khrystafor Zhaliapau and an activist of the organizing committee of the Social Democratic Party "Narodnaya Hramada" Aliaksei Haurutsikau composed their application in such a way to leave the district authorities less reasons for banning the action.

Biaroza human rights defenders mark the World Day against the Death Penalty

11.10.2013 Biaroza human rights defenders mark the World Day against the Death Penalty

Despite the picket ban, the human rights defenders held a meeting with the local citizens in order to discuss the abolition of the death penalty in Belarus. The meeting participants watched the documentary: “Death penalty: a way to the past".

Baranavichy police search the apartment of social activist Mikalai Charnavus

11.10.2013 Baranavichy police search the apartment of social activist Mikalai Charnavus

At 18 p.m. on 10 October officers of the Baranavichy City Police Department conducted a search at the apartment of Mikalai Charnavus.

Zhodzina: informational actions against the death penalty

11.10.2013 Zhodzina: informational actions against the death penalty

On 10 October, the World Day against the Death Penalty the Zhodzina human rights defenders held a number of memorable actions instead of the picket which they indendedto hold near the Barysau Culture Park and which was banned by the authorities.

Vitsebsk court ignores violations of rights to public expression

10.10.2013 Vitsebsk court ignores violations of rights to public expression

Pershamaiski District Court of Vitsebsk held a hearing of the complaint by Vitsebsk pro-democratic activist, who asked to oblige the district authorities to issue permission to hold a picket against the deployment of Russian military bases in Belarus. However, representatives of the district administration decided to ignore the trial, and the court dismissed the complaint.

Mahiliou residents are reminded about the death penalty

10.10.2013 Mahiliou residents are reminded about the death penalty

Mahiliou activists reminded the citizens about the existence of the death penalty in Belarus. They posted several dozens of stickers “Say NO to Death Penalty” in the busy places of the city.

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