News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Yury Rubtsou appeals his arrest and demands to be returned his T-shirt

08.11.2013 Yury Rubtsou appeals his arrest and demands to be returned his T-shirt

Homel resident Yury Rubtsou filed an appeal to the Minsk City Court against the illegal administrative detention. The activist also requires the head of the Maskouski District Police Department to conduct an official investigation into the arbitrary seizure of the “garment with an inscription of a political nature".

Homel oppositionists are summonsed to the police for the “Dziady” rally

06.11.2013 Homel oppositionists are summonsed to the police for the “Dziady” rally

Deputy chairman of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou received a summons to the Navabelitski District Police Department of Homel. According to the notice, he must come to the head of the public order department Khilkevich on 10 November. It is known that the police were also looking for other Homel oppositionists to pass them similar notices.

Citizens, detained near the detention facility in Akrestsin Street, released in three hours

06.11.2013 Citizens, detained near the detention facility in Akrestsin Street, released in three hours

On 6 November the police arrested nine people who came to the center for the isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street to meet the Homel resident Yury Rubtsou, detained after the end of the “Dziady” rally in Minsk and sentenced to 3 days of arrest for the alleged “insubordination to the police”.

Slonim District Court stably sides with the executive committee

06.11.2013 Slonim District Court stably sides with the executive committee

Slonim district court considered the appeal of the Slonim activist Ales Masiuk, in which he asked to recognize as illegal and annul the decision of the executive committee to ban the rally in defense of the readers and subscribers of “Hazeta Slonimskaya”.

Residents of Hlybokaye are deprived of the opportunity to hold mass events

06.11.2013 Residents of Hlybokaye are deprived of the opportunity to hold mass events

Executive Committee decided to amend its decision on the organization of public events - a place to change their conduct. It was found that, when local activists decided to organize a rally of solidarity with political prisoners. On receipt of their refusal letter , mass actions actually banned indefinitely.

Zmitser Dashkevich sentenced to three days of arrest

06.11.2013 Zmitser Dashkevich sentenced to three days of arrest

“Young Front” members have been gathering signatures for renaming Lenin Street to Frantsyskanskaya Street (the historical name) near the central department store for the third day already.

Hrodna: court “wall” seems impenetrable

05.11.2013 Hrodna: court “wall” seems impenetrable

Hrodna Regional Court considered the appeal of the human rights defenders Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Raman Yurhel against the verdict of the Leninski District Court of Hrodna concerning the refusal of the Hrodna City Executive Committee to hold a picket in support of Ales Bialiatski on 4 August. On 23 September the Leninski District Court Judge Zhana Krauchanka, ignoring clear violations on the part of the authorities, ruled that the city executive committee didn't violate the law by its ban on the mass event. The human rights activists disagree with this verdict and seek the justice.

Homel resident appeals the prohibition of a picket in support of Ales Bialiatski

05.11.2013 Homel resident appeals the prohibition of a picket in support of Ales Bialiatski

A resident of Homel Eduard Neliubovich filed to the Tsentralny District Court an appeal against the actions of the Homel City Executive Committee who prohibited him to hold a rally in support of political prisoner Ales Bialiatski. The activist wanted to hold the mass event on 10 November in order to inform the public about the nomination of Ales Bialiatski for Nobel Peace Prize in 2013. The executive committee didn't authorize the picket.

Hrodna human rights defenders oppose discrimination

05.11.2013 Hrodna human rights defenders oppose discrimination

Hrodna human rights defenders Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Raman Yurhel filed to the Leninski District Court of Hrodna another complaint against the ruling of the Hrodna City Executive Committee dated 4 October and signed by its deputy head Alena Ahei, by which they werre prohibited to hold an informational picket on 10 October 2013.

Baranavichy: public activists hold a cleanup near the cross in the memory of victims of Stalin's repressions

05.11.2013 Baranavichy: public activists hold a cleanup near the cross in the memory of victims of Stalin's repressions

Following their tradition, representatives of the Baranavichy NGOs organizations and political parties held the cleanup on 2 November 2013, the “Dziady” (“Forefathers Eve”) holiday in the park near the Cross in the memory of victims of Stalinist repressions of 1939-1953, at the intersection of Pirahou and Slalenskaya Streets. Earlier, there was the prison “Kryvoye Kola” (“Crooked Wheel”), where many people were killed, and in 1992 civil society activists set the memorial cross in its place.

EU Heads of Missions Visit Kurapaty and Trastsyanets

05.11.2013 EU Heads of Missions Visit Kurapaty and Trastsyanets

It has become a tradition for the diplomats to gather at the sites on or around Dzyady, Remembrance of Ancestors Day, to honour the memory of the victims.

Human rights defenders consider the sentence to Yury Rubtsou as politically motivated revenge

04.11.2013 Human rights defenders consider the sentence to Yury Rubtsou as politically motivated revenge

On 4 November the Savetski District Court of Minsk sentenced the participant of the mass event “Dziady" (“Forefathers Eve") Yury Rubtsou to three-day administrative arrest. Judge Dzmitry Pauliuchenka, having considered the administrative case of the opposition activist, found him guilty of "insubordination" to police officers (Article 23.4 of the Administrative Code).

04.11.2013 Victims of political repressions commemorated on “Dziady”

Like every year, community activists gathered on Kabyliatskaya mountain near Orsha. This is the second officially recognized place of execution of civilians in the 1930s and 1950s (the first is the Kurapaty forest in Minsk).

Yury Rubtsou sentenced to 3 days of arrest for  “insubordination to police”

04.11.2013 Yury Rubtsou sentenced to 3 days of arrest for “insubordination to police”

On 4 November , an opposition activist Yury Rubtsou, detained while taking part in the yesterday's “Dziady” (“Forefathers Eve”) demonstration, was taken to the Savetski District Court of Minsk and charged underArticle 23.4 of the Administrative Code .

"Dziady" rally held in Minsk

04.11.2013 "Dziady" rally held in Minsk

A traditional procession and rally in Kurapaty in the memory of the ancestors who died during the Bolshevik terror, was held in Minsk on 3 November to mark “Dziady” (“Forefathers Eve”). The monitoring of the action was held by members of the HRC “Viasna” with the participation of Belarusian Helsinki Committee and other volunteers.

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