News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Biaroza court sides with executive committee in ban on picket against the death penalty

20.11.2013 Biaroza court sides with executive committee in ban on picket against the death penalty

On November 19, Biaroza District Court considered a complaint filed by human rights defenders Tamara Shchapiotkina and Siarhei Rusetsk, as well as civil society activist Tatsiana Tarasevich, to challenge a ban imposed by the district executive committee on a picket against the death penalty scheduled for October 10.

Hlybokaye activist sues district executive committee over picket ban

18.11.2013 Hlybokaye activist sues district executive committee over picket ban

Dzmitry Lupach, an activist of the Belarusian Christian Democracy, is appealing a court ban on the rally of solidarity with political prisoners scheduled for November 23. He believes the ban is illegal and asks the court to admit this and to oblige the executive committee to allow the event.

Slonim: executive committee consistently denies permission for pickets

18.11.2013 Slonim: executive committee consistently denies permission for pickets

Ales Masiuk, an activist from the town of Slonim, Hrodna region, was not allowed to stage another picket scheduled for November 17 in the town park. The picket was expected to support the right of Slonim district residents to freely subscribe to the independent newspaper Hazeta Slonimskaya using the Belarusian post network, as well as to freely buy it at the Belsayuzdruk newsstands. The ban signed by the Acting First Deputy Chairman Uladzislau Hershhoryn was received just four days before the planned event. It explains that on the same day and time the location in Opernaya Street will be occupied by a mass public event entitled “Younger Generation – Ready!” to mark the International Students’ Day.

Another picket banned in Baranavichy

15.11.2013 Another picket banned in Baranavichy

Baranavichy city executive committee banned a rally under the slogan “They must be stopped”, “Public control for actions of the authorities”. It is said in a letter signed by the deputy chairman of the executive committee Mr. Kastsiukevich received by local trade union activist Ryhor Hryk. The official said that the government would not allow the rally, as the slogan of the claimed mass action violated the requirements of Art. 10 of the Law “On Mass Events in the Republic of Belarus”.

Biaroza human rights activists fighting for right to stage pickets

14.11.2013 Biaroza human rights activists fighting for right to stage pickets

Biaroza human rights defenders sent a letter to Chairman of the Brest Regional Executive Committee Kanstantsin Sumar with a request to oblige local authorities to change its decision on the procedures for holding street events in the district.

UN Human Rights Committee recognizes violation of the rights of Homel oppositionist

13.11.2013 UN Human Rights Committee recognizes violation of the rights of Homel oppositionist

The Human Rights Committee of the UN acknowledged that the Belarusian authorities had violated the right of the Chairman of the Homel regional organization of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" Uladzimir Siakerka to hold a peaceful assembly by banning the December 2007 rally to be held in Homel in disagreement with the abolition of benefits to the entire population of the country.

Baranavichy: civil activist Ryhor Hryk intends to hold a picket “For public control over actions of the authorities”

11.11.2013 Baranavichy: civil activist Ryhor Hryk intends to hold a picket “For public control over actions of the authorities”

The civil activist Ryhor Hryk filed an application for the action to the Baranavichy District Executive Committee.

Leanid Smouzh sentenced to five days of arrest

11.11.2013 Leanid Smouzh sentenced to five days of arrest

The Leninski District Court of Minsk considered the administrative case of Leanid Smouzh, detained on 10 November after a procession and rally in Loshytsa. The reason for the detention was the fact that the resident of Stoubtsy district was wearing a T-shirt with the inscription "For Belarus without Lukashenka".

Homel police continue haunting participants of an action in the memory of victims of Stalinist repressions

11.11.2013 Homel police continue haunting participants of an action in the memory of victims of Stalinist repressions

On 8 November the deputy chairman of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou was summonsed to the Navabelitski District Police Department in Homel. There he was charged with organizing an unauthorized mass procession (Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code).

Dzmitry Dashkevich complains about the conditions in the center for the isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street

11.11.2013 Dzmitry Dashkevich complains about the conditions in the center for the isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street

On 11 November the co-chairman of the “Young Front" Dzmitry Dashkevich complained to the prosecutor of Minsk. Dashkevich asks to check whether the conditions of detention comply with the standards in the Center for isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street.

“Young Front” activist Raman Pratasevich sentenced to two days of arrest

08.11.2013 “Young Front” activist Raman Pratasevich sentenced to two days of arrest

Raman Pratasevich was detained during the trial of another “YF” activist, Dzmitry Dashkevich on 6 November. He was subsequently taken to the center for the isolation of offenders in Akrestsin Street in Minsk and kept there for two days, as far as the courts didn't work on 7 November, a state holiday.

Homel activist Vasil Paliakou to be tried 13 November

08.11.2013 Homel activist Vasil Paliakou to be tried 13 November

Since 10 a.m. the deputy head of the United Civil Party Vasil Paliakou has been at the office of the head of the public order bureau of the Navabelitski District Police Department of Homel, Henadz Khilkevich. He has received charges of violating the order of organizing and holding mass events.

Mahiliou democrat appeals against a fine for distribution of leaflets

08.11.2013 Mahiliou democrat appeals against a fine for distribution of leaflets

On 7 November the leader of the Mahiliou regional coalition of democratic forces Yury Novikau filed an appeal against the ruling of the Leninski District Court of Mahiliou for 29 October 2013 to the Mahiliou Regional Court.

Authorities banned a picket calling for repairs of a bridge in Orsha

08.11.2013 Authorities banned a picket calling for repairs of a bridge in Orsha

The Orsha District Executive Committee didn't answer the request of the activists for authorizing the picket. They just demanded that the lattter ones present a service agreement with the police for guarding the action participants visitors.

08.11.2013 Babruisk police confiscated poster “Thank God” at Communist rally

A rally dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the October Revolution was held on 7 November in Babruisk.

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