News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Salihorsk, Baranavichy authorities ban Human Rights Day pickets

05.12.2013 Salihorsk, Baranavichy authorities ban Human Rights Day pickets

Chief ideology official of Salihorsk district executive committee, Mikalai Maskevich, did not allow local civil society activists to hold a picket to celebrate the Human Rights Day on December 10. According to the official, the application for holding a mass event on December 10, 2013 in the town’s Tsentralnaya Square does not meet the requirements of Article 5 of the Law “On Mass Events”.

Babruisk UCP files an application for a picket of solidarity with Ukrainians

04.12.2013 Babruisk UCP files an application for a picket of solidarity with Ukrainians

Viktar Buzinayeu, the chairman of the Babruisk UCP organization, filed an application for holding a picket of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Hrodna: holding a picket costs more than 23 million rubles

04.12.2013 Hrodna: holding a picket costs more than 23 million rubles

On 4 December the Leninski District Court of Hrodna considered a complaint of the Hrodna human rights defenders Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Raman Yurhel against the prohibition of the picket they intended to hold on 10 October, the World Day Against the Death Penalty, by the Hrodna City Executive Committee.

Homel: trials for “Dziady” (“Forefathers Eve”) action

04.12.2013 Homel: trials for “Dziady” (“Forefathers Eve”) action

The member of the United Civil Party Uladzimir Shytsikau received a summons to the Navabelitski District Court of Homel for consideration of the administrative case, according to which the head of the division of public order of the Navabelitski District Police Department of Homel, Lieutenant Colonel Henadz Khilkevich accuses him of violating the order of organizing and holding mass events. The trial is scheduled for 10 December.

Brest Regional Court upholds the ban on a picket in Biaroza

04.12.2013 Brest Regional Court upholds the ban on a picket in Biaroza

Brest Regional Court dismissed the appeal of human rights defenders from Biaroza, who asked to recognize as illegal the ban on the picket they intended to hold on 4 August, and reverse the decision of the Biaroza District Court, which declared the decision of the Executive Committee lawful.

Slonim District Executive Committee has banned 5 pickets already

04.12.2013 Slonim District Executive Committee has banned 5 pickets already

The official correspondence between the civil activist Ales Masiuk and the executive committee continues, Mr. Masiuk continues filing applications for pickets, whereas the authorities still reject them.

Brest UCP organization eager to hold a procession in support of the Ukrainian people

04.12.2013 Brest UCP organization eager to hold a procession in support of the Ukrainian people

Brest regional organization of the United Civil Party filed an application for holding a procession in Lenin Street on 21 December.

Andrei Paluda: “I choose life!”

03.12.2013 Andrei Paluda: “I choose life!”

The coordinator of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders against the death penalty in Belarus" Andrei Paluda visited Rome together with the well-known advocate of the world-wide abolition of the death penalty, Uzbek human rights activist Tamara Chikunova, to take part in the events dedicated to the problem of death penalty and human rights violations.

Brest authorities create obstacles to human rigths picket

02.12.2013 Brest authorities create obstacles to human rigths picket

According to the Ruling of the Council of Ministers № 207 of 2012, upon receipt of an application for holding a mass event the Executive Committee must send a copy of the registered application to the police, after which the executive committee must discuss with the police the actions of the latter during the event.

Minsk: Cities for Life, cities against the Death Penalty

02.12.2013 Minsk: Cities for Life, cities against the Death Penalty

During the several last years actions against the death penalty have been held in Minsk within the frames of the campaign "Cities for Life, Cities against the Death Penalty" on the last day of November.

Kalinkavichy activist files complaint against picketing ban

30.11.2013 Kalinkavichy activist files complaint against picketing ban

Kalinkavichy civil society activist Tamara Zaitsava filed a complaint to the district court against local executive committee officials, who banned a gathering outside the editorial office of the state-run newspaper “Kalinkavitskiya naviny.” The ban referred to the fact that the place is not on the list of locations authorized for mass gatherings by a decision of Kalinkavichy executive committee.

Orsha activists to sue district executive committee over picketing

30.11.2013 Orsha activists to sue district executive committee over picketing

Yury Nahorny and Yauhen Anishchanka filed a complaint in the Courtof Orsha district to challenge the fact that the executive committee banned an event to campaign for the resolution of the town’s most acute problem – repairs of the bridge across the Dnieper.

Picket banned for one reason, another one named in court

26.11.2013 Picket banned for one reason, another one named in court

Dzmitry Lupach (pictured), an activist from the town of Hlybokaye, tried to challenge in court a ban on a picket of solidarity with political prisoners imposed by the district authorities after local restrictions on holding mass events had changed. This was written in an official letter from the executive committee. However, the court suddenly named a different reason for the ban that was recognized as legitimate.

Mahiliou Regional Court completely sides with executive power

25.11.2013 Mahiliou Regional Court completely sides with executive power

The Mahiliou Regional Court considered today two complaints filed by human rights activists Barys Bukhel and Aliaksei Kolchyn. In the first case, the court presided over by Judge Sviatlana Stalmakhova dismissed the case on the complaint against Mahiliou city executive committee’s decision to allow the only location in the city for public events.

Bykhau authorities urged to select places for public events

22.11.2013 Bykhau authorities urged to select places for public events

Chairman of BPF’s Bykhau office, writer Siarhei Antonau filed yesterday a written request to the local executive committee Chairman Dzmitry Kaleyeu. The appeal asks the official to determine places for pickets in the town.

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