News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Brest: two pickets held on Human Rigths Day

11.12.2013 Brest: two pickets held on Human Rigths Day

One of the pickets was organized by the chair of the Brest regional branch of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Zinaida Mikhniuk, and the other – by the human rights activist Uladzimir Vialichkin. At the picket organized by the TUREI, the people spoke about the protection of workers' rights, while participants of the other one demanded freedom for political prisoners, holding posters with portraits of political prisoners and postcards with Ales Bialiatski behind bars.

Brest marks Human Rights Day with a round table

11.12.2013 Brest marks Human Rights Day with a round table

The event was attended by human rights activists, members of political parties, NGOs, trade unions and independent media.

10.12.2013 Uladzimir Shytsikau awarded with a fine on Human Rights Day

On 3 November Homel democratic activists commemorated the victims of Stalinist repression at the 9th kilometer of the highway to Chernihiv.

Minskers are congratulated on Human Rights Day

10.12.2013 Minskers are congratulated on Human Rights Day

Traditionally, on 10 December, International Human Rights Day, human rights activists and volunteers hold information actions in Minsk. This time they handed out the texts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, printed materials on the topic of the death penalty and answered questions relating to the human rights situation in Belarus.

Illia Dabratvor summonsed to police on Human Rights Day

10.12.2013 Illia Dabratvor summonsed to police on Human Rights Day

Late in the evening of 9 December the police came to the apartment of the activist of the solidarity movement "Together" Illia Dabratvor. However, only his wife and minor children were at home at that time. The woman was told that there was an urgent need to compose a report of questioning of here husband and was questioned why her husband was still not home.

Not a minute for human rights in Vitsebsk

09.12.2013 Not a minute for human rights in Vitsebsk

Human rights activist Pavel Levinau was prohibited to hold pickets on Human Rights Day, 10 December. He filed applications for the authorization of one-minute actions, but the district authorities rejected his applications.

Bialynichy activists started marking the Human Rights Day by distributing  texts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

09.12.2013 Bialynichy activists started marking the Human Rights Day by distributing texts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

On the eve of Human Rights Day civil activists of the town of Bialynichy started distributing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights among the local dwellers.

Orsha authorities ban a picket against the destruction of a park

09.12.2013 Orsha authorities ban a picket against the destruction of a park

Orsha District Executive Committee banned a picket, initiated by the social activists YuryNahorny and Ales Shutau. They intended to hold the picket on 12 December to protect the park in the neighborhood "Charomushki" where trees are demolished to build another multi-stored house.

Two pickets dated to Human Rights Day banned in Vitsebsk

09.12.2013 Two pickets dated to Human Rights Day banned in Vitsebsk

The formal reason is usual, the absence of the contracts for serving the events. The activists tried to enter into the needed service agreements with the appropriate agencies two months before the planned action, but the city's polyclinic and the regional police department refused to do it.

09.12.2013 Andrei Tsianiuta gets fined

The co-chairman of the “Young Front” and a participant of the campaign "Stop Drinking – Start Living!” Andrei Tsianiuta received a “gratitude” and “reward” from the city authorities for distributing anti-alcohol information – he was fined 25 basic units by the Administrative Commission of the Savetski District of Homel.

Civil activists detained on the Ukrainian border for 28 hours

09.12.2013 Civil activists detained on the Ukrainian border for 28 hours

On 7 December the activist of the civil campaign “Alternative” Dzmitry Silchanka was detained at the Ukrainian border. He was going to Kyiv by a route bus “Homel-Chernihiv” together with his friends in order to take part in the peaceful protest actions.

Authorities have found a new way to prevent protest actions

06.12.2013 Authorities have found a new way to prevent protest actions

Brest branch of the Trade Union of the Radio Electronic Industry filed an application to the Brest City Executive Committee for holding a picket on 10 December, the Human Rights Day.

Bykhau authorities refuse to present information about the sites for holding mass events

06.12.2013 Bykhau authorities refuse to present information about the sites for holding mass events

On 3 December Bykhau writer and journalist Siarhei Antonau received a response from the local executive committee to his appeal to the chairman, Dzmitry Kaleyeu, in which he asked to determine a site for holding pickets in Bykhau.

Ales Makayeu to be tried for commemoration of Slutsk uprising

06.12.2013 Ales Makayeu to be tried for commemoration of Slutsk uprising

On 4 December the police drew up a violation report on the entrepreneur and social activist Ales Makayeu, charging them with organizing an unsanctioned rally on 24 November during a visit to the village of Hrozava in the Slutsk district. The trial of Ales Makayeu will be held at the Maskouski District Court of Minsk. The date hasn't been scheduled so far.

Astravets activist not allowed to stage anti-corruption picket

05.12.2013 Astravets activist not allowed to stage anti-corruption picket

On December 4, a civil society activist from Astravets district, Mikalai Ulasevich, received a ban on a picket he was going to stage this Saturday. The purpose of the picket entitled “Put Corrupt Officials to Justice” was attracting the attention of local residents, as well as law enforcement agencies, to facts of malfeasance and corruption among senior government officials of the district.

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