News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Another picket banned by Biaroza District Executive Committee

10.10.2013 Another picket banned by Biaroza District Executive Committee

This year, the first ban has been received by the local human rights defenders when applied for the authorization of a picket on 4 August in support of Ales Bialiatski and other political prisoners. The denial was signed by the deputy chairman of the Biaroza District Executive Committee Yauhen Tarasiuk.

Zhodzina authorities ban a picket dated to the World Day against the Death Penalty

10.10.2013 Zhodzina authorities ban a picket dated to the World Day against the Death Penalty

On 8 October, two days before the picket, its organizer, human rights defender Aliaksei Lapitski, received a letter from the Zhodzina City Executive Committee by registered mail through the Main Post Office.

In the death row cell (video)

08.10.2013 In the death row cell (video)

The new video, dedicated to the topic of the death penalty, successfully combines video shots from real death row cells and a fragment of a performance which was demonstrated during the V World Congress against the Death Penalty in Madrid. The film was edited by film director Viktar Tratsiakou.

Human rights defender Uladzimir Labkovich punished with a fine on the fourth attempt

08.10.2013 Human rights defender Uladzimir Labkovich punished with a fine on the fourth attempt

On 8 October the administrative case of the member of the Council of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Uladzimir Labkovich was finally reviewed by the Savetski District Court of Minsk.

Human rights defender Uladzimir Malei dedicated his marathon to Ales Bialiatski (photos)

07.10.2013 Human rights defender Uladzimir Malei dedicated his marathon to Ales Bialiatski (photos)

Malaryta human rights defender Uladzimir Malei dedicated a ten-kilometer marathon to the freedom of the head of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Ales Bialiatski. He came to the 30th jubilee marathon which took place in Malaryta wearing a T-shirt with a portrait of Ales Bialiatski and the inscription “Freedom to Bialiatski!” Uladzimir Malei took the third prize place in his age group.

Trial on Labkovich's case postponed again

07.10.2013 Trial on Labkovich's case postponed again

On 7 October at the Savetski District Court of Minsk the member of the Council of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” Uladzimir Labkovich was informed that the trial would take place tomorrow and start at 9 a.m. This is already the fourth postponement of the trial.

Khotsimsk: another application for a picket against foreign military airbases

07.10.2013 Khotsimsk: another application for a picket against foreign military airbases

Last week Khotsimsk activists of the Belarusian Popular Front filed another appeal to the Khotsimsk District Executive Committee to hold a picket against the deployment of the foreign military airbases on the territory of Belarus.

“Death penalty. Indifference kills”

07.10.2013 “Death penalty. Indifference kills”

“No enemy is worse than indifference! All mischief takes place with the tacit consent of the indifferent."

Hrodna City Executive Committee issues a “cynic” picket ban

06.10.2013 Hrodna City Executive Committee issues a “cynic” picket ban

Hrodna City Executive Committee once again prohibited the human rights defenders Uladzimir Khilmanovich, Raman Yurhel and Viktar Sazonau to hold an informational picket. The activists intended to hold a picket against the death penalty on 10 October, the World Day against the Death Penalty, and inform the citizens about this issue.

Another trial for banned picket to take place in Vitsebsk on 9 October

06.10.2013 Another trial for banned picket to take place in Vitsebsk on 9 October

Vitsebsk regional coordinator of the Movement “For Freedom” Khrystafor Zhaliaoau and a representative of the organizing committee of the party “Narodmaya Hramada”, Aliaksei Haurutsikau, filed an appeal against the ban of the picket they intended to hold on 8 September. They also intend to receive the permission to hold their action at another time.

Doesn't the lawyer ofthe Biaroza District Executive Committee watch changes in the legislation?

06.10.2013 Doesn't the lawyer ofthe Biaroza District Executive Committee watch changes in the legislation?

Biaroza human rights defenders are unable to enter into a contract for the serving of their picket on 10 October by the Biaroza District Police Department.

Baranavichy City Executive Committee bans a picket in honor of the International Day for Decent Work

05.10.2013 Baranavichy City Executive Committee bans a picket in honor of the International Day for Decent Work

Baranavichy CEC banned the picket for the International Day for Decent Work. This became known from a letter signed by the deputy head of the executive committee, Dz. Kastsiukevich, received by an activist of the Baranavichy city unit of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry Ryhor Hryk.

Mahiliou activists of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry are prohibited to hold their picket

04.10.2013 Mahiliou activists of the Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry are prohibited to hold their picket

The women wanted to protest against the actions of the lawyer Natallia Zakharchanka and the verdict of Judge of the Leninski District Court of Minsk Halina Tarasava about their eviction from the dormitory of "Building Trust No. 12" without providing alternative accommodation to stay.

“Last Dawn”. Music saves lives

02.10.2013 “Last Dawn”. Music saves lives

The opening of the musical project "The Last Dawn", whose members advocate for an end to the practice of the death penalty in Belarus will take place on 5 October on the live air of the web portal ad the internet editions and "Nasha Niva". The live air will started at 7 p.m.

Brest authorities ban the pickets against the introduction of the exit fee

01.10.2013 Brest authorities ban the pickets against the introduction of the exit fee

The local activists of the United Civil Party filed applications for four pickets, by means of which they intended to draw the attention of the society to the new initiative of the authorities which violates the rights of citizens, namely – the intention to take an exit fee of $100 from the Belarusian citizens who intended to buy goods abroad.

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