News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

12.03.2014 Anatol Liabedzka fined about $400 for picket to support Ukraine

Minsk's Savetski district court found the leader of the United Civil Party guilty of holding an unsanctioned picket. Judge Yakubouski issued a fine of 30 basic units to the politician.

Hrodna Regional Court dismisses the appeal of UCP members

12.03.2014 Hrodna Regional Court dismisses the appeal of UCP members

March 11, Hrodna Regional Court considered the appeal of the activists of the United Civil Party Aliaksandra Davidovich, Yezhy Hryhencha and Aliaksandr Vasilevichagainst the verdict of Judge Alena Piatrova, who sentenced them to fines for allegedly holding an unauthorized picket on February 7.

Court upholds fine imposed on participant of “Stop Tax” action by traffic police

10.03.2014 Court upholds fine imposed on participant of “Stop Tax” action by traffic police

January 13 Dzmitry Dzmitryieu was stopped by traffic police while driving on Nezalezhnasts Avenue in Minsk. That day, owners of motorcars held the action "Stop Tax" against the imposition of a tax on admission of vehicles to traffic movement.

Brest authorities ban rally of solidarity with Ukrainian people

10.03.2014 Brest authorities ban rally of solidarity with Ukrainian people

At 12.00 a.m. - 1.00 p.m. on March 10, Brest regional branch of the United Civil Party intended to hold a procession in Masherau Avenue, Lenin Street and the central square of Brest, with participation of 10-15 people.

10.03.2014 Siarhei Vazniak fined for campaigning picket

Judge of the Savetski District Court of Minsk Maryna Fiodarava fined Siarhei Vazniak, a candidate for the Minsk City Council running on Kalvaryiskaya constituency No. 38, 5.2 million rubles.

Activists of “For Freedom” movement arrested for action of solidarity with Ukraine

08.03.2014 Activists of “For Freedom” movement arrested for action of solidarity with Ukraine

Artsiom Liava and Ales Marchanka were sentenced to five days of arrest for a rally of solidarity with the Ukraine, held near the Russian Embassy on March 6.

Biaroza activists intend to hold a picket on Freedom Day

06.03.2014 Biaroza activists intend to hold a picket on Freedom Day

One of the picket organizers, human rights defender Siarzhuk Rusetski says that picket will be dedicated not only to the 96th anniversary of the proclamation of the Belarusian People's Republic, but also to other topical issues which need to be discussed publicly.

Maksim Viniarski sentenced to 15 days of arrest for action of solidarity with Ukraine

06.03.2014 Maksim Viniarski sentenced to 15 days of arrest for action of solidarity with Ukraine

Maksim Viniarski, a coordinator of European Belarus, held a picket near the Embassy of Russia in Belarus on March 5.

06.03.2014 Vkontakte social network banned Freedom Day application

Belarusian patriot Kanstantsin Novikau specially for the Freedom Day. The purpose of the application was to gather on the Vkontakte no less than 10000 Belarusians to celebrate the Freedom Day on 25 March and also promptly inform potential participants on all the events related to the festive date all over the country, the human rights center Viasna reports.

Baranavichy: activist gets detained for action of solidarity with Ukraine

05.03.2014 Baranavichy: activist gets detained for action of solidarity with Ukraine

On March 4, civil society activist Uladzimir Hundar held one-man picket of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Homel authorities insist that the regulation "On Mass Events" doesn't concern pro-government communists

05.03.2014 Homel authorities insist that the regulation "On Mass Events" doesn't concern pro-government communists

Homel City Executive Committee allows pro-government communists, Communist Party of Belarus, not to abide by requirements of its regulation on mass event. Such conclusion can be drawn from the answer, received from the CEC by Chairman of the Homel regional organization of the Belarusian Left Party “Fair World” Uladzimir Siakerka.

Participants of protest action near the Russian Embassy sentenced to arrest terms

03.03.2014 Participants of protest action near the Russian Embassy sentenced to arrest terms

At 2 p.m. on March 2, activists of various social and political movements tried to hold an action of protest near the Embassy of the Russian Federation. They were met by policemen in civvies and paddy wagons. The dispersal of the protest action was directed by the head of the Minsk police, Aliaksandr Barsukou. All in all, 23 people were detained, including many journalists. All detainees were taken to the Tsentralny District Police Department. The journalists were soon released.

Joint picket of opposition candidates in Brest

03.03.2014 Joint picket of opposition candidates in Brest

In Brest, opposition candidates for deputies of local councils for the first time held a joint electoral picket. It took place on March 2 near the supermarket "Uskhod" on Partyzanski Avenue by representatives of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada), the Belarusian Left Party "Fair World", Belarusian Popular Front, United Civil Party, as well as the public initiative "Tell the Truth".

Brutal dispersal of mass event in support of Ukraine

02.03.2014 Brutal dispersal of mass event in support of Ukraine

At 2 p.m. on March 2 activists of various civil society movements tried to hold a protest action near the Embassy of the Russian Federation. They were met by paddy wagons and policemen, most of whom were dressed in civvies.

Freedom Day picket banned in Hlybokaye

26.02.2014 Freedom Day picket banned in Hlybokaye

The reason for the ban is traditional: lack of service contracts with the medics, utilities and the police. Moreover, the district police directly said they refused to enter into preliminary agreements.

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