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Hrodna Regional Court dismisses the appeal of UCP members

2014 2014-03-12T01:39:49+0300 2014-03-12T01:39:49+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Participants of the electoral picket: Aliaksandra Vasilevich, Ezhy Hryhencha and Ruslan Kulevich

Participants of the electoral picket: Aliaksandra Vasilevich, Ezhy Hryhencha and Ruslan Kulevich

March 11, Hrodna Regional Court considered the appeal of the activists of the United Civil Party Aliaksandra Davidovich, Yezhy Hryhencha and Aliaksandr Vasilevichagainst the verdict of Judge Alena Piatrova, who sentenced them to fines for allegedly holding an unauthorized picket on February 7.

Judge of the regional court Andrei Kavalchuk considered the case in 15 minutes, and dismissed the appeal of the oppositionists.

Bear in mind that on February 7 the opposition activists held an electoral picket with the participation of the UCP Chair, Anatol Liabedzka. Later the picket participants were charged with holding an unauthorized action. The matter is that during the picket they also collected signatures against the recently introduced tax on the admission of new motorcars to traffic movement. The UCP members believe they haven't violated any laws, as they just presented the official position of the party on this issue, whereas freedom of expression was guaranteed to them by the Constitution. Nevertheless, on February 12 all of them were sentenced to pay huge fines – Aliaksandra Vasilevich and Yezh
y Hryhencha – 15 basic units, Iryna Davidovich – 10 basic units.

Now the activists intend to appeal the verdict of the regional court to its chairman.

“Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections”

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