News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Human rights defender Pavel Levinau fined 3.75 mln rubles

17.12.2014 Human rights defender Pavel Levinau fined 3.75 mln rubles

Pavel Levinau requested that the trial be postponed due to his illness. But Judge Alena Tsyhankova of the Vitsebsk Chuhunachny District Court considered the request as an attempt to delay the trial. She rejected all the requests by Pavel Levinau and issued two formal warnings for the fact that there were “too many” of them.

Another convict over Day of Memory in Svislach

17.12.2014 Another convict over Day of Memory in Svislach

On December 16, Aliaksandr Shylin, Chairman of the Svislach District Court, sentenced Aliaksandra Vasilevich, Chair of the Hrodna regional office of the United Civil Party, to a fine of 3.75 mln rubles. This is the eleventh penalty for allegedly participating in an unsanctioned event, which took place on October 26 and the town of Svislach and in Yakushouka.

BHC activist in Salihorsk appeals picket ban to Prosecutor’s Office

17.12.2014 BHC activist in Salihorsk appeals picket ban to Prosecutor’s Office

Leanid Markhotka, a representative of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee in Salihorsk, has filed a complaint with the Prosecutor’s Office to challenge a ban imposed by the district executive committee on a picket expected to be staged on Human Rights Day. The human rights defender also complains about the inadequate actions of an ideology official who classified a decision of the executive committee.

BPF deputy chair Ryhor Kastusiou to stand trial in Shklou

17.12.2014 BPF deputy chair Ryhor Kastusiou to stand trial in Shklou

On 16 December, police officers in Shklou charged deputy chairman of the BPF party Ryhor Kastusiou with an administrative offense allegedly committed by the politician during the celebration of the Day of Remembrance of Kastus Kalinouski rebels in Svislach on October 26, 2014.

Hrodna Regional Court turns down appeals by civil society activists

17.12.2014 Hrodna Regional Court turns down appeals by civil society activists

On December 16, in the Hrodna Regional Court heard the appeals lodged by local civil society activist Volha Krapotsina and human rights defender and journalist Uladzimir Khilmanovich.

Convicts in Vitsebsk photo session case appeal fines

16.12.2014 Convicts in Vitsebsk photo session case appeal fines

Six residents of Vitsebsk, who were found guilty of participating in an unsanctioned picket for appearing in a photo on the background of a graffiti, are asking the Regional Court to overturn the penalties previously imposed on them. They also ask to cancel the proceedings opened over lack of official permission to be photographed in a public place.

Kanstantsin Dzmitryieu is another fined participant of the memorial event in Svislach

16.12.2014 Kanstantsin Dzmitryieu is another fined participant of the memorial event in Svislach

An activist of the United Civil Party Kanstantsin Dzmitryieu is the tenth person who has been fined for participation in the Day of Commemoration of the participants of the Kalinouski uprising in 1863-1864 in Svislach.

Leader of the Homel “Fair World” branch sues medics

16.12.2014 Leader of the Homel “Fair World” branch sues medics

Chairman of the Homel regional organization of the Belarusian Party of the Left "Fair World" Uladzimir Siakerka appeals the actions of the duty officials of the city ambulance station at the Tsentralny District Court of Homel. The lawsuit is related to the inability to hold public events in Homel.

Homel: Mikhail Tsimashenka demands that Belarusian MFA issued official apologies for age discrimination

16.12.2014 Homel: Mikhail Tsimashenka demands that Belarusian MFA issued official apologies for age discrimination

December 15, a Homel activist of the United Civil Party, 84-year-old Mikhail Tsimashenka, filed an appeal with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Uladzimir Makei. The applicant requests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its officials official apologies for an insult and age discrimination.December 15, a Homel activist of the United Civil Party, 84-year-old Mikhail Tsimashenka, filed an appeal with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Uladzimir Makei. The applicant requests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its officials official apologies for an insult and age discrimination.

“Alternative” Aliaksei Shubara to seven days of arrest for a picket against the policy of Vladimir Putin

15.12.2014 “Alternative” Aliaksei Shubara to seven days of arrest for a picket against the policy of Vladimir Putin

The activist was detained December 12 in central Minsk, near Kastrychnitskaya Square, while holding a one-man picket with a write-red-white flag and a poster “People, we need to stop Putin urgently!” and “No to World War!” to protest against the policy of President of the Russian Federation and fomentation of World War III.

Warsaw: human rights defenders from from different countries picket Azerbaijani Embassy

15.12.2014 Warsaw: human rights defenders from from different countries picket Azerbaijani Embassy

December 12 in Warsaw, representatives of human rights organizations from Poland, Germany, Norway, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Georgia and Belarus gathered for a picket against the persecution of their Azerbaijani colleagues. They handed over to the Azerbaijani Embassy a statement adopted at the general meeting of the European Platform for Democratic Elections (EPDE), recently held in Warsaw.

Kobryn: Ales Mekh fined 1.5 mln roubles for commemoration of Kalinouski insurgents

12.12.2014 Kobryn: Ales Mekh fined 1.5 mln roubles for commemoration of Kalinouski insurgents

Deputy Head of Kobryn District Court Piatro Tsimashenka found the local activist Ales Mekh guilty of participation in an unauthorized mass event.

Salihorsk authorities put a veil of secrecy over the regulation limiting right to peaceful assembly

11.12.2014 Salihorsk authorities put a veil of secrecy over the regulation limiting right to peaceful assembly

An attempt of Salihorsk human rights defenders to obtain from the local authorities a copy of the regulation which restricts the freedom of peaceful assembly, brought no results.

Pavel Levinau is prohibited to hold a photo session

11.12.2014 Pavel Levinau is prohibited to hold a photo session

Human rights activist appealed to the Chyhunachny District Executive Committee to inform it about his intention to get photographed with his friends just for the sake of taking photos. However, he was answered that he had failed to implement the requirements of the regulation of Vitsebsk City Executive Committee “About mass events in the city of Vitsebsk”.

Brest activists remind about political prisoners on Human Rights Day

10.12.2014 Brest activists remind about political prisoners on Human Rights Day

A two-hour picket dedicated to the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was held in Brest in the park soldiers-internationalists and was the only such event in Belarus which was permitted by the local authorities.

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