News on the topic: freedom of peaceful assembly

Brest Regional Court turns down Ales Mekh's appeal

15.01.2015 Brest Regional Court turns down Ales Mekh's appeal

On January 15, the Brest Regional Court considered the appeal of the civil society activist Ales Mekh against the verdict of the Kobryn District Court, according to which he was found guilty of participating in an unauthorized mass event (honoring of the rebels of 1863, held on October 26, 2014 in the town of Svislach and the village of Yakushouka in Hrodna region) and sentenced to a fine.

Handicapped activist receives anonymous threats

15.01.2015 Handicapped activist receives anonymous threats

Svetlahorsk resident Yury Liashenka, handicapped civil society activist, faced with another act of psychological pressure. According to him, he has received an anonymous threat letter to his e-mail address.

UN Human Rights Committee recognizes a violation of the rights of a civil society activist

15.01.2015 UN Human Rights Committee recognizes a violation of the rights of a civil society activist

United Nations Human Rights Committee issued a decision on the communication № 1987/2010, according to which the Republic of Belarus is recognized as violator of the rights of the civil society rights activist Anatol Stambrouski.

Vitold Ashurak: Belarusian is tried for a Belarusian flag in Belarus

09.01.2015 Vitold Ashurak: Belarusian is tried for a Belarusian flag in Belarus

The Belarusian authorities are trying to punish Vitold Ashurak, a civil society activist from Biarozauka, for his participation in a memorial event in honor of Viktar and Kastus Kalinouskis in Svislach.

Ryhor Kastusiou can't receive motivating part of the verdict

08.01.2015 Ryhor Kastusiou can't receive motivating part of the verdict

January 5, the BPF Deputy Head Ryhor Kostuseufiled a preliminary application with the Mahiliou Regional Court against the verdict of the Shklou District Court of December 23, 2014, according to which he was punished with a fine for participation in the Memorial Day of the Kalinouski rebels in Svislachon October 26, 2014.

Political activists eager to hold 18 pickets in Brest

06.01.2015 Political activists eager to hold 18 pickets in Brest

The initiative of holding 18 pickets against the economic policy of the Belarusian authorities belongs to the local activists of the United Civil Party and adherents of democratic transformations in the country.

Baranavichy: human rights defender appeals a picket ban

02.01.2015 Baranavichy: human rights defender appeals a picket ban

Human rights activist Siarhei Housha has filed a complaint to the Baranavichy City Court against the decision of the Baranavichy City Executive Committee according to which he has been prohibited to hold a picket dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Salihorsk human rights defender appeals ban on Human Rights Day picket

30.12.2014 Salihorsk human rights defender appeals ban on Human Rights Day picket

Human rights activist Leanid Markhotka has sent to the court of Salihorsk district an appeal against a ban imposed by local officials on a picket that was scheduled for Human Rights Day. Prior to this, Mr. Markhotka wrote to the prosecutor, but that attempt failed.

Salihorsk Prosecutor’s Office brushes off appeal by human rights activist

29.12.2014 Salihorsk Prosecutor’s Office brushes off appeal by human rights activist

The Prosecutor’s Office of Salihorsk district did not respond to a ban imposed by the district executive committee on a picket scheduled for Human Rights Day and the absurd actions of an ideology official who classified the decision as a state secret.

Disability rights activist in Svetlahorsk seeks prosecution for doctors who detained him

26.12.2014 Disability rights activist in Svetlahorsk seeks prosecution for doctors who detained him

Yury Liashenka, an activist for the rights of persons with disabilities in the town of Svetlahorsk, asks the Health Care Minister to punish the doctors who detained him during a picket on November 25, brought him to hospital and made an injection allegedly due to high pressure. The activist believes that this was an example of the use of health care workers in the political persecution of citizens.

Vitsebsk Regional Court turns down appeals in photo session case

24.12.2014 Vitsebsk Regional Court turns down appeals in photo session case

The Vitsebsk Regional Court has heard the appeals of local journalists and activists who were fined for unauthorized picketing as a result of a photo session on November 5. The appeals were dismissed by the court, who did not accept the arguments that it was not picketing, but a photo shoot and upheld the ruling of the Chuhynachny district court.

24.12.2014 Yury Belenki fined for Dziady for the third time

After three courts for actions in Kurapaty and Loshytsa the total fine to Yury Belenki amounted to Br11 million 250 thousands.

Shklou: Ryhor Kastusiou fined

24.12.2014 Shklou: Ryhor Kastusiou fined

On December 23, the Shklou District Court fined Ryhor Kastusiou, deputy chairman of the BPF party, 3.37 mln rubles for participation in the celebration of the Day of Remembrance of Kastus Kalinouski rebels in Svislach on October 26.

Trade union activists fined over hunger strike in Babruisk

19.12.2014 Trade union activists fined over hunger strike in Babruisk

The Babruisk Court has heard the charges brought against four members of the Free Trade Union of Belarus, who were earlier dismissed from the factory TDiA – Aliaksandr Varankin, Mikalai Zhybul, Aliaksandr Hramyka and Aleh Shauchenka. The activists were charged with participating in an unauthorized mass event.

Hrodna Regional Court turns down appeal by journalist Mikhail Karnevich

18.12.2014 Hrodna Regional Court turns down appeal by journalist Mikhail Karnevich

On December 18, Judge Mikalai Rachynski of the Hrodna Regional Court dismissed the appeal of journalist Mikhail Karnevich. The BAJ member challenged the ruling of Judge Alena Piatrova of the Leninski District Court, who actually convicted the journalist for the performance of his professional duties during the celebration of the 1863 uprising memorial day held in Svislach and Yakushouka on October 26.

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