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Vitold Ashurak: Belarusian is tried for a Belarusian flag in Belarus

2015 2015-01-09T13:08:05+0300 2015-01-09T13:08:05+0300 en
Yury Hlebik speaking at the Remembrance Day

Yury Hlebik speaking at the Remembrance Day

The Belarusian authorities are trying to punish Vitold Ashurak, a civil society activist from Biarozauka, for his participation in a memorial event in honor of Viktar and Kastus Kalinouskis in Svislach.

The BPF member received a writ to the Lida District Court for January 8. He refused to go there and proposed the court to consider the case without his participation, referring to his distrust in the court which doesn't refrain from considering such cases.

“If a Belarusian is tried for a Belarusian flag in Belarus, I have certain doubts that this is a Belarusian court. I consider my presence at such a trial inexpedient and insulting for myself,” commented Mr. Ashurak.

At the end of December 2014, a BPF member from Biarozauka Siarhei Trafimchyk was also tried in absentia and was sentenced to a fine of 3 million rubles.



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