News on the topic: elections-2014

Candidates Illia Dabratvor and Anatol Zhylko get detained near the detention center in Akrestsin Street

15.03.2014 Candidates Illia Dabratvor and Anatol Zhylko get detained near the detention center in Akrestsin Street

March 14, Minsk police detained a candidate of the Belarusian Popular Front for the local councils, Illia Dabratvor, and a candidate of the United Civil Party, Anatol Zhylko, near the detention center in Akrestsin Street, where they were meeting ex-political prisoner Zmitser Dashkevich and Yauhen Tsikhanau, who were released after serving 12-day arrest terms for an action of protest against the Russian intervention in the Ukraine.

Participants of the project “Election observation: theory and practice” detained in Minsk

15.03.2014 Participants of the project “Election observation: theory and practice” detained in Minsk

The project participants Hanna Azemsha and Palina Brodzik were to have held a training for election observers on March 14. They drove to the place of the training by car, carrying the necessary stationery and brochures for observers with them.

Hrodna: membership in councils as synonym of prosperity

15.03.2014 Hrodna: membership in councils as synonym of prosperity

If we pay attention to the social status of the candidates for deputies of the Hrodna City Council, we will find out that almost all of them are high-ranking officials and heads of enterprises who have quite large wages and assets by the Belarusian standards.

Only five candidates established campaign funds in Babruisk

14.03.2014 Only five candidates established campaign funds in Babruisk

Only five out of 88 candidates for the district council and the 26 candidates for the regional council used the opportunity to create their own campaign funds.

Human rights defenders launch an interactive web resource for election observers

13.03.2014 Human rights defenders launch an interactive web resource for election observers

The campaign can be joined by any Belarusian citizen – he/she only has to file an online application form and send the results of observation at a concrete polling station.

Baranavichy: candidate continues struggling for publication of his pre-electoral program

13.03.2014 Baranavichy: candidate continues struggling for publication of his pre-electoral program

Mikalai Charnavus, a candidate for the Brest Regional Council in Western constituency No. 21 in Baranavichy, continues to fight for the printing of his election program. He applied to the editor of the state-run newspaper “Nash Krai” stating that he had introduced some changes in the program and asked to publish the new version.

Chair of Mikashevichy City Executive Committee uses physical violence against candidate

13.03.2014 Chair of Mikashevichy City Executive Committee uses physical violence against candidate

Candidate for the Mikashevich City Council Leanid Dubanosau paid a visit to the director of the local House of Culture "Granite" to agree on the time of his electoral meeting there, scheduled for March 16. Despite the fact that the House of Culture was determined as a place for such meetings by the city executive committee, the director said that she could not take such decision on her own.

Brest: court punishes participants of electoral picket with fines

13.03.2014 Brest: court punishes participants of electoral picket with fines

Leader of the Brest regional UCP branch Uladzimir Vuyek was fined 25 basic units, and activists of the party Dyiana Kastsiukovich and Yury Zhydovich – 10 basic units each.

Shklou District Election Commission deceives Ryhor Kastusiou

13.03.2014 Shklou District Election Commission deceives Ryhor Kastusiou

Skhlou district newspaper "Udarny Front" for March 12 failed to publish the information on the criminal records of candidates for deputies of the Shklou District Council.

Opposition candidate unable to overcome censorship of his campaigning materials by printing house

12.03.2014 Opposition candidate unable to overcome censorship of his campaigning materials by printing house

Vitsebsk independent candidate Aliaksei Haurutsikau cannot exercise his right to print campaign materials in the state-owned newspaper isued in the town of Dubrouna, due to the refusal of its chief editor. The Central Election Commission supported the position of the editor.

Editor of “Dniaprouskaya Prauda” accuses candidates of calling to coup d'etat

12.03.2014 Editor of “Dniaprouskaya Prauda” accuses candidates of calling to coup d'etat

The district state-owned newspaper “Dniaprouskaya Prauda” refused to publish the pre-electoral program and biography of the Vitsebsk activist Aliaksei Haurutsikau. Its editor stated that the program contained “hidden calls to state overturn”.

Orsha: candidate cannot get printing house publish campaigning leaflets

12.03.2014 Orsha: candidate cannot get printing house publish campaigning leaflets

A candidate from the Belarusian Popular Front, Orsha resident Ihar Kazmiarchak, has been trying to get the Orsha printing house print his campaigning materials for a week already.

Hrodna Regional Court dismisses the appeal of UCP members

12.03.2014 Hrodna Regional Court dismisses the appeal of UCP members

March 11, Hrodna Regional Court considered the appeal of the activists of the United Civil Party Aliaksandra Davidovich, Yezhy Hryhencha and Aliaksandr Vasilevichagainst the verdict of Judge Alena Piatrova, who sentenced them to fines for allegedly holding an unauthorized picket on February 7.

Vadzim Saranchukou deprived of candidate status

12.03.2014 Vadzim Saranchukou deprived of candidate status

Vadzim Saranchukou, the only candidate of the Belarusian Popular Front for the Hrodna City Council, was deprived of the status of candidate by the Hrodna City Election Commission. Mr. Saranchukou was told about this at a meeting of the commission.

Homel: electoral picket of UCP candidate suffers a hooligan attack

12.03.2014 Homel: electoral picket of UCP candidate suffers a hooligan attack

March 11, candidate for the Homel City Council at the Studentskaya election constituency, member of the United Civil Party Zmitser Karpenka, held an electoral picket.

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