News on the topic: Belarus

12.05.2008 Young Front supports boycott of the upcoming election

The underground youth organization Young Front is against participation in the so-called parliamentary election appointed on autumn by the Belarusian authorities.

08.05.2008 Coordinator of Charter’97 Zmitser Bandarenka proposes to boycott the elections

‘The regime has given up on dialogue and democratization by unleashing a real terror against political opposition and the civil society. That is why the democratic forces are to start realization of a different strategy,’ believes the coordinator of the Charter’97 Zmitser Bandarenka.

05.05.2008 Police to bring no case on defilement of BPF office door

The office of the Belarusian Popular Front party (BPF) received an answer from the police to the complaint ‘on the facts on window damage and drawing inscriptions on office’s door’.

18.04.2008 Economic University administration persist in expelling Atakulava

The administration of the Belarusian State Economic University is likely to expel youth activist Ludmila Atakulava. During a special meeting of the university administration, the student was labeled as ‘opposing society’. The final decision will be taken in the near future.

11.04.2008 Ludmila Atakulava facing expulsion

On April 10 Ludmila Atakulava, a Young front activist, was invited for a conversation to Belarusian State Economic University administration where she was informed that she would soon be expelled from the university for poor attendance.

04.04.2008 Homel: youth activist Mikita Bahrou expelled from university

28 March the third-year student, activist of youth democratic movement Mikita Bahrou was expelled from the state technical university of Homel.

04.04.2008 Zhaleznichenka to serve in the army without oath

Zmitser Zhaleznichenka, expelled from Homel University after participation in oppositional movement became known, continues doing his military service, and as before refuses to take the oath for service.

KGB blackmails students

02.04.2008 KGB blackmails students

KGB workers visited some of the persons who were arrested on 25 March 2008 for participation in the peaceful rally dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the Belarusian People’s Republic.

22.03.2008 Homel students prohibited to celebrate Liberty Day

The administration of Homel State University warned its students that it would be ‘wrong’ to take part in the upcoming March 25 events in Minsk.

Education Ministry Ignores Franak Viachorka’s Case

11.03.2008 Education Ministry Ignores Franak Viachorka’s Case

Franak Viachorka, member of the BPF Youth (Belarusian Popular Front), received an answer from the Ministry of Education to his claim against expulsion from faculty of journalism of the Belarusian State University (BSU). In particular, the letter says the claim of the expelled student had been sent to the BSU rector’s office.

06.03.2008 All Draftees Who Have Surnames Starting with ‘K’ and ‘V’ Are Summonsed to Military Enlistment Office

The authorities continue using a new tactics of pressing youth activists out of the public life – drafting them to army. Recently the activists of the BPF Youth Anton Kalinouski and Franak Viachorka were summonsed to Savetski district military enlistment office in Minsk. Earlier Kalinouski was expelled from the translator’s faculty of Minsk State Linguistic University and Franak Viachorka – from the journalist faculty of Belarusian State University.

22.02.2008 Campaign on Informing Students about Politically Motivated Expulsions Starts at Belarusian State University

The campaign is conducted by a group of the year-mates of the oppositionist Franak Viachorka, who has been expelled from the third year at the journalistic faculty of BSU.

21.02.2008 Pavel Kuryanovich and Tatsiana Tsishkevich Expelled from Universities

Activists of the civil campaign For Freedom! Pavel Kuryanovich and Tatsiana Tsishkevich were expelled from universities after administrative arrests for participation in the street actions on 10 and 16 January.

19.02.2008 Zhaleznichenka’s Mother Appeals against His Expulsion from University

On 5 March the court hearings on the suit of Zmitser Zhaleznichenka’s mother against Homel State University will start. On 18 February the judge of the Tsentralny district court of Homel Zhanna Andreichyk listened to the positions of the sides and decided to start the trial after Zmitser receives an answer from the Ministry of Education, to which he had complained against the illegal expulsion.

18.02.2008 ‘Cold, Hunger, Rats’ – Franak Viachorka about Conditions in Akrestsin Jail

Franak Viachorka, the chair of the cultural commission of the BPF Party, has been expelled from the journalistic faculty of Belarusian State University for poor academic progress. He did not manage to pass his exams in time because of 15-day arrest for ‘dirty swearing in public’.

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