News for October 2015

Analytical report on the results of weekly observation: September 28 – October 4

06.10.2015 Analytical report on the results of weekly observation: September 28 – October 4

Observation of the election of the President of Belarus is carried out by activists of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center "Viasna" in the framework of the campaign "Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections".

Car of member of Belarusian Christian Democracy thoroughly examined at Ukrainian-Belarusian border

05.10.2015 Car of member of Belarusian Christian Democracy thoroughly examined at Ukrainian-Belarusian border

Valery Bilibukha and his friends went to the Ukraine to buy various goods. While returning to Belarus they passed the Ukrainian customs rather quickly, whereas at the Belarusian border the car was examined thoroughly.

Human rights defenders on the death penalty: "Murder is not justice"

05.10.2015 Human rights defenders on the death penalty: "Murder is not justice"

October 5, the traditional Week against the Death Penalty begins. Its events will be held under the slogan “Murder Is Not Justice”. The cruelty and inhumanness of this kind of punishment are symbolized by the robe of a death convict, sent to the relatives of the executives instead of their personal belongings.

Report on results of monitoring of People's Assembly in Minsk on October 4

05.10.2015 Report on results of monitoring of People's Assembly in Minsk on October 4

October 4, 2015 in Minsk the People's Assembly regarding the construction of a Russian military base in Belarus took place in Minsk.

Mahilioŭ: electoral meetings held by Karatkevich and Ulakhovich, Lukashenka and Haidukevich send their proxies

05.10.2015 Mahilioŭ: electoral meetings held by Karatkevich and Ulakhovich, Lukashenka and Haidukevich send their proxies

During the election campaign, Mahilioŭ was visited by just two presidential candidates: Mikalai Ulakhovich and the nominee of the campaign “Tell the Truth” Tatsiana Karatkevich. Neither Aliaksandr Lukashenka, not Siarhei Haidukevich came to Mahilioŭ.

Schedule of Events during the Week Against the Death Penalty

05.10.2015 Schedule of Events during the Week Against the Death Penalty

Human Rights Week against the Death Penalty in Belarus this year is expanding its geography to the neighboring countries. From 5 to 10 October, a number of events will be held in Lithuania, Poland, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

Kalinkavičy: polling station commissions are trained to work at elections with “Master Class by Provocateurs”

05.10.2015 Kalinkavičy: polling station commissions are trained to work at elections with “Master Class by Provocateurs”

A training for chairpersons and members of precinct election commissions, entitled "Free and democratic elections - transparent procedures" was held in Kalinkavičy by the district election commission.

Workers of "Mahilioŭchimvalakno" are proposed to vote early

05.10.2015 Workers of "Mahilioŭchimvalakno" are proposed to vote early

As reported by a worker, the management of the Mahilioŭ plant "Mahilioŭchimvalakno" (“"Mahilioŭ Chemical Fiber”) proposed its workers to work during the five days of early election, held on October 6 -10.

Collection of signatures against Russian airbase started in Baranavičy

05.10.2015 Collection of signatures against Russian airbase started in Baranavičy

In Baranavičy, representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations have started collecting signatures against the deployment of a Russian airbase in Belarus.

Brest authorities ban picket against reelection of Lukashenka for new presidential term

05.10.2015 Brest authorities ban picket against reelection of Lukashenka for new presidential term

As reported by the picket organizer, Chair of the Brest city organization of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" Liudmila Dzenisenka, the official reason for the ban is that a picket of supporters of the presidential candidate Tatsiana Karatkevich will take place in Savieckaja Street.

Baranavičy: organizer of authorized picket for free and democratic elections refuses to hold it in desolate place

05.10.2015 Baranavičy: organizer of authorized picket for free and democratic elections refuses to hold it in desolate place

Baranavičy civil society activist Ryhor Hryk refused to hold his picket for free and democratic elections without forcing and rigging, which he intended to hold on October 4 and which was allowed by the city authorities.

UCP activist detained for handing out invitations to allowed electoral meetings in Homieĺ

03.10.2015 UCP activist detained for handing out invitations to allowed electoral meetings in Homieĺ

October 2, an activist of the United Civil Party Siarhei Kasabutski was detained near the department store “Homieĺ” while handing out invitations to an electoral meeting.

03.10.2015 Slonim “Young Front” activist Zmitser Yushkevich arrested for 30 days

The police came to the activist's home, told that he was arrested for 30 days and took him to the police station.

Slonim District Executive Committee bans pickets for peaceful and neutral Belarus

03.10.2015 Slonim District Executive Committee bans pickets for peaceful and neutral Belarus

In September, Slonim activist Ivan Sheha has filed appeals with the Slonim DEC for holding pickets within the framework of the nationwide action “For Free and Peaceful Belarus” on October 3, 4 and 5.

Detained activists of Movement "For Freedom" released without charges

03.10.2015 Detained activists of Movement "For Freedom" released without charges

In the afternoon on October 1 near the Botanical Garden in Minsk, police detained the activists of the Movement "For Freedom" Aliaksandr Osipau with the billboard of the campaign “People's Referendum” and the spokesman of the movement Volha Bykouskaya.

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2005: December November October September August July June May April March February January

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2003: December November October September August July June May April March February January

2002: December November October September

