News for April 2015

Mikalai Statkevich to stand another trial

14.04.2015 Mikalai Statkevich to stand another trial

“The administration of the correctional colony has decided that he “hasn't mended his ways” and “intends to pursue a criminal lifestyle”, therefore his further detention in this highly moral institution is impossible,” wrote the prisoner's wife Maryna Adamovich at her Facebook account.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: Unfortunately, not all European politicians want to see what is going on in Belarus

14.04.2015 Valiantsin Stefanovich: Unfortunately, not all European politicians want to see what is going on in Belarus

The situation that has developed around political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich is very symptomatic, showing that the Belarusian authorities, firstly, do not want to release political prisoners, and, secondly, only imitate a dialogue with the European Union.

Svietlahorsk: wheelchair user didn't manage to get to court hearing

14.04.2015 Svietlahorsk: wheelchair user didn't manage to get to court hearing

April 13 Svietlahorsk District Court was to have considered a lawsuit, filed by a civil society activist, wheelchair user Yury Liashenka. However, the activist didn't manage to get to the preliminary hearing, as the judge's office was located on the first floor, and the barrier-free environment often exists just on the paper.

Civil society activist Nina Bahinskaya to be tried for white-red-white flag

14.04.2015 Civil society activist Nina Bahinskaya to be tried for white-red-white flag

Nina Bahinskaya learned about the upcoming trial on April 13, when she visited the Maskouski District Police Department of Minsk on an oral invitation of the police.

Invitation to press conference "2nd round of UPR for Belarus: expectations of human rights community"

14.04.2015 Invitation to press conference "2nd round of UPR for Belarus: expectations of human rights community"

April 15 at 11 a.m. there will be held a press-conference on the results of the participation of human rights defenders at the pre-session in Geneva on April 8-10, prior to the passage of the second round of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) by Belarus.

Journalists Ales Dzianisau and Ales Kirkevich to be tried in Hrodna April 15

14.04.2015 Journalists Ales Dzianisau and Ales Kirkevich to be tried in Hrodna April 15

On Wednesday, April 15, Leninski District Court of Hrodna will consider the administrative case against the freelance journalists Ales Dzianisau and Ales Kirkevich, charged under Part 2, Article 22.9 of the Code of Administrative Offences (illegally producing and distributing information).

Supervisory appeal of journalist Viktar Parfionenka dismissed

13.04.2015 Supervisory appeal of journalist Viktar Parfionenka dismissed

Hrodna freelance journalist continues struggling for the right to profession. Haven't received official accreditation of a correspondent of the Belarusian Radio “Racyja”, which he has been trying to obtain from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus since 2009, Mr. Parfinenka is now trying to obtain the accreditation through court.

Brest: social activists asking MPs to initiate appeal to Constitutional Court about "decree on social dependency"

13.04.2015 Brest: social activists asking MPs to initiate appeal to Constitutional Court about "decree on social dependency"

Supporters of the civil initiative "Social Office" sent letters to the House of Representatives from Brest - Larysa Bahdanovich, Uladzimir Bazanau, Viktar Valishytski and Valiantsin Milasheuski.

Baranavičy: social activists congratulate Statkevich Sr. on Easter

13.04.2015 Baranavičy: social activists congratulate Statkevich Sr. on Easter

Baranavičy activists Mikalai Antanovich, Uladzimir Hundar and Viktar Syrytsa visited Vitar Statkevich, father of political prisoner Mikalai Statkevich, and congratulated him on Easter.

Brest: freelance journalist Ina Khomich challenges fine

13.04.2015 Brest: freelance journalist Ina Khomich challenges fine

The journalist challenges the fine of 30 basic units, imposed on her on April 1 by the Maskoŭski District Court of Brest for "for illegal distribution and production of media products".

Ministry of Defense responds to appeals in Belarusian solely in Russian

13.04.2015 Ministry of Defense responds to appeals in Belarusian solely in Russian

Correspondence of the Salihorsk UCP party member Viktar Malochka with the structures of the Ministry of Defense has identified a total violation of the law on appeals of citizens by duty officials of this state agency.

Situation of Human Rights in Belarus. March 2015.

13.04.2015 Situation of Human Rights in Belarus. March 2015.

In March, the human rights situation in Belarus remained at an unsatisfactory level. The country’s penal facilities continued to hold six political prisoners. Siarhei Ivanou, 21, was sentenced to death.

More than 20 000 Belarusians demand to repeal the "Decree on spongers"

13.04.2015 More than 20 000 Belarusians demand to repeal the "Decree on spongers"

Authorities are proposed instead of fighting "spongers" to provide a decent salary. Today more than 20 000 people have signed the petition on directed at the Aliaksandr Lukashenka's press-service to repeal Decree No. 3 "On Prevention of Social Dependency". The petition was created a week ago. Today more than 20 000 Belarusians have signed it.

13.04.2015 Memorial event to honour victims of Smolensk plane crash banned in Minsk

Policemen thwarted the event near the consulate of Poland in Minsk.

Barys Khamaida assaulted by a bully. Police don't interfere

10.04.2015 Barys Khamaida assaulted by a bully. Police don't interfere

A 25-year-old guy demanded that Viciebsk oppositionist removed the embroidery with the prayer "Our Father" from the table, at which he distributes the independent press.

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