News for February 2015

Baranavichy: new ruling of the executive committee further complicates conduct of mass events

10.02.2015 Baranavichy: new ruling of the executive committee further complicates conduct of mass events

This is the conclusion made by local human rights defenders and civil society activists after familiarizing with the new ruling of the Baranavichy City Executive Committee of December 29, 2014 № 3778 "On mass events in Baranavichy and Repeal of certain decisions of the Baranavichy City Executive Committee". The new ruling was published in the official newspaper "Nash Krai" February 6, 2015 in the column "advertising".

Yauhen Vaskovich's friends ask to support him with letters

09.02.2015 Yauhen Vaskovich's friends ask to support him with letters

Halina Smirnova, Chair of Babruisk organization of the Independent Trade Union of Radio Electronic Industry, says that Yauhen Vaskovich lacks support from outside.

UN Human Rights Committee accepted Eduard Neliubovich's communication

09.02.2015 UN Human Rights Committee accepted Eduard Neliubovich's communication

The UN Human Rights Committee has registered a complaint by a Homel activist of the United Civil Party Eduard Neliubovich, who appeals a ban on a street procession in support of the Ukrainian people and its wish to live in the European Union. He also appeals the prohibition of a picket in support of Ales Bialiatski and his nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize.

Yury Rubtsou is questioned at Investigation Committee

09.02.2015 Yury Rubtsou is questioned at Investigation Committee

February 9, Homel activist Yury Rubtsou, who is serving a sentence in an open correctional facility in the village of Kuplin (Pruzhany district), was taken to the District Investigative Committee for questioning. The political prisoner managed to report it over the phone.

Svetlahorsk District Executive Committee determines new site for mass events

09.02.2015 Svetlahorsk District Executive Committee determines new site for mass events

A new regulation of the Svetlahorsk District Executive Committee “On mass Events”, adopted January 16, 2015, has been published at the National Legal Internet Portal.

Biaroza human rights defenders prepare two pickets

08.02.2015 Biaroza human rights defenders prepare two pickets

Biaroza human rights defenders have applied for entering into service contracts with the local hospital, public utilities services and the police for serving the pickets they intend to hold March 9 and 25.

Will police department open a second-hand store in Minsk?

08.02.2015 Will police department open a second-hand store in Minsk?

Mikalai Kolas, who served a ten-day arrest for laying flowers at the monument to Taras Shevchenko in Minsk, was not returned his personal belongings - a scarf and a cap.

Yury Rubtsou claims recovery of 125 mln roubles as moral damages and and passing it to publishing house “Lohvinau”

08.02.2015 Yury Rubtsou claims recovery of 125 mln roubles as moral damages and and passing it to publishing house “Lohvinau”

A resident of Homel Yury Rubtsou who is now serving a personal restraint term in the vllage of Kuplin in the Pruzhany district, has sent a petition to the court of the Savetski district of Minsk for the recovery of moral damage. The defendant in the lawsuit is Judge Kiryl Palulekh.

“My First Word”: action of solidarity held by human rights defenders

06.02.2015 “My First Word”: action of solidarity held by human rights defenders

On February 5, members of the HRC “Viasna” held an action of solidarity with activists of the anarchist movement who had been groundlessly sentenced to short-term arrests.

“Bobruisky Kuryer” denied information about Ales Adamovich museum

06.02.2015 “Bobruisky Kuryer” denied information about Ales Adamovich museum

February 3, the correspondent of "BobruiskyKuryer" Maryna Malchanavaphoned to the head of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the Babruisk District Executive Committee Halina Charnova to learn about the fate of Ales Adamovich museum in the village of Hlusha (Babruisk district).

Conditions in open correctional facility provoke violations

05.02.2015 Conditions in open correctional facility provoke violations

It is very hard for the people serving their terms of personal restraint at the open correctional facility No. 7 in the village of Kuplin in the Pruzhany district, to keep to the daily routine.

Freelancers face threats and insults in Brest

05.02.2015 Freelancers face threats and insults in Brest

The incident took place during shooting of a video report about the destruction of historic buildings near one of them – Warburgs' colony which will be destroyed soon.

Resident of Krychau complains about forgery of a document by police officer

05.02.2015 Resident of Krychau complains about forgery of a document by police officer

A resident of the town of Krychau Mikalai Fedarenka has filed an appeal to the prosecutor of the Mahiliou region against unlawful actions of police inspector of the Krychau District Police Department, senior lieutenant U. Krautsou.

Mikhail Hladki challenges verdict of Minsk District Court

05.02.2015 Mikhail Hladki challenges verdict of Minsk District Court

February 3, Mikhail Hladki, who had been illegally convicted of killing his brother, appealed to the Minsk Regional Court asking to cancel averdict of the Minsk District Court and to recognize his right to obtain compensation for the damage inflicted to him by the illegal conviction under Part 1 of Art 139 of the Criminal Code.

Cassation appeal of Elena Tonkacheva to be considered February 19

05.02.2015 Cassation appeal of Elena Tonkacheva to be considered February 19

The cassation appeal of the head of the "Centre for Legal Transformation" Lawtrend" Elena Tonkacheva will be considered by the judicial board on civil cases of the Minsk City Court on February 19. The human rights activist wrote it at her facebook account.

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