News for December 2014

Mahiliou prosecutor Vulvach misleads journalist Burakou

08.12.2014 Mahiliou prosecutor Vulvach misleads journalist Burakou

The Ministry of Justice has acknowledged that Regulations on records management in government agencies and other organizations establishes general requirements for documenting management activities in all public bodies and other organizations. This follows from the written reply received by Mahiliou journalist Ales Burakou.

Kobryn: trial of Ales Mekh to continue December 11

08.12.2014 Kobryn: trial of Ales Mekh to continue December 11

December 4, the hearings on an administrative case against Mr. Mekh, charged with participation in an unauthorized mass event, started at Kobryn District Court. The case concerns the participation of Ales Mekh and his son in the commemoration of participants of the uprising of 1863-1864 against the Russian empire, held in the town of Svislach.

Valiantsin Stefanovich speaks against the clear-up of the informational space under the disguise of fight against drug trafficking

05.12.2014 Valiantsin Stefanovich speaks against the clear-up of the informational space under the disguise of fight against drug trafficking

During his speech at the meeting on combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances on December 4 the Interior Minister Ihar Shunevich said that there was an urgent need to adjust the legislation related to Internet activities. In particular, in his opinion, all Belarusian Internet users must be prohibited access to the websites put on the list of restricted access.

Statement of HRC “Viasna” and Belarusian Association of Journalists regarding detention of journalist Aliaksandr Alesin

05.12.2014 Statement of HRC “Viasna” and Belarusian Association of Journalists regarding detention of journalist Aliaksandr Alesin

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" and "Belarusian Association of Journalists" urge Belarusian KGB to inform the public about the cause and place of detention of the journalist of the newspaper "Belarusy i Rynak", a member of the NGO "Belarusian Association of Journalists" Aliaksandr Alesin, as well as the essence of the accusation against him.

Human Rights Day picket banned in Baranavichy

05.12.2014 Human Rights Day picket banned in Baranavichy

Baranavichy City Executive Committee banned the picket dedicated to the 66th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, organized by the human rights activists Viachaslau Bolbat and Siarhei Housha.

Another activist of independent trade union gets fired from “Granite” enterprise in Mikashevichy

05.12.2014 Another activist of independent trade union gets fired from “Granite” enterprise in Mikashevichy

The management of the enterprise “Granite” hasn't extended the labour contract to the driver Uladzimir Kryvau, citing a violation of the security rules by him this spring.

Another freelance journalist to stand trial

05.12.2014 Another freelance journalist to stand trial

At 11 a.m. on December 11 hearings on an administrative case against the journalist Ales Zaleuski will take place at Slonim District Court.

Vasil Parfiankou released from jail

05.12.2014 Vasil Parfiankou released from jail

Political prisoner Vasil Parfiankou has been released.

Vaukavysk District Court fines another participant of memorial events in Svislach

04.12.2014 Vaukavysk District Court fines another participant of memorial events in Svislach

December 1, Vaukavysk District Court fined another participant presented at the commemoration of insurgents of 1863-1864 ibn Svislach and Yakushouka.

Mother of executed Homel resident applies to Constitutional Court

04.12.2014 Mother of executed Homel resident applies to Constitutional Court

On the eve of the Human Rights Day the mother of the executed death row convict Aliaksandr Hrunou, Volha Hrunova, asks the Constitutional Court to pay attention to collisions of the Criminal-Executive Code which prohibits to issue the bodies of the executed to their families or inform the families about the places of their burial, contrary to the Constitution of Belarus and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

Salihorsk authorities ban picket dated to Human Rights Day

04.12.2014 Salihorsk authorities ban picket dated to Human Rights Day

Deputy Chair on ideological work of Salihorsk District Executive Committee Mikalai Maskevich turned down an application of the local representatives of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee for holding a picket on the occasion of the Human Rights Day on the central square of the town.

Political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok to be tried again

04.12.2014 Political prisoner Mikalai Dziadok to be tried again

As reported by Mikalai Dziadok's wife Valeryia Khotsina to Radio "Racyja", her husband underwent psychiatric forensic examination at Mahiliou prison No. 4.

Vitsebsk: three days of arrest for taking part in a photoshoot

04.12.2014 Vitsebsk: three days of arrest for taking part in a photoshoot

Trials of participants of a photoshoot with a graffiti continue at the Chyhunachny District Court in Vitsebsk. Five civil society activists and journalists have been already sentenced to fines for taking photos against the background of a graffiti of newspaper birds flying out of cages.

Death row convict Eduard Lykau petitions Lukashenka for clemency

04.12.2014 Death row convict Eduard Lykau petitions Lukashenka for clemency

As reported by the Supreme Court, Eduard Lukau, sentenced to death by Minsk City Court, has filed a petition for clemency.

“Lohvinau” book-store sealed off due to extra-schedule examination

03.12.2014 “Lohvinau” book-store sealed off due to extra-schedule examination

Minsk book-store “Lohvinau” has been sealed off due to an extra-schedule examination held by the Ministry of Dues and Taxes. As reported to RFE/RL by the book publisher Ihar Lohvinau, the examination is conducted on request of the Ministry of Information.

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