News for September 2014

Brest: former candidate challenged the refusal of the court to prosecute the actions of election commissions

03.09.2014 Brest: former candidate challenged the refusal of the court to prosecute the actions of election commissions

Chairperson of the city organization of the Belarusian Leftist Party "Fair World" Liudmila Dzenisenka, who ran for the Brest City Council of Deputies at the electoral district №13 in March 2014, filed a complaint with the Brest Regional Court.

Babruisk: independent journalist is threatened with trial

02.09.2014 Babruisk: independent journalist is threatened with trial

September 1, Babruisk journalist Maryna Malchanava was summoned to the police as person against whom administrative proceedings have been investigated for violation of legislation on media.

Orsha authorities prohibited celebration of 500th anniversary of the Battle of Orsha

02.09.2014 Orsha authorities prohibited celebration of 500th anniversary of the Battle of Orsha

The bid for the festive event was filed by members of the organizing committee for celebrating the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Orsha. Deputy Chairman of the organizing committee, artist Mikola Kupava received an official letter from Orsha district executive committee with a prohibition of the event.

Baranavichy: the only Belarusian-language form ceased to exist

02.09.2014 Baranavichy: the only Belarusian-language form ceased to exist

The only Belarusian-class in Baranavichy where just three girls, Yasia Malashchanka, Alisa Filipchyk and Veranika Mikhal'chuk learned, ceased to exist. As the girls finished the primary school and some of the families moved, their parents tried to receive an opportunity for their children to continue receiving instruction in the Belarusian language in the 5th grade of gymnasium No. 4, but to no avail.

Ukraine: Rebel Forces Detain, Torture Civilians

02.09.2014 Ukraine: Rebel Forces Detain, Torture Civilians

On the 23rd anniversary of Ukraine’s independence from the Soviet Union, August 24th, militants in Donetsk paraded a few dozen Ukrainian prisoners down the city’s main thoroughfare, grimly mocking a military parade in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv. A few hundred onlookers jeered, cursed, spit, and threw vegetables at the hand-cuffed and head-bowed prisoners. Trucks followed them, symbolically cleaning the street behind them by spraying water on the asphalt.

New trial concerning "BelSat" trademark

02.09.2014 New trial concerning "BelSat" trademark

The panel of judges for intellectual property re-considers the lawsuit against the independent TV channel.

UN Human Rights Committee takes five new decisions concerning Belarus

01.09.2014 UN Human Rights Committee takes five new decisions concerning Belarus

At the 111th session, held 7-25 July, the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations considered five new cases concerning Belarus and issued decisions confirming the violation by the Government of Belarus of certain rights of Belarusian citizens. A brief review of cases was made for “Homel Spring” by the head of the Center for Strategic Lawsuits Leanid Sudalenka.

UN: armed groups continue keeping about 400 captives in Donetsk and Lugansk regions

01.09.2014 UN: armed groups continue keeping about 400 captives in Donetsk and Lugansk regions

According to, this was reported by Ivan Shymonovych, aide to the Secretary General of the United Nations Secretary during a meeting with journalists.

Independent journalists face new reprisals

01.09.2014 Independent journalists face new reprisals

On Friday, August 29, a freelance journalist Maryna Mauchanava, whose articles were published at the website of the TV channel "Belsat", received a summons from the Babruisk police, according to which he needed to come to them as a person charged with violation of the media legislation.

International freedom of expression rapporteurs urge stronger protection of journalists covering conflicts

01.09.2014 International freedom of expression rapporteurs urge stronger protection of journalists covering conflicts

GENEVA / WASHINGTON / VIENNA / PRETORIA,1 September 2014 – Recent attacks, ongoing kidnappings, and arbitrary and unjustified incarcerations of journalists around the world must be condemned and opposed by the international community, a group of international freedom of expression rapporteurs* said today.

Maksim Viniarski sentenced to 15 days of arrest

01.09.2014 Maksim Viniarski sentenced to 15 days of arrest

September 1, coordinator of the civil campaign “European Belarus” Maksim Viniarski was tried at the Savetski District Court in Minsk. Due to the failure of the witnesses to appear in court, the hearing was postponed to 2 p.m.

Brest authorities ban pickets for simplification of local border traffic

01.09.2014 Brest authorities ban pickets for simplification of local border traffic

Brest City Executive Committee banned the event despite the fact that the organizers wanted to hold it in the places that the authorities themselves had determined as suitable for such events.

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