News for 28 Jul 2014

Police in Aktsiabrski ask people to be alert to Roma

28.07.2014 Police in Aktsiabrski ask people to be alert to Roma

The newspaper “Chyrvony Kastrychnik” in Aktsiabrski district, Homel region, has published an article where local police urge citizens to be vigilant against the Romani people, warning them that they often target elderly people as victims of their crimes.

28.07.2014 Books seized at border

Belarusian border guards have detained participants of a camp entitled “For European Integration of Belarus”. The incident is said to be linked to the Belarusian editions they were carrying. Several people were coming back from Poland and their luggage was searched by a border official, Radio Racyja reports.

28.07.2014 Prison officers think Statkevich “capable of taking hostages”

The wife of the political prisoner received a letter from the Mahilou prison.

Mikalai Statkevich writes how prison officers treat him, the politician's website informs.

28.07.2014 Activist Mikita Brouka detained by men in civilian clothes

The reasons for the detention are unknown.

Mahiliou Regional Prosecutor’s Office says candidate’s detention legal

28.07.2014 Mahiliou Regional Prosecutor’s Office says candidate’s detention legal

Valery Karankevich, former candidate for the Mahiliou Regional Council of Deputies in Khotsimsk constituency No. 54 and a candidate for the District Council of Khotsimsk in constituency No. 13, received on July 26 from the Mahiliou Regional Prosecutor’s Office a reply to his complaint against the officers of Khotsimsk police department and the Prosecutor of Khotsimsk district.

Activist in Minsk to stand trial for displaying white-red-white flag

28.07.2014 Activist in Minsk to stand trial for displaying white-red-white flag

Ales Makayeu, an activist of the entrepreneurs’ movement, was detained by police on July 27 in Minsk.

Homel police threaten Young Front co-chair Andrei Tsianiuta

28.07.2014 Homel police threaten Young Front co-chair Andrei Tsianiuta

On July 27, Andrei Tsianiuta, co-chair of the Young Front opposition movement, received a phone call from an unknown person who introduced himself as a police inspector and ordered to urgently come to the police department. However, the police officer refused to specify the reasons for the summons. He only said that they received “some papers from the court”. When the activist refused to come to the department without a writ, the caller threatened him with detention, saying that “now a patrol will come and take you to the department”.

Biaroza executive committee bans another picket

28.07.2014 Biaroza executive committee bans another picket

Biaroza human rights defenders Siarhei Rusetski, Tamara Shchepetkin and local civil society activist Tatsiana Tarasevich have been prohibited to stage a picket scheduled for July 27. The aim of the rally was to mark the 24th anniversary of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Belarus, earlier celebrated as Independence Day. The activists also planned to remind local residents of the deployment of Russian military bases on the territory of Belarus and the existence of political prisoners in the country.

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