News for April 2014

Young Front activists in Homel to stand trial over solidarity with victims of Ukrainian protests

16.04.2014 Young Front activists in Homel to stand trial over solidarity with victims of Ukrainian protests

On April 17, the Tsentralny District Court of Homel will hear the charges brought against members of the Young Front opposition movement, Andrei Tsianiuta, Natallia Kryvashei and Stas Bula. They are accused of violating the order of holding mass events.

Hrodna Regional Court turns down appeal in Ukraine solidarity case

16.04.2014 Hrodna Regional Court turns down appeal in Ukraine solidarity case

The Hrodna Regional Court has dismissed an appeal filed by a Vaukavysk opposition activist Vital Huliak, confirming the decision of the District Court.

Activists threatened with arrests ahead of Hockey World Champ

16.04.2014 Activists threatened with arrests ahead of Hockey World Champ

Human rights defenders have received information about possible provocations against opposition activists and their preventive detention ahead of the forthcoming Ice Hockey World Championship, due to open on 9 May. This was confirmed by the coordinator of the European Belarus movement Maksim Viniarski, who was recently released after a 15-day arrest.

Prisoners tell about radical approaches to correcting in penal colony No. 9 in Horki

16.04.2014 Prisoners tell about radical approaches to correcting in penal colony No. 9 in Horki

Human rights defenders keep receiving information on the situation of prison inmates as part of a campaign of monitoring places of detention in Belarus. The Human Rights Center “Viasna” earlier covered the issue of using prisoners who cooperate with the administrations of prisons to perform sensitive tasks.

Ex-candidate loses job in Baranavichy

16.04.2014 Ex-candidate loses job in Baranavichy

Ryhor Hryk, former candidate for the Baranavichy City Council and the Brest Regional Council, has been fired from the Modern Building Materials Ltd. where he has worked as a locksmith since February 2013. The order of dismissal signed by the company director Halina Buliha says that Ryhor Hryk has been fired “by agreement of the parties”.

Lidziya Yarmoshyna dismisses the appeal of an opposition candidate for deputy

16.04.2014 Lidziya Yarmoshyna dismisses the appeal of an opposition candidate for deputy

April 14, former candidate for the Mahiliou Regional Council in Khotsimsk constituency No. 54 and for the Khotsimsk District Council in Uzbiarezhnaya constituency No. 13 Valery Karankevich received a response from the Central Election Commission to his complaint.

16.04.2014 Political prisoner Yauhen Vaskovich is pressurized through other prisoners

As it became known to the organizing committee of the party "Belarusian Christian Democracy" from sources in Mahiliou prison No. 4, the administration started exercising pressure on the activist with the use of other prisoners.

16.04.2014 Political prisoner Vasil Parfiankou thrown into punishment cell

The authorities of correctional facility No. 9 in Horki continue pressing on Vasil Parfiankou.

16.04.2014 Two catholic priests expelled from Belarus

The Belarusian authorities didn't give permission for two foreign priests to serve in Belarusian Roman Catholic churches.

16.04.2014 Russian State Duma member: Tsoi had his songs written by CIA

‘United Russia’ member Evgeniy Fedorov claims that Viktor Tsoi was assisted by American intelligence officers in writing the ‘Changes’ song.

16.04.2014 Alena Kavalenka fined 3 mln rubles

The Vitsebsk activist was fined for a rally against participation in municipal “elections” that took place on 22 March.

Pressurization of civic activist in Mikashevichy

15.04.2014 Pressurization of civic activist in Mikashevichy

Former candidate from the campaign "Tell the Truth " in Mikashevichy and a member of the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) Natallia Strazhevich can lose her job soon.

Brest: activist of “Tell the Truth” blocked in apartment while collecting signatures

15.04.2014 Brest: activist of “Tell the Truth” blocked in apartment while collecting signatures

The incident happened with an activist of the civil campaign "Tell the Truth" Sviatlana Nikadzimuk who collected signatures of residents of Brest for “People's Referendum” and visited a multi-storey building for it.

Hrodna human rights defenders appeal against penalties for photos in Internet

15.04.2014 Hrodna human rights defenders appeal against penalties for photos in Internet

Hrodna human rights defenders Uladzimir Khilmanovich, Viktar Sazonau and Raman Yurhel appealed to the Hrodna Regional Court to challenge the decision of the Leninski District Police Department, by which each of them was fined 25 basic units.

Haradok District Court dismisses lawsuit of Yan Dziarzhautsau

14.04.2014 Haradok District Court dismisses lawsuit of Yan Dziarzhautsau

Judge of the Haradok District Court Alena Vikhatsenka dismissed the appeal of the CCP BPF activist Yan Dziarzhautsau who wanted to prosecute workers executive committee for breaking the law "On appeals of citizens and legal bodies".

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