News for December 2013

South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies

06.12.2013 South Africa's Nelson Mandela dies

South Africa's first black president and anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela has died, South Africa's president says.

Authorities have found a new way to prevent protest actions

06.12.2013 Authorities have found a new way to prevent protest actions

Brest branch of the Trade Union of the Radio Electronic Industry filed an application to the Brest City Executive Committee for holding a picket on 10 December, the Human Rights Day.

06.12.2013 Dashkevich may face stricter police supervision

Zmitser Dashkevich, a co-chairman of Young Front, has been warned about a possible extension and toughening the preventive supervision.

Mahiliou: a block of houses deprived of the status of historical and cultural value

06.12.2013 Mahiliou: a block of houses deprived of the status of historical and cultural value

The houses No. 3, 5, 13 and 15 in Lazarenka Street are no longer protected by the state. The decision to deprive them of the status of historical and cultural value was taken on 27 November by the Belarusian Republican Scientific-methodological Council on Historical and Cultural Heritage at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

Bykhau authorities refuse to present information about the sites for holding mass events

06.12.2013 Bykhau authorities refuse to present information about the sites for holding mass events

On 3 December Bykhau writer and journalist Siarhei Antonau received a response from the local executive committee to his appeal to the chairman, Dzmitry Kaleyeu, in which he asked to determine a site for holding pickets in Bykhau.

Ales Makayeu to be tried for commemoration of Slutsk uprising

06.12.2013 Ales Makayeu to be tried for commemoration of Slutsk uprising

On 4 December the police drew up a violation report on the entrepreneur and social activist Ales Makayeu, charging them with organizing an unsanctioned rally on 24 November during a visit to the village of Hrozava in the Slutsk district. The trial of Ales Makayeu will be held at the Maskouski District Court of Minsk. The date hasn't been scheduled so far.

Case of the Free Trade Union in Babruisk started anew

05.12.2013 Case of the Free Trade Union in Babruisk started anew

Babruisk Court again considers the case on payment of bonuses for the industrial achievements to members of the Belarusian Free Trade Union at the Tractor Parts and Assemblies Plant.

Vasil Parfiankou sentenced to 12 months in prison

05.12.2013 Vasil Parfiankou sentenced to 12 months in prison

The Pershamaiski District Court of Minsk sentenced today former political prisoner Vasil Parfiankou to 1 year of imprisonment in a maximum security penal colony on charges of violating preventive police supervision restrictions. He was taken into custody in the courtroom and sent to the detention center.

Astravets activist not allowed to stage anti-corruption picket

05.12.2013 Astravets activist not allowed to stage anti-corruption picket

On December 4, a civil society activist from Astravets district, Mikalai Ulasevich, received a ban on a picket he was going to stage this Saturday. The purpose of the picket entitled “Put Corrupt Officials to Justice” was attracting the attention of local residents, as well as law enforcement agencies, to facts of malfeasance and corruption among senior government officials of the district.

Mahiliou Regional Court upholds fine for pro-dem activist

05.12.2013 Mahiliou Regional Court upholds fine for pro-dem activist

The Mahiliou Regional Court presided by Judge Mikalai Hladki considered today a complaint of local leader of the coalition of pro-democratic forces, Yury Novikau, filed to challenge a decision of the court of Leninski district of October 29.

Salihorsk, Baranavichy authorities ban Human Rights Day pickets

05.12.2013 Salihorsk, Baranavichy authorities ban Human Rights Day pickets

Chief ideology official of Salihorsk district executive committee, Mikalai Maskevich, did not allow local civil society activists to hold a picket to celebrate the Human Rights Day on December 10. According to the official, the application for holding a mass event on December 10, 2013 in the town’s Tsentralnaya Square does not meet the requirements of Article 5 of the Law “On Mass Events”.

05.12.2013 Veterans of Soviet-Afghan war want to know truth about Autukhovich's state

They also wrote prosecutor general Aliaksandr Kaniuk that the complaint should be investigated by officers of the prosecutor general's office in accordance with the law on prosecution and ask to not send it to the body they complain about.

05.12.2013 Priest Lazar released from KGB jail

But the criminal case against him hasn't been dropped.

Babruisk UCP files an application for a picket of solidarity with Ukrainians

04.12.2013 Babruisk UCP files an application for a picket of solidarity with Ukrainians

Viktar Buzinayeu, the chairman of the Babruisk UCP organization, filed an application for holding a picket of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Hrodna: holding a picket costs more than 23 million rubles

04.12.2013 Hrodna: holding a picket costs more than 23 million rubles

On 4 December the Leninski District Court of Hrodna considered a complaint of the Hrodna human rights defenders Viktar Sazonau, Uladzimir Khilmanovich and Raman Yurhel against the prohibition of the picket they intended to hold on 10 October, the World Day Against the Death Penalty, by the Hrodna City Executive Committee.

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2002: December November October September

