News for August 2012

BPF potential candidate fired

17.08.2012 BPF potential candidate fired

Yauhen Rybakou, member of the Belarusian Popular Front running for Parliament in Minsk constituency No. 105, has been dismissed from the Laser-Graphics private company, after the firm’s manager told him they did not need a cutter anymore.

17.08.2012 KGB disrupts annual meeting of "Tell the Truth"

Administration of the recreation center "Forest Paradise" in Kirov district refused the activists to rent one day before check-in.

17.08.2012 Vasil Parfiankou was transferred to prison № 6 in Baranavichy

There were attempts today to convey a parcel for the political prisoner, situated on Volodarskaja Street in Minsk. But the administration of detention center #1 did not accept it, saying that today Vasily is transfered to prison # 6 in Baranavichy.

Authorities curtail campaigning opportunities

17.08.2012 Authorities curtail campaigning opportunities

Local executive authorities have enforced a number of decisions that considerably limit out-of-doors election campaigning locations in towns and villages across Belarus, observers of the Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections campaign report.

Human rights defender Tatsiana Reviaka questioned by KGB (updated)

17.08.2012 Human rights defender Tatsiana Reviaka questioned by KGB (updated)

Mrs. Tatsiana Reviaka, member of the Human Rights Center Viasna’s Council, has been summoned for “conversation” to the KGB central office, after she received an official writ, saying that she should be questioned “as a person being aware of circumstances that have significance for maintaining the national security of the Republic of Belarus.”

Report on the Results of Monitoring Registration of Initiative Groups and Signature Collection in Support of the Persons Nominated As Candidates for Deputies

17.08.2012 Report on the Results of Monitoring Registration of Initiative Groups and Signature Collection in Support of the Persons Nominated As Candidates for Deputies

General Conclusions:

- The vast majority of the initiative groups in support of the opposition candidates were registered. 85 initiative groups were denied registration, which is percentagewise almost 4 times the number of denials during the parliamentary elections in 2008. - There are registered facts of the authorities creating obstacles for members of the opposition candidates’ initiative groups and using administrative resources for the benefit of those who support the government. - At the signature collection stage members of initiative groups have filed a total of 15 complaints, while during the presidential election of 2010 more than 50 complaints were filed. The complaints are mainly about no access to dormitories of state enterprises and institutions for members of initiative groups.

16.08.2012 BPF Hrodna office denied registration

The chief department of justice of Hrodna regional executive committee has denied registration to the BPF Party’s local office, the BPF press-service reports.

Minsk court turns down complaint by BSDP

16.08.2012 Minsk court turns down complaint by BSDP

Minsk Zavodski District Court has dismissed a complaint by the Belarusian Social Democratic Party (Hramada) against non-inclusion of its 8 members in the district’s constituency election commissions.

Campaigning for Brest pro-government candidate legal, says CEC

16.08.2012 Campaigning for Brest pro-government candidate legal, says CEC

Potential candidate Aliaksandr Melnik in Brest has received a reply from the Central Election Commission, saying that campaigning for local pro-government candidate Viktar Valiushytski, chief manager of the “TSUM” department store, is legal.

Mahiliou courts turn down appeals against non-inclusion of BPF members in election commissions

16.08.2012 Mahiliou courts turn down appeals against non-inclusion of BPF members in election commissions

The courts of Leninski and Kastrychnitski districts of Mahiliou have dismissed the complaints against non-inclusion of representatives of the Belarusian Popular Front “Adradzhenne” in local constituency election commissions.

Baranavichy prosecutor evades implementing duties

16.08.2012 Baranavichy prosecutor evades implementing duties

Baranavichy observer Siarhei Housha has received a reply to his appeal signed by head of Baranavichy City Prosecutor’s Office Mr. Bildzeika.

Mahiliou KGB keeps harassing pro-dem candidate’s election campaigner

16.08.2012 Mahiliou KGB keeps harassing pro-dem candidate’s election campaigner

Uladzislau Yarashou, member of the initiative group of Uladzimir Punchanka, potential candidate representing the For Freedom movement, has been summoned on the phone for conversation to the KGB Mahiliou office.

Slonim: potential candidate appeals electoral violations

16.08.2012 Slonim: potential candidate appeals electoral violations

Ivan Sheha, Slonim pro-democratic activist running for Parliament in local constituency No. 58, and another opposition activist Ivan Bedka have lodged a complaint with the Central Election Commission, to express their discontent with the activities of the town’s constituency election commission.

Slutsk: head of electoral headquarters of prospective candidate of “Tell the Truth!” appeals ideologist’s actions

15.08.2012 Slutsk: head of electoral headquarters of prospective candidate of “Tell the Truth!” appeals ideologist’s actions

Yuliya Balakir, the head of the electoral headquarters of a candidate of the civil initiative “Tell the Truth!” Aliaksandr Solap, appealed actions of the deputy head of the Slutsk District Executive Committee on ideology Larysa Dabravolskaya to the commission of the constituency election commission # 67 and the Central Election Commission.

Mahiliou KGB interferes with electoral process

15.08.2012 Mahiliou KGB interferes with electoral process

On 14 August a KGB officer paid a visit to Uladzislau Yarashou, a student of the Mahiliou State University named after Arkadz Kuliashou who collects signatures in support of the candidacy of a member of the “For Freedom” Movement Uladzimir Punchanka.

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