News for July 2012

Amnesty International: Youth leader faces longer prison sentence

18.07.2012 Amnesty International: Youth leader faces longer prison sentence

Zmitser Dashkevich, a prisoner of conscience in Belarus, is facing another year in prison for allegedly violating prison rules. He has spent almost his entire sentence in punishment cells.

17.07.2012 Police arrest opposition activist Ivan Amelchanka

Young opposition activist Ivan Amelchanka, whose stunt during an opposition march earlier this year was watched by hundreds of thousands on the Internet, was arrested again in Minsk on July 17.

Minsk court convicts Young Front activists

17.07.2012 Minsk court convicts Young Front activists

Judge Maksim Lapko of Minsk Kastrychnitski District Court has convicted two Young Front members on disorderly conduct charges.

17.07.2012 Home of independent website editor raided

Ihar Kazmyarchak, an activist of Orsha-based youth association Union, said on the phone his home was raided by police.

Human Rights Center “Viasna” demands to immediately and unconditionally release Zmitser Dashkevich

17.07.2012 Human Rights Center “Viasna” demands to immediately and unconditionally release Zmitser Dashkevich

According to the information received by the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, the administration of penal colony No. 13 in the town of Hlybokaye, where Zmitser Dashkevich is currently serving his sentence, has submitted to the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus the case file to initiate an investigation and possible criminal prosecution under Par. 1 Art. 411 of the Criminal Code (malicious disobedience of the administration of a penal colony).

Salihorsk pro-dem activists summoned to police department ahead of Lukashenka’s visit

17.07.2012 Salihorsk pro-dem activists summoned to police department ahead of Lukashenka’s visit

A number of opposition activists of the town of Salihorsk (Minsk region) have been reportedly summoned to local police department for “conversations” ahead of President Lukashenka’s visit to town expected today.

Minsk court turns down another complaint over “invalid” signature

17.07.2012 Minsk court turns down another complaint over “invalid” signature

Minsk City Court has dismissed a complaint lodged by the United Civil Party of Belarus after 8 out of 9 members of the Party nominated to the city’s election commissions were denied membership.

Baranavichy observer appeals election violations

17.07.2012 Baranavichy observer appeals election violations

Baranavichy human rights defender Siarhei Housha, registered as observer at local constituency No. 5, has addressed the Central Election Commission with a complaint, saying that the formation of the constituency’s election commission was accompanied with certain violations of the Electoral Code.

17.07.2012 “Mopping-up” operation ahead of Medvedev's visit to Minsk

Opposition activists are being detained at their homes, in courts and in streets.

Ivan Amelchanka, the author of hype causing performance “Musorok”, was detained in Minsk on July 17.

The reason for the detention is unknown.

17.07.2012 Photographer facing criminal charge over teddy bear stunt

The Committee for State Security (KGB) has extended to 10 days the detention of young photographer Anton Surapin, who is formally suspected of helping foreigners illegally enter Belarus.

17.07.2012 Political prisoner Mikola Statkevich to run for MP

Mikola Statkevich's initiative groups are being registered in Vitsebsk Province.

17.07.2012 Policemen do not attend Andrei Mouchan's trial

Therefore, the trial has been postponed until July 24.

Minsk Regional Court turns down complaint by Salihorsk voters

16.07.2012 Minsk Regional Court turns down complaint by Salihorsk voters

Minsk Regional Court has dismissed today a complaint lodged by a number of voters from Salihorsk constituency No. 69 who argued that famous civil activist Uladzimir Shyla nominated as their representative to local constituency election commission was illegally deprived of his right to act as election commissioner.

First denial: election commission denies registration of Valery Karankevich’s initiative group

16.07.2012 First denial: election commission denies registration of Valery Karankevich’s initiative group

The election commission of Krychau constituency No. 83 has denied registration of an initiative group of Valery Karankevich, after 6 out of 15 of his supporters withdrew their signatures for nominating him as a candidate for Parliament.

Drahichyn official campaigns for colleague at concert

16.07.2012 Drahichyn official campaigns for colleague at concert

Vasil Khvatsik, head of Drahichyn housing department, has reportedly abused a concert marking the town’s birthday on 15 July to campaign for Yury Darahakupets, head of Ivanava housing department, who is expected to run for Parliament, as his initiative group has already been registered.

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