News for October 2009

People not allowed to political draftee Yauhen Skrabets’ military oath ceremony

09.10.2009 People not allowed to political draftee Yauhen Skrabets’ military oath ceremony

On 8 October the Young Front activist Yauhen Skrabets gave the military oath. The ceremony was held in a military unit in Zhodzina.

09.10.2009 KGB refuses to return confiscated things to Alexander Atroshchankau

Two years have passed today since the property of European Belarus activist Alexander Atroshchankau was illegally confiscated. The democratic activist tries to return his property, but all in vain, the website European Belarus reports.

08.10.2009 Baranavichy: authorities ban picket against death penalty

The deputy head of Baranavichy city executive committee Dzmitry Kastsiukevich answered the application of Siarhei Housha for holding of a picket against the death penalty on 10 October, the World day against the death penalty.

‘Our countries are governed by the rule of the gun, not the rule of the law…’

08.10.2009 ‘Our countries are governed by the rule of the gun, not the rule of the law…’

On 6 October the head of the Human Rights Center Viasna Ales Bialiatski and the lawyer Uladzimir Labkovich attended the trial, held on the lawsuit of the president of the Chechen Republic Ahmat Kadyrau for protection of his honor and dignity from the Russian human rights organization Memorial. Bialiatski and Labkovich were present at the trial as observers of the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH).

New suspect in Autukhovich’s case

08.10.2009 New suspect in Autukhovich’s case

The resident of Hrodna Mikhail Kazlou became the fourth suspect in the criminal case of Mikalai Autukhovich. The human rights activist Aleh Vouchak learned it from the document according to which the investigation is extended to 8 November.

08.10.2009 Statkevich summonsed to own security department of MIA

On 6 October the coordinator of the European coalition Mikalai Statkevich was summonsed to the security bureau of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The politician believes he was not the only person to be summonsed there, as the case of the beating of the participants of the 16 September action in Minsk is being investigated. However, he is convinced the police hold the investigation not to restore the justice. ‘It is done for Europe, with the hope that the sanctions will be lifted, after which they would be able to do such things with complete impunity’, commented Statkevich.

Amnesty International calls on Alexander Lukashenka to grant clemency to Vasil Yuzepchuk

08.10.2009 Amnesty International calls on Alexander Lukashenka to grant clemency to Vasil Yuzepchuk

Amnesty International has urged the President of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenka to grant clemency to a man who may be facing imminent execution.

Soldiers will be punished for membership in political parties?

08.10.2009 Soldiers will be punished for membership in political parties?

Conscript soldiers must suspend membership in political parties from the moment of conscription till the end of the service in the Armed Forces of Belarus, stated the defense minister Leanid Maltsau.

Rally of trade union activists in Minsk

08.10.2009 Rally of trade union activists in Minsk

Activists of the Democratic Trade Unions Congress held a rally dedicated to the World Day of Struggle for Decent Labor in the 50-hoddzia Kastrychika Park.

Terms of investigation of disappearance of Yury Zakharanka extended again

08.10.2009 Terms of investigation of disappearance of Yury Zakharanka extended again

As the BelaPAN informs with reference to the human rights activist Aleh Vouchak, the investigation of disappearance of former interior minister of Belarus Yury Zakharanka has been extended till 24 December.

Valiantsin Stefanovich: situation of human rights during the last six months leads to deplorable conclusions

07.10.2009 Valiantsin Stefanovich: situation of human rights during the last six months leads to deplorable conclusions

Recently mass media have started publishing the statements by some European officials about the positive tendencies and the political liberalization in our country. In particular, at the beginning of this week Jose Manuel Pinto Teixeira, Head of the European Commission Representation in Ukraine and Belarus, talked about ‘a certain progress’ on the democratization of Belarus. How do the Belarusian human rights activists evaluate the situation in the country on the eve of the consideration of renewal of the sanctions of the EU towards the official Minsk? You can learn about it from our interview with the representative of the Human Rights Center Viasna Valiantsin Stefanovich.

Barysau: independent journalist lost the trial

07.10.2009 Barysau: independent journalist lost the trial

On 7 October in the morning Barysau district court pronounced the verdict on the honor and dignity protection lawsuit of V.Pratasevich, editor of the newspaper of Barysau executive committee Adzinstva against the Bukas Media Center enterprise and the journalist V.Nikitski.

Pressurization of Union of Poles in disgrace continues

07.10.2009 Pressurization of Union of Poles in disgrace continues

In Ivianets officers of law enforcement agencies pressurize members of the disgraced Union of Poles in Belarus, headed by Anzhalika Borys.

Thousands of Belarusians ask Russian president to stop negotiations on NPP

07.10.2009 Thousands of Belarusians ask Russian president to stop negotiations on NPP

More than five thousands of Belarusian citizens signed the address to the president of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, asking the official to stop the negotiations on constructing a nuclear power plant in Belarus.

BCD Party denied premises for founding congress

07.10.2009 BCD Party denied premises for founding congress

The organizing committee of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party has received the first refusals of premises for holding the founding congress.

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