News for July 2009

Detention on Lithuanian border

09.07.2009 Detention on Lithuanian border

After participation in a rally dedicated to memory of abducted cameraman Zmitser Zavadski the activist of the Young Democrats Raman Bahdanovich encountered problems at the Belarusian border. He was detained by Belarusian border guards.

09.07.2009 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in June 2009

June was marked by trials of the politically motivated criminal cases against participants of the 'Process of 14' and human rights defender Leanid Svetsik. The under-aged Maksim Dashuk was punished with 15 months of personal restraint without direction to open penitentiary institution. Despite the adoption of the law on amnesty, only one participant of the 'Process of 14', Mikhail Pashkevich, was amnestied. Personal restraint was replaced with twice larger terms of corrective labor for two other participants of the 'Process of 14', Ales Charnyshou and Ales Straltsou.

08.07.2009 Human Rights Center 'Viasna' demands immediate release of Artsiom Dubski

On 7 July 2009 Asipovichy district court sentenced the youth activist Artsiom Dubski to one year of imprisonment in a general regime colony. Artsiom was taken to the pre-trial prison right after the announcement of the verdict.

Baranavichy: legal lynching of beaten entrepreneur Volha Minko

08.07.2009 Baranavichy: legal lynching of beaten entrepreneur Volha Minko

On 6 July the court of Baranavichy and Baranavichy district considered the administrative case against the entrepreneurs Volha Minko, brought under Article 23.4 of the Administrative Code – ‘insubordination to an official on duty’.

Mahiliou: rent for human rights defenders is raised tenfold

08.07.2009 Mahiliou: rent for human rights defenders is raised tenfold

Mahiliou authorities have abolished the preferential office rent coefficient for Mahiliou Human Rights Center, Mahiliou regional branch of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee and Mahiliou city charitable association Otklik.

Homel: journalist detained for covering mass action of protest

08.07.2009 Homel: journalist detained for covering mass action of protest

On 8 July in the morning in Homel people in mufti detained a member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists, independent journalist Aleh Razhkou.

Mikalai Autukhovich has been hungering for 82 days already

08.07.2009 Mikalai Autukhovich has been hungering for 82 days already

Youth activists continue actions in support of the political prisoner Mikalai Autukhovich, who is on hunger strike for the 84th day in pre-trial detention facility #1 of the police department of Minsk city executive committee.

Belarus is more liberal than ever: political prisoners still exist, while Nazis are amnestied

08.07.2009 Belarus is more liberal than ever: political prisoners still exist, while Nazis are amnestied

A leaders of Homel structure of the Russian National Unity (RNU) in Homel Andrei Nestsiarovich returned to his native city after two years on the run.

Detentions in Brest: police violate ruling of deputy minister of information

08.07.2009 Detentions in Brest: police violate ruling of deputy minister of information

The detained participants of a peaceful picket in the memory of the missing cameraman Zmitser Zavadski spent some hours at the police department where printed materials were seized.

08.07.2009 Veterans of Afghan war sue ‘Sovetskaya Belorussiya’

The co-chairmen of the organizing committee of the association of Afghan war veterans Defenders of Fatherland Aleh Vouchak and Alexander Kamarouski have filed two suits against the newspaper of the presidential administration of Lukashenka, Sovetskaya Belorussiya to Savetski district court of Minsk.

Ales Bialiatski: ‘Trial of Maxim Dashuk is disgraceful political process’

08.07.2009 Ales Bialiatski: ‘Trial of Maxim Dashuk is disgraceful political process’

On 7 June Asipovichy district court sentenced the participant of the ‘Process of 14’ Artsiom Dubski to one year in jail. Artsiom Dubski was recognized prisoner of conscience by Amnesty International.

08.07.2009 Minsk: Afghan war veteran Kanstantsin Ulanau arrested in connection with Mikalai Autukhovich’s case

On 8 June the Afghan war veteran Kanstantsin Ulanau was detained by officers of the Chief directorate on organized crime combat of the Interior Ministry of Belarus.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuses to register Belarusian representation of BelSat TV

08.07.2009 Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuses to register Belarusian representation of BelSat TV

The official reason is that one more document is needed to register the TV channel.

Vitsebsk: prosecutor demands two years of imprisonment for human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

08.07.2009 Vitsebsk: prosecutor demands two years of imprisonment for human rights defender Leanid Svetsik

On 8 July at the hearings of the criminal case against the human rights defender Leanid Svetsik at Vitsebsk oblast court the prosecutor asked the judge to punish the defendant with two years in jail.

BELARUSIAN LIBERALIZATION: you distribute anti-crisis program, we fine you

07.07.2009 BELARUSIAN LIBERALIZATION: you distribute anti-crisis program, we fine you

Judge of Leninski district court of Hrodna A.Bialinski fined the members of Hrodna branch of the Young Front Yauhen Hatalski and Yauhen Shvaba 175 000 rubles for distribution of leaflets with anti-crisis program.

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