News for June 2008

19.06.2008 Another claim sent to UN HR Committee

According to human rights activist Raman Kisliak, BPF member Siarhei Lazenka has filed an individual claim to the UN Human Rights Committee. The activist was detained on 19 August 2007 during an open session of BPF Brest regional office.

19.06.2008 More trials in Druzhnaie

Another resident of the Village Druzhnaie (Minsk region) is charged with holding an unauthorized action in protest against the construction of a highly toxic chemical plant in the neighbourhood.

19.06.2008 Court denies journalists’ rights

According to an official letter from judge Husakova, the Narodnaia volia newspaper will not be able to sue Belarusian parliamentary officials for denying accreditation to its journalist Maryna Koktysh.

13.06.2008 New cases of labor discrimination

Leanid Autukukhou, opposition activist from the town of Haradok, was not rehabilitated at job by court. He sued against his dismissal because of the expiry of the working contract, but he was not supported by the judge, the prosecutor or the official trade union.

13.06.2008 More than 2.5 thousand signatures against construction of nuclear power station in Belarus

Representatives of the antinuclear public initiative in Horki distract of Mahiliou oblast have collected more than 2.5 thousand signatures against the construction of a nuclear power station in Belarus. BelaPAN was informed about it by the press-secretary of the initiative Eduard Brokarau.

13.06.2008 Human rights activists start campaign on election monitoring

On 12 June the press-conference of human rights activists connected with the beginning of the monitoring of the upcoming parliamentary election has taken at the office of the republican human rights association Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

13.06.2008 Anatol Liabedzka to pay for ‘European March’?

The court of Tsentralny district of Minsk informed Anatol Liabedzka, chairman of the United Civil Party, about the beginning of the procedure of exacting 2 242 770 rubles for the benefit of the Horremautador, enterprise of Minsk city execute committee. The court considered this sum equal to the harm which had been allegedly inflicted to the enterprise by participants of the European March. In the case he does not pay the whole sum in the due time (seven days) Liabedzka’s property can be confiscated by court marshals.

13.06.2008 Polatsk: Dzianis Khaberau taken to police station again

On 13 June the Dzianis Khaberau, activist of the Young Front, was taken to the police station again. A report for repeated participation in unauthorized action is drawn on him.

13.06.2008 Baranavichy: 'Young Front' activist Yaraslau Hryshchenia gets fined

On 11 June at 4 a.m. in Baranavichy the police detained Yaraslau Hryshchenia for distribution of leaflets ‘Freedom to Kim’ and took him to the police station. There a report under Article 23.4 of the Administrative Code, ‘insult of officer on duty’ was drawn on him.

13.06.2008 Alexander Atroshchankau faces heart problems in prison

On 13 June the lawyer Vera Stramkouskaya visited the public activist Alexander Atroshchankau in the remand prison in Akrestsin Street.

13.06.2008 Pavel Nazdra is not drafted for short-term military training?

Pavel Nazdra, member of the organizing committee for the establishment of the Belarusian Christian Democracy Party, was to have been drafted for short-term military training. The activist said it could be linked with the upcoming electoral campaign.

13.06.2008 Mikhail Marynich: I am not going to take part in the parliamentary election

Mikhail Marynich, former political prisoner and ex-minister answered the questions of the Narodnaya Volia newspaper.

12.06.2008 Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders expresses its grave concern with persecution of Leanid Svetsik

The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, a joint programme of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), requests your urgent intervention in the following situation in *Belarus*.

12.06.2008 Youth activists are haunted by military enlistment offices

The military enlistment offices have started to summon activists of different youth organizations for medical examination with the aim of drafting them to army service.

12.06.2008 Political prisoner Parsiukevich kept in quarantine department of Shklou colony

The lawyer Vera Stramkouskaya has met with her client, political prisoner Siarhei Parsiukevich, kept in the quarantine department of Shklou colony. He will be kept in the quarantine till 16 June.

June 2008

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