News for December 2007

05.12.2007 Vitsebsk: Siarhei Kavalenka’s Complaint Turned down

The judge of Vitsebsk regional court Anatol Redzko did not grant the cassation complaint that was filed by the public activist Siarhei Kavalenka against the fine that had been issued to him by Vitsebsk district court for participation in an unauthorized mass action.

05.12.2007 Minsk: Activist Detained for EU Ribbons

On 4 December an activist of the For Freedom movement Volha Huliakevich was detained near the 'Brest' supermarket for tying blue ribbons to the lampposts along the Hazeta Zviazda Avenue.

05.12.2007 EU Will Attentively Watch Charhinets Vs. ‘Novy Chas’ Case

The European Union is watching a libel case against the private newspaper 'Novy Chas', Cristina Gallach, spokesperson for EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana, told the BelaPAN.

05.12.2007 Polatsk: Katsiaryna Salauyova Expelled from Polatsk State University

Today the official order for Katsyaryna Salauyova’s expulsion from Polatsk State University has been signed. The activist’s group mates began to gather signatures in her support.

04.12.2007 Belarusian Customs Officers Check-up Journalists’ Laptops

In the night of 1-2 December at the frontier point 'Tserakhava' on the Ukrainian border the Belarusian customs officers took away for a check-up the laptop that belonged to the journalist of Radio 'Racyja' Aliaksei Minchonak. Minchonak was returning from a press tour across the Ukrainian part of Chernobyl zone.

04.12.2007 Brest Oblast: 117 against Repeal of Benefits

The activists of Brest regional coalition of democratic forces have submitted to the authorities 117 applications for authorization of pickets against the repeal of social benefits. 65 applications were filed in Brest, 37 – in Brest district, 11 – in Baranavichy and 4 – in Belaaziorsk.

04.12.2007 Masty: Ales Zarembiuk Summonsed to Police

The democratic activist Ales Zarembiuk is summonsed to Masty district police department in connection with Aliaksandr Milinkevich’s visit to the town. Milinkevich was in Masty on 4 November and discussed social issued with those who came to meet with him.

03.12.2007 No Threat to Klimau’s Security?

The punishment department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has considered the application of the chair of the National committee of the united democratic forces Anatol Liabedzka concerning the conditions of Andrei Klimau’s incarceration.

03.12.2007 ‘Young Front’ Reminds about Political Prisoners

Once again the 'Young Front' activists carried out a campaign to inform the population about the situation with political prisoners.

03.12.2007 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in October 2007

On 14 October a democratic street action ‘European March’ took place in Belarus. Its aim was to demonstrate the European choice of the Belarusian society. On 9 October Minsk city executive committee permitted the action, but, as it usually happens in Belarus, changed the place of assembly and the destination of the procession. At first the organizers intended to gather the action participants at 2 p.m. in Kastrychnitskaya Square and lead the procession along the Independent Avenue to the National Library. Minsk city executive committee insisted on change of the route and proposed the traditional one: from the Academy of Sciences to Bangalore Square.

03.12.2007 Vitsebsk: Picketing Permitted at City’s Outskirts

Recently the chair of Vitsebsk office of the Belarusian Helsinki Committee Pavel Levin has applied to Vitsebsk city executive committee for authorization of a picket. He intended to hold the action on 10 December and dedicate it to the Universal Day of Human Rights.

03.12.2007 Mahiliou Authorities Receive About 40 Applications for Pickets against Repeal of Benefits

Recently about 40 applications for authorization of social pickets have been sent to the authorities. These applications were filed on behalf of private individuals, not political parties or NGOs.

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