News for August 2007

09.08.2007 Review-Chronicle of Human Rights Violations in Belarus in June 2007

In June the Belarusian authorities again clearly showed their reluctance to change their course and initiate any democratic transformations in the country. Parole to several political prisoners and mild sentences on the criminal case against five members of Young Front were just an attempt to simulate democratization in response to insistent demands of the US and the EU. In fact, fundamental changes are impossible within a totalitarian system as they lead to its collapse. That’s why in June the authorities stopped concessions and continued the policy of bans, intimidation and suppression of freedoms and liberties. The Parliament did not receive the draft law on amnesty during its last session. As a result this issue will remain unsolved till the autumn session.

09.08.2007 Ecologists Indignant at New TV Project by Aliaksandr Zimouski

A group of activists of the Belarusian ecological movement has distributed an appeal to the population concerning the advertisement of murders of wild animals in the National Parks on the Belarusian TV. A reason for the protest became a video by the Agency of Television News (ATN), called Belavezhskaye Safari. On 30 July 2007 it was shown on the 1st Belarusian TV channel as a part of Aliaksandr Zimouski’s project National Parks of Belarus.

09.08.2007 About 600 Citizens of Biaroza Sign against Neighboring Chemical Plant

On 20 July the first line of Frandesa factory for production of herbicides, pesticides and insecticides was opened in Biaroza. The founding capital comes from Israel. At present the factory produces only Shkval herbicide, but soon five more kinds of chemicals, elaborated by the Academy of Sciences, will be produced there. The factory also plans to export the chemicals.

09.08.2007 Navapolatsk: Police Detain Aliaksei Trubkin

Today in the night the police have detained the youth activist Aliaksei Trubkin in Alimpiyskaya Street in Navapolatsk. They searched him without any explanations and found several stickers in his bag. Then they took him to the police station and composed an administrative report for distribution printed materials without output data.

09.08.2007 Hrodna: Franak Viachorka Is Justified

On 8 August Leninski borough administrative commission of Hrodna considered an administrative report which had been composed against the youth activist Franak Viachorka on 9 July. That day he was detained for watching how people posted stickers against destruction of architectural monuments in Hrodna.

09.08.2007 Minsk: Pavel Baranouski and Aliaksei Shydlouski Put Behind Bars again

The youth activist Aliaksei Shydlouski has been sentenced to five more days of jail. He was taken to Partyzanski borough court of Minsk right from the detention center where he was serving his 15-day arrest.

09.08.2007 Chamber of Representatives Gives Official Answer to Belarusian Association of Journalists

On 4 July the Belarusian association of Journalists sent to the Chamber of Representatives of the National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus a request to clear some provisions of article 10 of the law On press and other media, according to which a mass media needed to have agreement of the local authorities to placement of its legal address in order to be registered.

08.08.2007 Smaliavichy: Court Justifies Activists Accused of 'Dirty Swearing'

On 7 August in in the central square of Smaliavichy (a town in Minsk region) the action 'Where's The Light?' was held. The matter is that about three months ago the town authorities have turned off the street lamps in order to save the electricity. About 60 persons took part in the action, including both democratic activists and ordinary citizens.

08.08.2007 Siarhei Haidukevich Asks EU to Check Grants of Belarusian Opposition

A special representative of Belarus in European organizations, chair of the Belarusian Liberal Democratic Party Siarhei Haidukevich asked the European Union to check the grants that are given for support of the Belarusian opposition. He also spoke about ‘incorrect elucidation’ of the transformation processes in Belarus by the European media.

08.08.2007 Minsk: Police Detain Siarzhuk Semianiuk and Iryna Smiayan

On 7 August near Uruchcha tube station activists of BPF Youth handed out leaflets to congratulate people with the 490th anniversary of the issue of the first book on the territory of Belarus by the pioneer of printing Frantsysk Skaryna. All in all, about 700 leaflets were distributed.

08.08.2007 USA Impose New Sanctions against State Authorities of Belarus

In the year since President Bush issued Presidential Proclamation 8015 concerning Belarus, the regime of Aliaksandr Lukashenka has continued to imprison and harass persons for speaking out in favor of democracy, holding peaceful demonstrations, and opposing the repressive policies of the regime. Despite some initial minor easing this spring of repressive measures, we have seen a renewed deterioration in the human rights and democracy situation in Belarus in the past few weeks.

07.08.2007 First Victory of Mahiliou Donors in Struggle for Benefits

According to a honorary donor, one of the founders of the Fund of Plasma and Blood Donors Drop of Life Ihar Kavalenka, the Soviet of Ministers decided to preserve 40% pension bonus to donors. It is one of the reasons because of which the donors will now abstain from a termless strike. However, the question of termless strike is still open and will be discussed at an assembly of donors.

07.08.2007 BPF Youth Try to Break through Wall of Official Prohibitions

Minsk officials persistently continue prohibiting pickets against repeal of benefits. However, one of Minsk citizens decided to break through this wall. It is Siarzhuk Semianiuk, deputy chair of the council of the youth wing Belarusian People’s Front, BPF Youth.

07.08.2007 Brest: Trade Union Holds Picket against Repeal of Social Benefits

The picket was held by the Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronic Trade. According to the trade union’s press secretary Mikalai Herasimenka, the picket was authorized by the authorities and took place at Lakamatyu stadium, 4.30 to 7 p.m. At 5 p.m. there gathered about 25 persons of different age and social background: students, workers and pensioners, including several representatives of the Party of Communists of Belarus. The picketers protested also against the increase of the fees for public utilities, the contract system and low pensions.

07.08.2007 Single Mother and Her Daughter to Become Homeless Because of Presidential Decree?

Everyday Natallia Kastsianevich and her 12-year-old daughter Ania wake up with the thought that they soon can become homeless as the state takes away their two-room apartment in Pryshynskikh Street in Minsk.

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