News on the topic: local council elections-2010

16.03.2010 Human Rights Defenders for Free Elections: Formation of precinct election commissions

According to Article 34 of the Election Code of the Republic of Belarus, precinct commissions for elections to local Soviets of Deputies are formed by district and city executive committees (and city district executive committees in the cities with district subdivisions) not later than 45 days prior to the Election Day and must comprise 5-19 members. The number of persons at a precinct election commission can be increased or decreased if necessary.

16.03.2010 Democratic candidates file documents for registration as candidates for local Soviets throughout Belarus (updated)

On 15 March, member of the Belarusian Popular Front Viktar Miaziak filed documents for registration as a candidate for the Baranavichy city Soviet of Deputies at Baranavichy city election constituency #18. Viktar Tsiapin, a member of the Belarusian Party of Leftists Fair World, filed documents for registration as a candidate at constituency #18 and Aliaksandr Halkevich, another member of Fair World – at election constituency #23. Anzhela Kambalava, a representative of the United Civil Party, filed documents for registration as a candidate to the Baranavichy oblast Soviet of Deputies at the Baranavichy north-west election constituency #15.

16.03.2010 Brest city election commission demonstrates weird understanding of transparency

Human rights defender Uladzimir Vialichkin, an observer at the Brest city election commission, addressed the duty officials of the commission with the request to look through the protocols of its sittings. By this time the commission had already adopted a number of decisions including the determination of boundaries of precincts, expenditures of members of the commissions and categories of such expenditures. The state assigns the financial means for elections from the taxes that are paid by its citizens. That’s why the latter ones have the right to know how these means are used by election commissions.

16.03.2010 Polatsk: Belarusization at a separate election constituency?

In Polatsk, representatives of the Belarusian Party of Leftists Free World had to fill the blanks of applications for registration of their candidacies for the elections in the local Soviets of Deputies of the 26th Convocation, because representatives of the constituency stated that the blanks should be composed in the Belarusian language.

16.03.2010 Orsha: humanitarian mission of Red Cross pervades town precincts

The information about the composition of the precinct election commissions in Orsha can provoke many questions among the people who aren’t familiar with peculiarities of the Belarusian election system.

16.03.2010 Composition of election commissions didn’t change much in Polatsk

The state press has published information about the precinct election commissions of Polatsk. The composition of the commissions didn’t change much compared to the last two years (since the parliamentary elections 2008).

Baranavichy procuracy takes position of mailman

16.03.2010 Baranavichy procuracy takes position of mailman

Observer Siarhei Housha came to the conclusion that the procuracy evades from implementing its duties.

16.03.2010 Vitsebsk oblast: 12 representatives of opposition parties included in precinct commissions

According to information of the Vitsebsk oblast executive committee, 923 precinct commissions comprising 11,287 persons were formed in the oblast. 375 (3.3%) of them are state officers, 1,430 (12.7%) are younger than 30 and 7,646 (67.7%) are women. There are no citizens of the Russian Federation among members of the commissions.

16.03.2010 Mahiliou: there are no reasons for non-inclusion of democratic representatives in precinct commissions

83 precinct election commissions were established in the Leninski district of Mahiliou. 5 of them were established on the territory of special institutions. 78 were established at usual precincts and consist of 15 persons. The Kastrychnitski district has 69 precinct commissions, 5 of which are on the territory of special institutions. Of the remaining 64 commissions, 21 commissions have 13 members, 8 commissions – 14 members, 32 commissions – 15 persons, 1 commission – 16 persons and 1 commission – 17 persons.

16.03.2010 Brest oblast: opposition representatives are included in precinct commissions at constituencies where opposition candidates won’t run

The formation of precinct election commissions is over. Heads of the regional structures of opposition parties state that there’s a general tendency not to include opposition representatives in the precinct commissions belonging to the constituencies where opposition candidates intend to run.

16.03.2010 Barysau: no possibility to appeal against decision on formation of precinct commissions

The Barysau authorities took unprecedented measures for concealing their decision on the formation of the Barysau district executive committee (DEC) on the formation of precinct election commissions and their composition.

16.03.2010 Svislach: opposition activists are excluded from district election commissions

An unprecedented case in the history of electoral process has been recorded in the district center Svislach in the Hrodna oblast.

15.03.2010 Week of election campaign: numbers, events and comments

The last week completely discredited the myth about the 'liberalization' of the election process in Belarus. The results of one of the most important stages of the campaign, the formation of precinct election commissions, just confirmed the pessimistic prognoses of the country's democratic community: the authorities retain the control over the poll. The representation of the democratic community in the precinct election commissions is scanty.

14.03.2010 Mazyr: Uladzimir Tseliapun asks prosecutor to check the legality of formation of election commissions

On 12 March Uladzimir Tseliapun, representative of the Homel oblast council of the Belarusian Popular Front Party, addressed V.Sushcheuski, prosecutor of the Mazyr district, with a complaint about a violation of the election law.

14.03.2010 Hrodna: BHC observer Sviatlana Rudkouskaya is threatened with fine again

The woman is Chairperson of building and loan association #8 for four years and hasn’t had any admonitions or even minor remarks concerning her work from the side of the Leninski district executive committee in Hrodna, but got in trouble after her nomination as an independent observer at the Praletarskaya constituency election commission #17.

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