News on the topic: elections-2008

14.08.2008 Vitsebsk: ‘Vitsbichy’ newspaper continues early agitation for pro-governmental candidates

The state newspaper Vitsbichy , #92 for 12 August 2008m, features an article about Alexander Lasiakin, who intends to run at Kastrychnitskaya constituency #20 in Vitsebsk. The very name of the article: ‘We will do it all, no problems!’ can be considered as Lasiakin’s electoral promise.

14.08.2008 Vitsebsk: first sitting of precinct commission held in secret

The time and place of the first sittings of the precinct commissions of the village constituency #21, Chkalauskaya constituency #18 and Kastrychnitskaya constituency #20 of Vitsebsk were kept in strict secret.

14.08.2008 Malaryta: commission has not been formed yet, but already has a chairman

On 7 August a human rights activist Uladzimir Malei addressed Malaryta district executive committee with the electors’ statement for his nomination to Malaryta Chyrvonaarmeiski precinct commission #62 at Mukhavets constituency #4.

14.08.2008 Hrodna oblast: no opposition members in precinct commissions

Some of the commissions refused to provide any information on inclusion of representatives of the united democratic forces. According to preliminary information none of the opposition’s nominees were included in the precinct commissions of Hrodna oblast.

14.08.2008 Brest: seven oppositionists included in precinct commissions

In Brest 7 out of 111 nominated democratic candidates have become members of precinct commissions for elections to the Chamber of Representatives.

14.08.2008 Barysau electoral district #62: candidates of United Civil Party not included in local electoral commissions

On 13 August Pavel Zhuha, the head of the personnel department of Barysau district executive committee, informed a member of the United Civil Party Viktar Harbachou (who intends to run at Barysau town electoral district #62 that none of 45 candidates from the United Civil Party had been included in the local electoral commissions in this electoral district.

14.08.2008 Krychau: police trying to find out whether Niarouny drinks vodka

Recently Siarzhuk Niarouny, the chief editor of a non-state newspaper Volny Horad, filed a complaint against the actions of the officers of Krychau district police department.

14.08.2008 Svetlahorsk: no oppositionists at local electoral commissions

In Svetlahorsk district not a single representative of the united democratic forces was included in the local electoral commissions. This information was given to a member of Siarhei Daineka’s initiative group Sviatlana Mikhalchanka by the deputy head of the district electoral commission Uladzimir Kukar.

14.08.2008 Baranavichy: 'Nash Krai' writes about pro-governmental candidates only

Issue #94 for 12 August 2008 of the Nash Krai newspaper (founded by Baranavichy city and district Soviets of deputies and the Baranavichy city and district executive committees) contains an article about a present deputy of the Chamber of Representatives, director general of the state enterprise Brestautadar Uladzimir Maisiuk, who is running at electoral district #7.

14.08.2008 Baranavichy: no information for observers

On 12 August an observer of Helsinki Committee Viktar Tsiapin addressed the head of the personnel department of Baranavichy city executive committee Aleh Savos with the requirement to inform him about the time and place of the sitting of Baranavichy city executive committee and the presidium of Baranavichy city Soviet of deputies on forming of the local electoral commissions.

14.08.2008 Baranavichy: 'Nash Krai' writes about pro-governmental candidates only

Issue #94 for 12 August 2008 of the Nash Krai newspaper (founded by Baranavichy city and district Soviets of deputies and the Baranavichy city and district executive committees) contains an article about a present deputy of the Chamber of Representatives, director general of the state enterprise Brestautadar Uladzimir Maisiuk, who is running at electoral district #7.

14.08.2008 Ashmiany: police draw violation report on Ivan Kruk

On 19 July police confiscated from Ivan Kruk leaflets with a public statement of the united democratic forces on one side and a photo of Kruk on the other. Ivan Kruk states that these leaflets had no relation to the elections and even complained about the confiscation to the procuracy.

14.08.2008 Orsha: pro-governmental candidate gives his electoral promises

According to independent observers the mass media of Orsha district conduct active early agitation for pro-governmental candidates to the Chamber of Representatives.

14.08.2008 Minsk: pressurization of nominees to local electoral commissions increases

A potential candidate at Minsk south-western electoral district #99 Yury Karetnikau stated about the increase in pressurization of the members of his initiative group who had nominated their candidacies to the local electoral commissions belonging to this electoral district.

14.08.2008 Mahiliou: members of district electoral commission #87 did not collect members for their nomination

The member of the republican human rights organization Belarusian Helsinki Committee held an independent investigation and concluded that members of district electoral commission #87 were nominated by collection of signatures without collecting such signatures at all. She paid visits to the places where the commission members had allegedly collected signatures for their nomination to the commission.

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