News on the topic: trials

26.05.2009 Oppositionists went to law against city executive committee

Pro-democracy activists from Homel demand to declare illegitimate the decision of the city executive committee to ban a meeting dedicated to the 23th anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear power station disaster.

On May 25 Arkadzy Kaluhin, a judge of the Central court of Homel, postponed consideration of the suit proceedings in the action of pro-democracy activists Uladzimir Katsora and Uladzimir Syakerka against city executive committee concerning illegal banning the rally dedicated to the Chernobyl nuclear power station disaster anniversary, Radio Svaboda informs.

25.05.2009 Participants of anti-nuclear rally stand trial in Lida

Today, on 25 May Lida Town Court fined a Young Front activist Hanna Bunko BYR 70,000 for participating in the 25 April anti-nuclear action, issuing a warning to another participant of the rally and a European Belarus member Yauhen Rudy. Another activist Yauhen Skrabets had been sentenced to 1 day of imprisonment a few days earlier. According to Ms.Bunko, two policemen testified against the teenagers. ‘He said I was too young so they will just warn me this time,’ said Yahen Rudy. The activists were arrested on 25 April in the town of Lida, as they were holding a banner ‘No to the New Chernobyl!’ and distributing leaflets with information on the danger of the construction of the new nuclear power plant in Belarus.

22.05.2009 Court turns down claim by BPF Hrodna office

Hrodna Regional Court has considered the complaint against the decision by the Ministry of Justice to deny registration to the Belarusian Popular Front’s Hrodna Regional Office. The interests of the party were represented by the BPF’s central office senior secretary Uladzimer Labkovich and member of the party’s Soim Yury Chavusau. The trial was bore a strong resemblance to the one held a few hours before, when similar complaint by the BPF ‘Adradzhennie’ was considered.

21.05.2009 Court demands data on trade union activists

According to, Homel Tsentralny Court asks for detailed information on the participants of the constituent congress of the Radio-Electronic Industry Independent Trade Union’s local office, as part of the hearings concerning the refusal to register the organization by local authorities. Judge Shytsikau requires that the activists provide information on the occupation, both current and former, certified by authoritative references. According to the organization’s head Henadz Fiadynich, it is the first time the Belarusian judiciary demands similar data. ‘Courts can inquire about any kind of information, but why examine them through a magnifying glass?’ says the trade union leader.

21.05.2009 Oppositionist Paliakou to be tried for participating in Zakharanka memorial rally

Yesterday, on 20 May, Vasil Paliakou, head of UCPB Homel Regional Office, was visited by a police representative captain Shukel. According to Mr.Paliakou, the conversation looked like an interrogation, for the policeman drew up a record and later charged the Politian with violating Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code for participating in an unauthorized General Yury Zakharanka memorial picket on 7 May in front of the building of Homel regional police department. As a result, Vasil Paliakou may face a fine or an imprisonment of up to 15 days.

21.05.2009 Trial over Tamara Shchapiotkina remitted

According to RFE/RL, the independent journalist Tamara Shchapiotkina, detained by Biaroza town police during a picket on 26 April, will have to appear in court on 29 May, following her request to hear several police witnesses of the arrest. The journalist is accused of violating Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code – ‘disturbing public order during mass actions. According to the famous Brest human rights activist Raman Kisliuk, ‘the arrest is the violation of her right to free expression of opinions.’

18.05.2009 Human rights activist to stand trial for organizing rally at anniversary of Chernobyl disaster

An administrative case of Tamara Shchapyotkina, public and human rights activist from Byaroza, is to take place in the Byaroza district court at 4.00 p.m. May 20.

The activist is accused of violation of the rules of organizing and holding a mass street event (part 1, article 23.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences of Belarus), human rights center Viasna reports.

On April 26, during a traditional action “Candle of Memory” timed to an anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster, Tamara Shchapyotkina was detained by militia in Byaroza.

The action “Candle of Memory” has been carried out in Byaroza for the eighth time. It has never been agreed upon with officials, as its format, human rights activists think, doesn’t fall within the law.

18.05.2009 Case against human rights activist Leanid Svetsik reaches trial

Vitsebsk regional prosecutor’s office has submitted the lawsuit against the local human rights activist Leanid Svetsik to Vitsebsk regional court. No details on the trial are known yet. Leanid Svetsik has been accused of fomenting religious strife and libel against President Lukashenka. Mr.Svetsik does not admit his guilt, saying the prosecution is the result of his human rights activities.

30.04.2009 Baranavichy court leaves rally conduction regulations unchanged

Today Baranavichy Town and District Court has considered the claim by the human rights activist Siarhei Housha, lawyer Karnei Piatrovich and For Freedom member Viktar Syrytsa against the decision of 17 January 2006 by the town authorities regulating the procedures of holding mass actions. Judge Mikalai Silmanovich resolved to turn down the claim. According to Siarhei Housha, the decision virtually outlaws any mass actions in the town. It violates both the Law on Mass Actions and the Belarusian Constitution, as well as the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights ratified by Belarus. The activists say they are going to appeal the verdict at a superior judicial body.

17.04.2009 Participants of Solidarity Day rally fined

According to human rights activists Uladzimir Malei and Raman Kisliak, Brest Leninski Court has fined several participants of yesterday’s Solidarity Day rally in Brest, after they had spent the night in a pre-trial prison. During the sitting of the court, youth activists Yauhen Skrabets, Uladzimir Sheleh, Natallia Hahaliuk, Katsiaryna Ishchyk and Ilaryion Kasianchuk admitted that they were holding a banner ‘Freedom to Political Prisoners’ in downtown Brest on 16 April to attract public attention to the issue. As a result they were convicted of violating the procedures of holding mass actions (Part 1 of Article 23.34 of the Administrative Code) and fined BYR 70,000 each.

26.03.2009 Vitsebsk dwellers to stand trials for Freedom Day celebrating

Syarhei Kavalenka, Ihar Bazarau, Valer Alyaksandrau, Leanid Autukhou, and Alyaksandr Kuznyatsou will stand trials for participating in actions on March 25.

The cases of the five activists are to be considered by the Kastrychnitski district court of Vitsebsk today, Radio Svaboda reports.

23.03.2009 Artur Finkevich got 0.5-million fine

The Savetski district court of Minsk fined youth activist Artur Finkevich of 525,000 Belarusian rubles.

A judgement against Artur Finkevich was delivered by judge of the Savetski district court of Minsk Lyudmila Savastsyan.

Leader of the initiative “Young Belarus” is satisfied with the court decision, for, according to him, he will be able to take part in demonstration on Freedom Day, March 25.

25.02.2009 Arrested leaders of market vendors denied defence

Family members of the political prisoners Yury Lyavonau, Mikalay Autukhovich and Uladzimir Asipenka have been denied a right to act as defence lawyers of the arrested businessmen.

As the press-centre of the Charter’97 has been informed by the Belarusian lawyer Aleh Vouchak, investigator prohibited close relatives of the leaders of entrepreneurs represent their interests as lawyers.

“Alena Autukhovich, Yuliya Lyavonava and Liudmila Asipenka have addressed the investigator Kukharchyk in connection with the fact that false information started to appear in mass media about involvement of the arrested businessmen to some “armed organised grouping”. Some publications stated that during the search firearms and explosives were found in their flats. However, these objects haven’t been recorded in the documents,” the lawyer said.

As said by Aleh Vouchak, in connection with “the flow of lies and provocative information” families decided to act as defence of the arrested.

19.02.2009 Participant of Process of 14 faces prison again

The number of political prisoners is increasing in Belarus.

After arrest of Mikalai Autukhovich, Yury Lyavonau, and Uladzimir Asipenka, activist of the “Young Front” Artsyom Dubski faces up to three years of prison.

On March 3, at 9.30 a.m. Artsyom Dubski, participant of the Process of 14, will stand a trial in the Asipovichy city court.

As the press service of the “Young Front” reports, the oppositionist faces from 6 months to 3 years of imprisonment under Article 415 of the Criminal Code of Belarus allegedly for evading punishment, he got for participation in a protest rally of entrepreneurs.

16.01.2009 Mahiliou entrepreneurs to sue town authorities

Mahiliou Leninski borough court is due to try the case of ex-parliamentary candidate Ihar Kavalenka vs. Mahiliou town authorities. The plaintiff is trying to register an action group to hold a local referendum. Kavalenka claims he is representative of the group. On 30 December judge Tarasava obliged Kavalenka to secure appearance of all the members of the group.

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