News on the topic: trials

17.10.2008 Hooliganism trial in Brest

On 17 October Leninski borough court judge Piotr Babrouski announced the beginning of hearings of the case of 19 so-called ‘hooligans’ which have served various terms for disorderly conduct.

30.07.2008 The Times: Zeltser tortured in KGB jail in Belarus

A closed trial over the case of US lawyer Emanuel Zeltser has begun today in Minsk.

As British The Times writes, Emanuel Zeltser, who once testified on Capitol Hill about the Russian mob, is a key character in a wrangle over the $12billion (£6billion) fortune of a Georgian oligarch found dead at his country home in Surrey.

He was arrested after flying to Belarus and accused of possessing false documents. According to Amnesty International, he has been tortured in custody.

19.06.2008 Pastor tried for holding a mass

Pastor Leanid Akalovich was fined 1,000,000 roubles for consecrating a cross installed in the village of Drazhna (Minsk region) in honour of 25 peaceful people killed by Soviet partisans in 1943.

19.06.2008 More trials in Druzhnaie

Another resident of the Village Druzhnaie (Minsk region) is charged with holding an unauthorized action in protest against the construction of a highly toxic chemical plant in the neighbourhood.

11.04.2008 Trial of fourteen turns trial of ten

Aliaksandr Barazenka, Pavel Vinahradau, Mikhail Subach and Maksim Dashuk will not be tried for participating in the January 10 actions on April 16. They did not have enough time to study the case papers, that is why their trials will start later.

19.03.2008 Kastus Zhukouski punished for greeting cards

Maryna Damnenka, judge of Homel Tsentralny Borough Court, sentenced Kastus Zhukouski, member of Belarusian Christian Democrats’ Party, to 14 days of prison and a fine of 700,000 BYR. He was charged with violating the order of organizing and conducting mass actions and resisting arrest. Maryia Tulzhankova, art college student, was fined 300,000 BYR.

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