News on the topic: human rights defenders

Homel: court rejects lawsuit of human rights defender concerning exaction of moral damages from state budget

05.06.2013 Homel: court rejects lawsuit of human rights defender concerning exaction of moral damages from state budget

On 4 June the Tsentralny District Court of Homel in the name of judge Maryna Damnenka considered the civil case of human rights activist Leanid Sudalenka. The human rights defender filed a lawsuit against the Treasury to get a compensation for moral damage, which he estimates as equal to an MP's salary for four years at office.

Valiantsin Stefanovich reminds Belarusian authorities about international undertakings from UN tribune

04.06.2013 Valiantsin Stefanovich reminds Belarusian authorities about international undertakings from UN tribune

On 4 June the deputy head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" participated in an interactive dialogue about the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus.

Belarusian human rights defenders raise voices in support of Voronezh human rights house

04.06.2013 Belarusian human rights defenders raise voices in support of Voronezh human rights house

The Voronezh Human Rights House has been situated in Tyuryupa Street, 34 for more than 20 years, housing the oldest civic and human rights organizations in the region. This House is well-known in Russia and abroad as one of the largest Russian centers of civic activities, education and youth initiatives.

Brest:UN Human Rights Committee recognizes violation of the personal immunity of Zhana Koush

03.06.2013 Brest:UN Human Rights Committee recognizes violation of the personal immunity of Zhana Koush

The UN Human Rights Committee has taken a decision on a complaint filed by a Brest activist of the Movement "For Freedom", Zhana Koush. The decision states that Belarus violated her right to freedom and personal immunity by unlawful detention.

Ales Bialiatski reelected FIDH Vice President

27.05.2013 Ales Bialiatski reelected FIDH Vice President

Ales Bialiatski, imprisoned leader of the Human Rights Center “Viasna”, has been reelected Vice President of the International Federation for Human Rights. The vote was held today as part of the 38th FIDH Congress hosted by Istanbul.

Russian human rights defenders evicted from office in Voronezh

27.05.2013 Russian human rights defenders evicted from office in Voronezh

Russian human rights defenders urge their colleagues worldwide to show solidarity by sending letters to officials and signing a petition in support of the organizations and their offices.

27.05.2013 Belarusian human rights defenders to speak in UN

Their briefing precedes start of the UN Human Rights Council ordinary session.

Independent journalists refuse to come to Bialynichy DPD

13.05.2013 Independent journalists refuse to come to Bialynichy DPD

Two independent journalists from Mahiliou, Yauhen Hlushkou and Alina Skrabunova, received notices that they needed to come to the Bialynichy District Police Department to police inspector Aliaksandr Yemialyanau at 10 a.m. on 13 May.

UN Rapporteur Miklos Haraszti publishes a report on Belarus

06.05.2013 UN Rapporteur Miklos Haraszti publishes a report on Belarus

The UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus, Miklos Haraszti, has published his first report on the situation of human rights in the country. The document was prepared under the mandate approved by the UN Council on Human Rights, and presented at the Council on 18 April.

"Viasna" urges the authorities to stop the practice of pressurizing civic activists and take measures for the abolishment of Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code

02.05.2013 "Viasna" urges the authorities to stop the practice of pressurizing civic activists and take measures for the abolishment of Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code

The Human Rights Center "Viasna" urges the Belarusian authorities to stop the practice of intimidation and pressurization of civic activists and immediately decriminalize the activity of unregistered organizations.

FIDH and Viasna demand that charges dropped against those convicted after Chernobyl Way March

30.04.2013 FIDH and Viasna demand that charges dropped against those convicted after Chernobyl Way March

FIDH and the Human Rights Center “Viasna” demand that charges against six people, including two journalists, one human rights defender and one activist, be dropped in relation to their engagement in this years annual commemoration of the Chernobyl nuclear accident.

Aleh Hulak: So far we have no reason to consider Andrei Haidukou a political prisoner

26.04.2013 Aleh Hulak: So far we have no reason to consider Andrei Haidukou a political prisoner

The Belarusian Helsinki Committee and the Human Rights Center “Viasna” are concerned about the procedural irregularities in the investigation into the charges brought against Andrei Haidukou.

Viasna’s website resumes work after hacker attack

26.04.2013 Viasna’s website resumes work after hacker attack

Several publications posted on the website of the Human Rights Center “Viasna” were distorted, after hackers gained unauthorized access to the website last evening. The hacker attack affected all the three language versions.

24.04.2013 Prosecutor’s Office issues warning to human rights defender Tamara Siarhei

According to Article 193.1 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus the human rights defender can face up to two years in prison.

Aleh Volchak files complaint to UN Human Rights Committee

22.04.2013 Aleh Volchak files complaint to UN Human Rights Committee

The complaint concerns two short jail terms the human rights defender had to serve in 2012 in the Center for Isolation of Offenders at 36 Akrestsin Street, reports.

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