News on the topic: human rights defenders

UN is requested to take urgent measures in connection with the possible expulsion of Yelena Tonkacheva

04.11.2014 UN is requested to take urgent measures in connection with the possible expulsion of Yelena Tonkacheva

Belarusian human rights organizations appealed to the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, as well as to the UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Belarus with a request to urgently intervene.

Report on the monitoring of “Dziady-2014”

04.11.2014 Report on the monitoring of “Dziady-2014”

The traditional commemorative action in the memory of ancestors, "Dzyady-2014", including a march and a rally, took place on November 2, 2014. The event was organized by the Conservative Christian Party BPF.

Threat to expel human rights activist Elena Tonkacheva from Belaruis is legal lynching reminiscent of Soviet times

04.11.2014 Threat to expel human rights activist Elena Tonkacheva from Belaruis is legal lynching reminiscent of Soviet times

We, representatives of Belarusian and international human rights organizations, consider the actions of the Belarusian authorities aimed at annulment of the residence permit and subsequent expulsion of one of the country's leading human rights activists as politically motivated and aimed at the involuntary termination of Elena Tonkacheva's legitimate human rights activities or creation of significant obstacles in the conduct of such activities.

“We'll try to do everything possible to achieve the review of the annulment of the residence permit”

04.11.2014 “We'll try to do everything possible to achieve the review of the annulment of the residence permit”

Deputy Chairman of the Human Rights Centre "Viasna" Valiantsin Stefanovich expressed his attitude to the decision on cancellation of the residence permit and the consideration of expulsion from the Republic of Belarus of the human rights activist Yelena Tonkacheva, leader of the Centre for Legal Transformation Lawtrend.

Front Line Defenders: Authorities cancel residence permit for human rights defender Ms Elena Tonkacheva as she faces expulsion

04.11.2014 Front Line Defenders: Authorities cancel residence permit for human rights defender Ms Elena Tonkacheva as she faces expulsion

Front Line Defenders believes that the nullification of Elena Tonkacheva's residence permit is disproportionate in relation to the recent traffic violation and that it is directly related to her human rights work.

Let's demonstrate solidarity with Elena Talkachova: petition state bodies with the request to refrain from expelling the human rights activist from the country

04.11.2014 Let's demonstrate solidarity with Elena Talkachova: petition state bodies with the request to refrain from expelling the human rights activist from the country

The Human Rights Centre “Viasna” joins the call of our colleagues from the Center for Legal Transformation Lawtrend to direct petitions to the state agencies with the request not to expel human rights activist Elena Tonkacheva from Belarus.

"Tankachova is doing the work of the Ministry of Justice"

31.10.2014 "Tankachova is doing the work of the Ministry of Justice"

Head of the organization "Legal Assistance to Population" Aleh Volchak expressed his opinion on the annulations of the residence permit and considering the expulsion of the Republic of Belarus human rights defender Tankachova, head of the Center for Legal Transformation - Lawtrend.

"After the expulsion of Alena Tankachova Belarus authorities will only increase the level of nonconfidence to them"

31.10.2014 "After the expulsion of Alena Tankachova Belarus authorities will only increase the level of nonconfidence to them"

The head of the Human rights center "Viasna" and Vice President of FIDH Ales Bialiatski considers the government's decision on deprivation of residence permit and probable expulsion from the country of his colleague Alena Tankachova as reprisals against active human rights defender, who works professionally for the benefit of Belarus.

The founder of "Platform innovation" is arrested

31.10.2014 The founder of "Platform innovation" is arrested

The founder of the human rights organization "Platform innovation" (earlier - "Platform" liquidated by the decision of the Economic Court of Minsk in 2012) Mikhail Zhamchuzhny was arrested in Vitebsk in August, but there still was no information about the reasons for his arrest.

"Dissident" - the first film about Mikhail Kukabaka (video)

30.10.2014 "Dissident" - the first film about Mikhail Kukabaka (video)

The film "Dissident" tells about Mikhail Kukabaka - Belarusian who for his beliefs spent 17 and half years in prisons, cages and closed psychiatric clinics.

State versus human rights defenders – unfair play

28.10.2014 State versus human rights defenders – unfair play

In this briefing paper, Civil Rights Defenders examines the situation of human rights defenders in Belarus and the difficulties they face under the authoritarian rule of President Alexander Lukashenka.

"Living in Truth" of Vaclav Havel translated into Belarusian

27.10.2014 "Living in Truth" of Vaclav Havel translated into Belarusian

In the gallery "Ў" on October 24 took place the presentation of the book of selected essays of Vaclav Havel "Living in Truth." Belarusian version of the book was released by the publishing house "Lohvinau."

Ales Bialiatski: Position of Sweden to Belarus will remain unchanged

23.10.2014 Ales Bialiatski: Position of Sweden to Belarus will remain unchanged

During a working visit to Sweden, the Head of the Human Rights Center "Viasna" and Vice-President of the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) Ales Bialiatski met with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden, Margot Wallström on October 23.

The situation of human rights and the situation of human rights defenders in Belarus will be discussed at the UN General Assembly

21.10.2014 The situation of human rights and the situation of human rights defenders in Belarus will be discussed at the UN General Assembly

The Special Rapporteur on human rights defend¬ers, Michel Forst, is to present his first report to the General Assembly on October 23rd 2014. The Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus, Miklos Harastzi, is to present a thematic report on human rights defenders in Belarus to the General Assembly on October 28.

Join the campaign for the liberation of Pavel Vinahradau!

15.10.2014 Join the campaign for the liberation of Pavel Vinahradau!

The Human Rights Centre "Viasna" encourages colleagues, friends and associates to join the campaign for the liberation of the civil society activist Pavel Vinahradau.

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