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"Tankachova is doing the work of the Ministry of Justice"

2014 2014-10-31T17:33:57+0300 2014-10-31T17:33:57+0300 en The Human Rights Center “Viasna” The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
The Human Rights Center “Viasna”
Aleh Volchak, head of the human rights center "Legal Assistance to Population"

Aleh Volchak, head of the human rights center "Legal Assistance to Population"

Head of the organization "Legal Assistance to Population" Aleh Volchak expressed his opinion on the annulations of the residence permit and considering the expulsion of the Republic of Belarus human rights defender Tankachova, head of the Center for Legal Transformation - Lawtrend.
"I know Alena Tankachova since the time of our studies at the Belarusian State University, she was my classmate. We often worked together on various public activities. At that time appeared our pleasant friendships.

Alena Tankachova occupies a very important niche in the human rights movement in Belarus, she helps to protect the rights of non-governmental organizations, makes a serious monitoring of such violations, is involved in many high-profile political processes, always, as they say, was and is at the forefront. It happened that her words "cut" ears some ministerial officials who don’t like her principled position. Alena actually does a great job that the Ministry of Justice has to do for public organizations. When the state began to massively deny registration of public organizations, namely Tankachova developed legal mechanisms of registration of organizations, many of which now exist and work successfully.
Of course, I hope that Alena could stay in Belarus, together with us, that the government will not take such a shameful move - deportation from the country. I strongly hope so, "- said Aleh Volchak.
The question of expulsion from the territory of Belarus of Alena Tankachova, head of the Center for Legal Transformation - Lawtrend, will be decided on November 5th.

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